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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021


Not to speculate but KCC involves production credit and investment credit that involves non farm activities ... The above Indian express article talks of how the credit has been largely used for other non farm investment more than production purpose ... 

@jagteshwar_sohal25614 I understand that ... But  if you look at the last point under KCC objectives ... Investment credit can be used to buy tractors , build storage facilities ...
But building houses is debatable 

@Aurang_mirasudar true , I was thinking on the same line .... Just shared it to get some perspective



  • Aadhar is 3 only(check Aadhar act)
  • Udhr is all(April Yojana)
  • Fertigation should be 2,3,4(IITk website)
  • Cyberinsurance is all(DSCI doc)

AI is the only one very unclear. And maybe nf debt.

@Caesar Can you post the relevant screenshots of Aadhar Act and DSCI doc?

or Else can you provide the link of those documents I am not able to find the exact document.

Aadhar act definitely talks of benefits from CFI but no where mentions that state cannot enter into contract with the private companies to share data ... And Aadhar not mandatory for insurance .... Again very unclear 

@prachimalik1121311  not sure about the 5th option but 2nd option I e buying tractors is definitely under KCC ambit which helps in farm activities .... Again building houses with kCC is what makes the 5th option unlikely

@Sappling thanks for Ur input ... 


We love UPSC for its Unpredictable nature but looks like in its undeclared war against coaching Institutes , aspirants are made to bear the brunt ... it all started in 2017 with its ambiguous choices and dubious questions , since then UPSC doesn't seem to budge ... Candidates scoring above 110 might just be safe this year , but this element of 40 Days uncertainty that seeps in post preliminary stage will time and again haunt us unless UPSC understands what kind of precedent that it has set by framing such questions .... All this calls for more than Representation window which is just symbolism ....



Please clarify whether statements 1 & 2 do reflect advantages ?? I agree these are true as first related with Happy seeder tech and other with direct plantation of R...but not necessary to link it with z tillage.

I am in favor of option 3 only as it is directly related

Q.63) What is/are the advantage/advantages of zero tillage in agriculture?

  1. Sowing a wheat is possible without burning the residue of previous crop.
  2.  Without the need for nursery of rice saplings direct planting of paddy seeds in the wet soil is possible.
  3. Carbon sequestration in the soil is possible.
  • Select the correct answer using the code given below :
    a) 1 and 2 only
    b) 2 and 3 only
    c) 3 only
    d) 1, 2 and 3

Looking at the previous year UPSC key for AMR ... Anything is possible with this question and Bio Char and also Fertigation 


If I am not wrong Gandhi Irwin pact talks about withdrawal of prosecution of those not involved in any kind of violence and release of all political prisoners participated in CDM .... Even Hindu article on Gandhi Irwin pact talks about the same thing .... Depends on Upsc source of reference ... In all likelihood question would be dropped 


2.66 marks make a huge difference under the prevailing conditions ... But UPSC has its own way to deal with such anamolies ... 

@Equalizer u r right galat ans Diya hai coachings walo ne 

Question has asked rise of pratihara. So I think it should be first bhoj of 7th century.

But all these I noted only after exam.

Great observation .... Looks like UPSC keys will be a shocker this time .... Bhoja and bhoja 1 are two different people indeed

@Equalizer u r right galat ans Diya hai coachings walo ne 

Question has asked rise of pratihara. So I think it should be first bhoj of 7th century.

But all these I noted only after exam.

Great observation .... Looks like UPSC keys will be a shocker this time .... Bhoja and bhoja 1 are two different people indeed

Bhoja 1 is also known by the name of Mihir bhoj.

I know .... But remember the Wellesley card upsc played in 2018 .... Though question clearly mentions mahendrVrm 1 , parantaka 1 but not bhoja ... Though the odds are not in our favour , there are slim chances depending on how UPSC interprets the statement " Rise of pratiharas "





@Rambo93  with all respect, I was only providing how the concept of high powered money works.
And,ifdemand deposits are part of high powered moneythenanswer would be more than amount wala option. I'm 100% sure. 
I haven't cross checked if demand deposits are part of high powered money or not. If it's not, the answer would be different.
Having said that, I don't want to check the fact part of it. I'm assuming it to be the case. 
People can also argue that the transaction is in cash and it is withdrawn, simply money supply increase by same amount. We all know it's not that simple. It's not simple maths question.
Answer lies in if it is high powered money logic.

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