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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Can anybody confirm, are there any new centers added for PRE or Mains

@JackFarmer @LeoMessi  I also feel that 2020 is a washout. Considering what's happening in US & our population, we might see e.g. 40k cases/day in next month or next to it. Also different parties are in power in different states. But looks like this will continue (with lows & high cases cycle) until vaccine comes in market which is unlikely in 2020. So that may prompt govt to go ahead with exams. JEE NEET will clear the clouds. We can't be complacent anyway!!

@sulawesi i think you are not prepared.
1. there will be no vaccine for next 8 to 10 months if it is india wont get it first. america and britain will save their citizen first.
2. corona does not infect only in exams halls. its right there in your vegetables fruits and nearby markets. it can come from anywhere then why only exams to be postponed? dont be hypocrite.
3. come on man live with it exams requires travel upsc gave you option to change your center. if you dont come out of your home even in your city then you should not come out of your home till next year july August when india gets fully vacinated. but i know you are hypocrite you will come out.
4. what about those guys who are reaching 28+ or nearing 30+ ? dont be selfish. october is better than jan 2021 you will see in future when jan 2021 will have 1 crore infections in india at this pace.

so stop all your speculation about exam postponement and behave like a matured competitor.

corona is really dangerous but when war breaks we wont hide in our house and wait for enemy to disappear. enemy has reached at your door steps and these official datas about infections and deaths are only 30 or 40% of real infections

all the best. dont expect a reply

It's true that there won't be any vaccine as against hyped in media. Even if phase-3 trials are successful it will take months to come in the market, specially in india. But at least there has to be some flattening in the curve. (At least spread has to be contained in no of districts... Condition now is we have cases almost in every corner of cities) Right now, if mumbai is getting better , bihar, west bengal etc r going to be worse.

Corona doesn't infect only in exams. But here one doesn't have any safe choice regarding  travel, residence, food etc..All this for one day ...What is the cost to benefit?

I live in MH. In my city (& I think it holds true everywhere), hospitals are billing in not less than 2 lakhs, quarantine centres are in  poor condition. People r under stress more bcoz of this quarantine n hospital bill...This propels them not to take test, hide symptoms. If unemployment is a problem, then in this time this economic costs are also high. No political party is taking any tough stand.

Speaking about vaccines, there accuracy and efficiency is another topic. Availability of vaccine will not do any magic immediately.

What I feel is that this may take 4-5 months more to contain the spread. Corona will not vanish, but then we might have less no of containment zones (actually now I have 2-3 cases in my neighborhood, but only their house is sealed, I can walk through front of the this is also a way containment zones are reducing/no increase...practical though) e.g. now in Germany, Italy, Spain etc, daily no of cases is significantly on lower side and lockdowns r being imposed where second/3rd wave is coming. But how much time it will take nobody knows. Crests and troughs cycle might continue, but gap between must be larger. Active cases rate should go down.


The Commission has come out with a press release on how it managed to ensure movement for interviews despite covid. Simply, states were requested to allow movement across zones for those bearing e summons.

Something similar could be done for prelims, assuming transport is sorted out by then.

Neither will commission be able to provide "sealed kit" to lakhs of candidates nor can it ensure 100% sanitization of so many centres or safety of staff as well. And this is almost impossible without increasing number of centres multifold. Don't think commission can ensure "the highest standards of safety even as it fulfills it's constitutional mandate.." to conduct pre in October if conditions remains same as of now or get worse. 

P.S. : 100% safety cannot be ensured for long time now, but risk has to be very minimal. Right now we should study 6/7/8+ hours whatever we can consistently without taking too much of stress.

And also see number of centres. Most of them will not need to travel out of city. Comparing by no of aspirants for UPSC, CSE should have 1/3rd i.e. at least 1500 centres (considering 6 lakh appear for exam...Actually they have to do arrangements for 10 lakh) 

is govt going for herd immunity in month of September- October 😂


What do u guys think about insights revision tests 3.0 ...25 mcq daily.Are they good for revision purpose ?


Can anybody tell will it be useful to register for Vision's Abhyasa test? How is difficulty level in such last month tests(too much or relative to upsc) etc


Really,last few posts were very encouraging. I'm also scoring between 70-80 in vision FLT 

Need one more suggestion, what attempt do u consider safe in mocks or previous prelims u have given. I'm getting about 20 questions wrong and attempt between 70-80 questions. 


How you all are doing Art and culture, medieval and ancient?

I haven't studied ncert other than tamil nadu 11th and now I'm doing topic wise e.g jainism, vijaynagar , indus valley, bhakti sufi movement etc. 

So will it be useful to read and revise art and culture PT ?? Bcoz any way questions r very factual and tough

Today’s Shankarias test was amazing. Felt like final paper. Lengthy, factual, application 

@kohliwag Can you send here? Also was elimination working or it was like abhyas very difficult to eliminate options?


@kohliwag haha...No I will not curse u.Just wanted to make sure that it's better than abhyaas. I will see if I can download the paper. But if you have pdf can you send it here, anyway I'm going to take a print out

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