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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Guys what is your opinion Legal Service Authority Question.... i checked various SLSA websites  of several state... Bihar & Haryana SLSA website clearly mentions that free legal aid is available for all Transgender & Senior Citizens irrespective of any income crteria...making answer to the question as "D"
NALSA (LEGAL SERVICES TO SENIOR CITIZENS) SCHEME, 2016.pd @maddy there is also a NALSA scheme for Senior Citizen launched in 2016....also 2lk income criteria for transgender is there only in Delhi, .... attaching the scheme document go to page 9 botom'll find answer

@sunnyleony  1, 3, 4

@Cold_War yes Byju....but according to me 1, 4 should definitely be answer on the basis of following reasons:-

1. Bihar & Haryana State Legal Service authority clearly state that all Senior Citizens & Transgender  are eligible irrespective  of any income criteria. Transgender criteria if 2lk only for Delhi

2. There is a scheme running for Senior Citizens in which its mentioned senior citizens above 60 are eleigible by Nalsa,  but no such thing for transgender

3. Its the most logical answer

@rafael its written "legal aid",  please read properly....n UPSC can ask anything & everything.... even qes that don't have any 100% correct answer

@sunnyleony no AI in electric power transmission yet....anyway if it happens it would be kind of Scientific breakthrough of the Century .... how come no proper article on internet if its already happening.!!.....regarding story writing statement.....AI is still 30 years behind emulating human emotions that goes into story writing.... it can write Articles,  blogs...but stories "NO".....attaching link to Intel reserach on Ai in wirless transmission.... u can see its written as reserach has not even started...its only in early proposal stage.....

Galat time pe ye thread khol liya.... gaya raat aaj ka🤣
Out was scoring 94-97 according to answer key... however was expecting more with getting AI & other few question....cleared in 2019 with 116 with only 5month that too while working in rigorous job got 655 in Mains while in 2019 pre I applied all tricks and elimination technique available in  market coz had limited knowlege...this time left job in june and prepared well for 4 months and ignored sharpening my elimination and gussing coz was overconfident with my this exam anything can happen and you need to be Razor sharp in all aspects if want your name in final list....knowledge, gusseing,  time managment, luck as well!!...... will come back in 2021 with all my cells and molecules sharpened as well as with lot prayers,  Mannats and Ashirvads😅😅
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