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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

3. Fort William one

So, now can we have the list of controversial questions?

1. Voting age/ Minister

2. Desher book/Bengal

3. ?

3. Fort William one

Scoring 75 as per vajiram key in GS1. Gen cat. Getting 100 in csat as per career launcher. Any chance for me ? :(
Scoring 75 as per vajiram key in GS1. Gen cat. Getting 100 in csat as per career launcher. Any chance for me ? :(

Somebody help me.

@PercivalYour concern is genuine. The problem is nobody knows what works for them and what doesn't. Most toppers still recommend the standard books. But we all know that even if you have that standard book in front of you in exam hall, one is bound to make mistake. Perhaps UPSC has a peculiar way of looking at things. If you can see from that angle and mark the option right only then you can clear prelims. Its not about knowledge or correct way anymore. Its about learning UPSC's way of looking at things. Some people out of the large crowd who have that kind of viewpoint get their options right and score 120+ no matter what. Sometimes i fell if you will give four blank options still those people will get the options correctly marked.

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