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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

BA, Bsc students are not lesser mortal dear. Medical entrance, IIT entrance, CSE all are quite different and requires different aptitude. I know a person who prepared for PMT for 5 year Nd could not clear it. However he cleared CSE in very 2nd attempt.

He is now IAS. Don't remember his exact rank.

May be they have left some qualified candidates inadvertently. Don't know but something is seriously wrong . not releasing marks is not upto the standard of upsc. 

I mean may be there is some computational error.

Personally I think there is no such discrimination.

It is not ur gut feeling but ur hope.

Also remember

At this point of time it's very difficult to say with certainty whether prelims would be held on stipulated time or not. We simply do not have all the information and data. However from the information available in public domain it is clear authority is inclined towards conducting exam on October 4. Also one thing is sure the decision would be political rather than medical or social.
Kadha is not given to any patient anywhere in india by any doctor who is authorised to treat covid patients. It is recommended by ayush ministry but when it comes to implementation on ground the protocol is set by CMO who are invariably allopathic doctor and only allopathic medicines are given. Hope it help.


Forget about traveling u won't even be allowed to enter station.

What happened to marks declaration

How about FLT of vision and ABHYAS? Which one z better? Kindly help.

My father's office was sealed today due to two staff members testing Covid positive. My father is also feeling a bit unwell and will get tested in a couple of days 😬 I'm sure many aspirants are facing similar problems. Good luck to everyone in these hard times. 

Yes I am also anxious due to some issues in covid ward. Hope everything returns to normal.

Bro anyone here attempted vision test 35 that 10th FLT. KINDLY help me. What's a good score in that test. Thanks
Iska updated version hai kya?

I totally agree with analysis in the last 2 to 3 days that coaching tests should be avoided in the last moment. PYQ is important.
From where to solve questions like gandhiji founding ALL INDIA ANTI UNTOUCHABILITY LEAGUE OR BUTLER COMMITTEE or other committee. Thanks in advance.
Have u attempted the paper?

This u think because u have not attempted the paper.

Within my limited wisdom and experience of clearing prelims thrice I am sure cut off will come down.

 Yes buddy,I haven't attempted.But we can always see it rationally and neutrally.

Of course bro we can.

But when we look at the paper in the comfort of our room it seems easier.

When I look back at 2017 or 2019 paper it appears easier now.

When we don't attempt the paper but only look at it, our subconscious mind analyses on the basis of known or unknown term. So a question asked on elephant would appear easy no matter it's gestation period was also asked. 

Public Interest Notice: Coaching walon ko ghanta kuch pata hota hai...especially the conceptual questions. Not to take them seriously...they’d be revised multiple times.

I say don't match answer for at least 3 days.

These coaching wala has become net liability on upsc aspirants. Who else agree. There end number of tests and claim of so many questions directly from their booklet and test series has not gone down well on upsc.
One additional factor this year- pandemic and lockdown has taken a huge toll on UPSC. May be experts not available to set standard questions. Questions this year was not upto UPSC standard.
I can't for the life of me remember if I have filled the bubbles for subject code. Will UPSC still consider my OMR for evaluation? (Note- I have written and bubbled my roll number properly, written down the subject code- 01, and written down the subject- paper 1)

If u have filled roll number and paper series northing else matter. I have verified this from upsc. So just chill.

Neostencil and Jagranjosh have released partial keys. Should we trust them

Not at all. Highly unreliable.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights —->D) 1,2,3 



The biggest thing that makes me sad here is, I don't where did I fault. Where should I improve? There are no answers to that. We don't know at all what to do next year if we want to improve. Makes me very sad. You can glorify it the institution as much as you want, but this is not smart. The questions did not require smart guesses, you couldn't deduce it from your understanding I am pretty sure in most of the questions. It is more around tricks and guesses there. Call me a candidate who has had a bad exam and is ranting but this is NOT about smart guesses and testing understanding. This is Random. Purely random. I can't digest the fact that we don't have an answer to What should one do to improve. (I am done with that generalist answer, that Improve understanding of world around you. You should live current affairs. This was NOT a current affairs heavy exam. Looks like UPSC is taking some revenge from coaching wallahs and in turn students and to fulfill that, they'll make sure randomness increases to the extent that it is not current affairs anymore. ) 

Like someone mentioned earlier, it makes the ground equal for someone who has studied x sources with y revisions, to someone who has studied 5x sources with 10y revisions. 

On the topics from which questions were asked, 

Just to be sure I did(Because I thought the UPSC wants to test contemporary knowledge rather than just few months, want to know smart candidates) I did PTs of 2 years for Science-Tech and Environment Ecology. Nothing out of that. Not more than 2-3 protected areas from last 2 years news. Are we supposed to remember 550 WLS and 104 national parks? May be I faulted there. Did all tiger reserves, biosphere reserves, elephant reserves because they were doable. Nothing from there. Did all Sci-tech from last 2 years both years PT, but hatred of UPSC for vision (all coachings actually) costed me my year. 

No GI tag question, No folk music, art, paintings. How much of it did I do expecting they repeat every year. 

Wireless technology, I don't remember any proper wireless tech question. 

Transfer of Power 1940-47 I don't remember any question. 

No indexes, No PVTGs/tribes as far as I remember. 

Switched to world rivers from Indian rivers. 

The Repeatedly asked question thread was gold, I followed it, revised all those topics on the last day but the yield is bound to be less. 

Don't know do ignore I am writing my random rant, in the end I am just a stupid student who found the paper not doable and obviously who am I then to tell UPSC something. UPSC will still be the glorious institution which is capable of testing if I person knows world around him well or not. I did glorify the institution and exam similarly for the last 2 years, I pay the price today by feeling today that I may really not know anything about world around me. But with the small voice I have, I'll repeat this is not how you test understanding. There are multiple other ways. 

We would keep hailing UPSC and find something in this exam the UPSC, specially wanted to test here. I myself would do it in 10 days I can assure you. But for today this is my voice and this is how I feel. 

P.S Random Rant, with no structure, can be ignored. 

U r correct this paper was below upsc standard. As I already said may be due to pandemic.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights —->D) 1,2,3 


Common Man those are rights these are can they relate?

[(k) who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen

Article 51A. May be this way.


Answers baatao yaar. I’ll start: 

Aadhar Metadata can be stored for 6 months. So answer was —>B) 2and 4 Only.


What is the answer of Siachen glacier?
Where is shankar ias key

Getting 97 according to Shankar IAS. What to do now??

If u have calculated ur mark correctly u will clear

Where is shankar ias key

On their Facebook page

Can u share it plz



Artificial intelligence and electric energy transmission

.. Is that possible? Can anybody throw some light on this pls? I didn't get any relevant material for this 

I also think coaching walas getting it wrong.

@aknash20151351  same drama every year. Last year we had everyone getting 106 n 107 and cutoffs were 98. @Aurelius was pretty serious so no doubt he made massive improvements, doesn't mean this paper was a cakewalk for all or prepared to see cutoffs at 92 93 .


This happens every year.



I know it's a little out of track but i seriously don't know what better I could have done or what I can do to improve. 

Nothing can anyone do. Conventional sources and CA , even newspapers aren't of any help these days. The 25 sitters, most of us have 23 to 25 of them right. The rest is wild guesswork. Whoever gets a pie of the cake engages in a wankfest. Cutoff will drop below 95 to 92 or 93. A lot simping here will be nowhere to be seen when the results are out. And some will say "boy they got me in paper 2" as if its some big achievement to get btfod by class 10 maths.

If you are above 95 by conservative estimates, just study. You will be in. And a lot of just borderline pre clearing bunch turn out be top rankers every year, year after year

Can't agree more.


Regarding the AI question

see landscape of human competence diagram here -

Lines from Life 3.0 

Book writing is one of the tallest landscapes there is. I don't think AI is capable of creating meaningful short stories or songs yet.

Yes u r correct.

@Equalizer  It is very much possible. I am myself an AI programmer. 
What you need is just meta  Data tags , Neural logic and Plumbing code and .. wham. Even I can make such an application proof of concept in one month. No big deal. 

But, How can you transfer Electrons wave in air? wireless transmission of electricity... It was one of Tesla's experiments. But, Till now No Theory of electrical science, magnetics, or say physics exists for such a successful transfer. .... And we all know it. 

Also, Ipad wireless charging is due to Electo magnetic induction... when you put two sheets joined and pass the emf ..induced. No big deal done by apple. Because ... Faraday law of emf exists since years.  That is charging without wire. ... not exactly wireless. Because ... In general parley,. wireless word actually refers .. transfer in something like air as medium. 

For S&T they have considered all correct. But in upsc key answer won't be all are correct.

Getting 96 as per shankar and toppers.

Bhai, what is the answer of lisa question?

Indo sri lanka trade?

Evolved Lisa. Check at britanicca. I also marked it pathfinder.


Equaliser, how much you got last year

 98 from shankar but 102 from upsc key.


Equaliser, how much you got last year

Everest bhai how much u getting.

@equaliser, so you wrote mains, what was the result......

Could not clear it.


These coaching walas coming with random cutoffs need to be confronted with. Without a very good sample size u can't predict cutoff. 

Also many who are in the 90s may not provide their scores to them just coz this 90s range cause a sky high frustation

Wait for shankar cut off

I am not clearing the prelims this year but even if I top someday, I won't be proud of myself. UPSC has lost all respect of being the most coveted exam and test of intelligence. All it checks is ones guessing skills and that too not intelligent guessing but random chance. 

It's applicable for this year for sure.

CSAT  pe mai bhai boundary pe hu. 25-26 questions correct from nextias and CL se 28

How much u getting in paper 1

@Archand my prediction will be  true- range 0-200 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mine would be -66.66 to 200

Don't you think the answer is wrong for Indigo question, because UPSC asked about the beginning of 20th century, whereas the answer key of coaching institutes is giving the one that was the reason in late 17th century when technological progress declined our indigo export but in 20th century it was mainly the revolt against indigo cultivators and protest against system like nij and ryoti which led to decline in indigo cultivation. Both reasons are also given in NCERT.

Yes u r correct. In new ncert it is given. In 1860 it was due to price fall but in 1910 onward it was due to farmers protest. However upsc can go either way.


Lo.bhai, jo diya h wahi sahi h , 1897 means just start of 20 th century..

Yes in late 19th century it was due to synthetic dye.

 44. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
  1. High risks involved in holding maximum water in reservoirs are due to our over-dependence on hydro power projects.
  2. Storage capacity of dams should not be fully used before or during monsoon season.
  3. Role of dams in flood control is underestimated in India.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2-only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Guys answer for this?  

C I marked


UPSC paper statement:

1.According to the Constitution of India, a person who is eligible to vote can be made a minister in a State for six months even if he/she is not a member of the Legislature of that State.

shouldnt be this correct? CM of Maharashtra Udhhav Thakare was CM even though he is not member of SLA or SLC

Bhai this depends on UPSC s interpretation. Please don't take marks for this q. If UPSC took it as a general statement it will be A. If UPSC means specifically as it seems to me it will be D. UPSC has pulled a lot of bummers over time, like the harapan ghora. So leave this on UPSC. 

Yes it totally depends on it upsc. As per English version it should be A but as per hindi translation it should be D. A person does not mean any person nor all person. Udhav ji was a person who was eligible to vote and was made a minister. 


My take on cut off and paper----

1- paper was tough, confusing and unconventional. 

2-also over emphasis on test series solving, current affairs, corona prob, anxiety etc will have an impact on cut off for sure. 

3- last year cut off was 98 .... 2019 gs paper was on somewhere on lines of 2018...but 2020 is totally different. 

Now on cut off-----

1--generally people adopts a liberal marking pattern and calculates their marks. 

2-some 2000-3000 candidates will be there with 105+ type of score. But cut off is decided by average candidates and not by toppers. 

3--whenever there is a wind that cut off will be around XYZ, candidates(large numbers) will tell their marks as XYZ+5 (don't know why but it is a set pattern) 

4--cut off WILL NOT CROSS 95 in any condition. 

95 is for sure, it can fall 2 to 3 marks further due to difficult CSAT.

.I am saying since 6:30 am morning. 

Ki  nothing other than 95+-2

Can't go 97. 92 to 95. Mark my words no matter how difficult paper is many will get 120, 130 but they don't determine cut off. Whenever there is rise in difficulty level, cut off do fall. But self proclaimed pundits will tell u that cur off is resilient, it won't fall bla bla bla. But it did fall in 2017, 2018. Even in 2019 it did fall. Only because of newly created EWS, general cut off remained constant otherwise it would have come down at least by one marks. So the moral of the story is cur off is consistently falling from 2017 onwards.

Can anyone plz tell. Was CSAT this year was d most difficult asked by upsc till date. Seeing by the number of people failing to clear it and that too with good gs1 score I consider myself lucky. Also what would be the impact of covid on aspirants preparation and consequently on cut off?
@Equalizer  Bhai I did not give 2019 but solved it before 2020 prelims. I got 115 with UPSC key and in 2020 I am getting from 87 to 95, i felt it was tougher than 2019. Though comparing actual exam performance with solving in room.may not be judicious but still I felt 2020 CSAT was a notch higher in difficulty level than 2019.

How many marks could fall due to difficult csat?. IMO 2 MARKS.


I sometimes have this problem of not being able to sleep the night before exam. Not just for few hours but whole night. Even this time even though I slept at 9.30pm, I was wide awake whole night. Can anyone suggest me something to overcome this. I asked a doctor to suggest me Sleeping pills but he didnt prescribe, saying they will affect my performance. I donno wat else to do.

Doctor was correct. Don't take pill. U could not sleep because of sympathetic system.


Tough Not toughest imo gs takes so much toll of time n energy  that csat is being neglected taken casually to the extent of becoming a big giant nightmare on the eve of exam n obviously the covid scene broke  consistency of Delhi based aspirants .

Which year was toughest than. I have given paper from 2015 with one year break. Have seen paper of 2014 also. I think it was the toughest or may be 2017.


Make a request to UPSC to reduce cutoff citing covid related exigencies.. 

For paper 1 the competition itself decude cutoff and thus any issue due to covid is equally for everyone.. 

But paper 2 has fixed cutoff..which can become difficult for people who are on the birderline.. So a logical representation can be made to UPSC.....

Just a suggestion to help out.. 

Why not to make a representation to increase intake for mains say to 14000. This much they use to take in 2015 I think. And also about csat.


Make a request to UPSC to reduce cutoff citing covid related exigencies.. 

For paper 1 the competition itself decude cutoff and thus any issue due to covid is equally for everyone.. 

But paper 2 has fixed cutoff..which can become difficult for people who are on the birderline.. So a logical representation can be made to UPSC.....

Just a suggestion to help out.. 

Why not to make a representation to increase intake for mains say to 14000. This much they use to take in 2015 I think. And also about csat.

Government don't have money to pay that much salaries. It's not 2010 for Gods sake. 

How come it will increase salary? I am only asking for allowing 14000 to write mains. Number of seats would remain same.


UPSC will not accept this representation because .. Rules are in open and all have to abide by them. UPSC is strict on rules if they declared things much beforehand. After all .. Paper 2 is qualifying, This has value for upsc .. if not for us. 

Its ours problem to fix things up my friend.

But there is no rule for prelims intake. We can request to increase it.


What about artificial intelligence question.


Wireless Transmission electricity answer was wrong as always said. .. and I supported earlier theories of tesla and all that it is only in research phase and  in labs of power sector companies this time. 

The question asked -At present level of

So at present level .. Wireless transmission is in very nascent stage. Recently , In August 2020 (may be upsc preparing question paper at that time) 

New Zealand startup announced a demonstration to show that they have achieved it in lab and want to demo the concept. 

I searched and it is all over the Internet. The below link I am posting from IEEE publishing window itself which published this development on 20 aug 2020. 

Emrod’s laboratory prototype currently operates indoors at a distance of just 2 meters. Work is under way to build a 40-meter demonstration system, but it, too, will be indoors where conditions can be easily managed. Sometime next year though Emrod plans a field test at a still-to-be-determined grid-connected facility operated by Powerco, New Zealand’s second largest utility with around 1.1 million customers.

So - There should not be iota of doubt -At present level of tech , Wireless electricity transmission is not feasible... It is actually still in demonstration stage by various companies. 

Also - Wireless charging is different concept - It uses near field magnetic induction as a transfer mechanism to supply very tiny induced emf. It is not what wireless transmission is. 

Transmission -This term specifically used in power sector to supply bulk of electricity power (high potential) to reasonably long or medium distances. 

So , I do not know .. why people making it right. Its basics of physics yaar that we have all studied in class 12. 

 because it was an SNT question and so every option must be correct. Coaching also seems to have gone by the same logic. If u apply knowledge we all know wireless electricity transmission by AI is not feasible at this stage. 


Wireless Transmission electricity answer was wrong as always said. .. and I supported earlier theories of tesla and all that it is only in research phase and  in labs of power sector companies this time. 

The question asked -At present level of

So at present level .. Wireless transmission is in very nascent stage. Recently , In August 2020 (may be upsc preparing question paper at that time) 

New Zealand startup announced a demonstration to show that they have achieved it in lab and want to demo the concept. 

I searched and it is all over the Internet. The below link I am posting from IEEE publishing window itself which published this development on 20 aug 2020. 

Emrod’s laboratory prototype currently operates indoors at a distance of just 2 meters. Work is under way to build a 40-meter demonstration system, but it, too, will be indoors where conditions can be easily managed. Sometime next year though Emrod plans a field test at a still-to-be-determined grid-connected facility operated by Powerco, New Zealand’s second largest utility with around 1.1 million customers.

So - There should not be iota of doubt -At present level of tech , Wireless electricity transmission is not feasible... It is actually still in demonstration stage by various companies. 

Also - Wireless charging is different concept - It uses near field magnetic induction as a transfer mechanism to supply very tiny induced emf. It is not what wireless transmission is. 

Transmission -This term specifically used in power sector to supply bulk of electricity power (high potential) to reasonably long or medium distances. 

So , I do not know .. why people making it right. Its basics of physics yaar that we have all studied in class 12. 

 because it was an SNT question and so every option must be correct. Coaching also seems to have gone by the same logic. If u apply knowledge we all know wireless electricity transmission by AI is not feasible at this stage. 

Also going by the wording of question short stories and wireless transmission is not possible. They asked at the present state Nd also effectively. These are key words. While marking B I knew all coaching key will give D. 

Bhai no offence to anyone but moral of the story is 25-30 sure questions ke baad sab guess-mastergiri & tukkebaji kar ke aaye hai paper mein aur yahan pe justify kar rahe hai ki mera wala tukka tumhare wale tukke se zyada sahi hai bcoz of xyz reason and reference and links bhi share kar rahe hai😂.. but tukka is a tukka, if you are not sure it's a tukka, educated guess is also a tukka and at the end of the day, and at the end of the day upsc hi maalik hai, they have their own discretion. So do give benefit of doubt to yourself in controversial questions and start studying for mains, you will loose nothing.

Absolutely correct.

Do you want a short stories App.
I working on AI since 3 years as software programmer.
I can give you that app to you   within  1 month. It is not only possible there are so many tools to do that. 
Bigdata+ AI= Shorr stories. 

Also ,  We are making Proctored exams to be human less... The project has been launched by Pearson USA now . You dont need human invigilation ... Just fee cameras and sensors and .. Live video frame perception and voice interception (noise sampling technique) ... and it is done. 

Because .. You do not use AI.. that does not mean.. It is not in market. 

Google .. Short stories app by AI .. or music apps by AI. There are so many startups in US and banagalore doing it and some of that already did that at good level. 

Problem with UPSC aspirants .. They are disconnected from how far the world is moving and how quickly. We are more entrenched in tracking SC cases, Govt policies or Economic stats ... Most of aspirants never track latest dovt in sciences or business. Reason is - Reading compilation and ... Even if people read news papers ... They filter such news ki ye nahi aayega. Reliance facebook agreement are iska upsc se lena dena nahi ... But FDi question isi pe hai. Reliance ka vo arm jisme Facebook ne imvest kiya vo non listed hai... FDi ..wham ?
and .. Lot of such questions this year which are not from so called core academic news. ... but from general spice news and they derived concepts from their and asked in exam. 
What I mean to say ... Devision of newspaper ki aap das min me pahle tick kar lo kaun sa news padna hai .. and then aur kuch dekhna bhi nahi 
 This is the prevailing you. 
But, UPSC attacked this view as well. The questions are from events instead of some academically aligned news in newspapers. 

Hope you have got me. 

Short stories is very simple to do in AI. Python have a very strong framework to create Deep fake programs and  Everybody is doing deep fakes. Machine learning amd robotic process automation  is thing of past now. Startups are implementing Deep learning now. 

Ok. And what about electricity transmission?


Is there any possibility of tukkabaz pushing the cut off to 110. It did happen in 2016.

This time around a lot of people have their marks hovering in 20s and 30s.

Going by that cut off could cross 105 may be even reach 110 and some website has just predicted 105+-5 as cutoff.

No way.


I have already answered that. 

Not possible at present level of AI... Even in future level of AI. Because ... The problem of wireless transfer of electrons at transmission level need some electric hardware devices ... and elctrical things. yaar itna to common sens laga lo.. Why stretching toooooo far. 

AI has nothing to do with it directly. 

Then in ur opinion if 5th statement is incorrect what should be the answer. 


Gen Cutoff - 96-98 max 

OBC - 94-96 max

EWS - 92-94 max

SC/ST- Below 83

WITH UPSC ANSWER KEY,  not any Coaching Key. Expect atleast 2-3 answer variations in final key from ANY COACHING KEY. 

SO anyone scoring above 90 in Gen from any key, above 85 for ews/obc and above 78 for SC/ST... MUST START PREPARING FOR MAINS. Otherwise you may regret one month later.  👍😊❤️

Best Wishes. Ye apun ka first and final official prediction h after watching market trends for 2 3 days.

Please DON'T PM. UPSC UNPREDICTABLE h. It's merely my self assessment cum Speculation. 




General 92 to 94

OBC 90 to 92

EWS 91 to 93

SC/ST below 82.

Anybody with above 90 should prepare for mains rationally. However humans are anything but rational.


With reference to carbon nanotubes, consider the following statements:
1. They can be used as carriers of drugs and antigens in the human body.
2. They can be made into artificial blood capillaries for an injured part of human body.
3. They can be used in biochemical sensors.
4. Carbon nanotubes are biodegradable.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2, 3 and 4 only
c) 1, 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Friends, any link, source, reference for using carbon nanotubes as artificial blood capillaries? I got nothing even on searching specifically for it. 

@Rangeela  can confirm its use in blood vessels recovery in brain atleast. (Have read research papers on it in college way back in 2017).

Also, from a non-science candidate perspective, the upsc question asks "can be" (a broad perspective). So 100% sure on this one.

Regarding vertical farming, 90% sure it's again ALL of them (10% if UPSC bewafa nikle toh). Vertical farming is criticized for its intensive energy needs but once you replace those energy needs from fossils to renewables it becomes highly favorable (which is why it's being pushed forward these days). Also do look at the "eco-friendly" term that BROADLY subsumes not just energy but water needs and nutrients availability and other stuff etc.

For non-science candidate, upsc mostly takes a broad view in applications question. And obviously this rule DOESN'T apply to all of science questions this time. eg. AI question. (There shouldn't be so much confusion on this one, the question asks "with present state of development" and "effective use", wireless communication is plain wrong ( it would have been correct if question asks possible use of AI in future).. We can keep debating about its efficacy in creating MEANINGFUL songs and movies but we do have examples of failed attempts like "sunspring short film 2016"  and last year I remember that Batman script trained by AI was hilariously incoherent ). So instead of reading between the lines in answer options we have to actually see the question carefully and most importantly the INTENT of the examiner while setting such question. Not going to debate btw on this. People can differ, I understand.

Emphasis on point effectively and at the current level of development means all are not correct. If they had asked simply possible use, all may have been possible.

@Archand lol. sorry about that. yes their official handle in the chat is claiming 90-95 cutoff for general. though i think they usually keep it lower than the official cutoff.

No dear they don't keep it low. They have to target candidate for 2021 also. Last year they predicted 95 to 105.

@Knight_rider Getting 77 from 2 keys in csat and damn worried :/ Since they are prepared by students like us kitne questions ka variation ho sakta hai and that to in passages?

How much u attempted in maths and RC?

@Tokyo these answer keys are prepared by aspirants like us who have written mains or given Interview. 
So have confidence in your answer.

Even those who have failed to clear prelims in all the 6 attempts.

@Equalizer I have done just 44 questions bro and left just one passage. Maths ke 2 galat hai baaki sahi hai and comprehension k 2-3 qs mein variation hai. Bahut dimaag ka dahi ho raha hai. kya karu?

U will clear. Don't trust these keys in RC. I even don't bother to check.

What can be the answer of the CSAT passage about Education and Economic Freedom?

3 only I have marked.

@TabsAndChords general category seems like a curse now.
No offence to anyone! But it's a sad state of reality.
Discrimination in the name of affirmative action! 

Yes without any offence to anyone, yesterday I was just imagining if I were an SC/ST candidate no tension of cut off, attempt etc. I am not against reservation as such but it should be rationalised, like creamy layer in SC/ST, decreasing it to 

30% etc. Again I don't want to hurt anybody sentiment.


prelims upsc 2020 Final Answer Key.pdf

Sleepyclasses final key. Different stand on controversial questions.

It has three different answes. ON AI, LISA, TRIMS. HOW reliable their answer regarding TRIMS and LISA? REGARDING AI I am sure it's B.

@a_rakesh10399 bhai govt trading means fci open market operation

Bro just one question. I am not saying u r wrong, Just remove my doubt. Don't u think government trade only when there is price issue, OMO is impact of price fluctuation not it's cause cause. Just remove my doubt. May be I thought too much during exams.

@Equalizer is par discussion km horhi hai but yeh government trading abhi bhi digest nhi horha

Let's start the discussion.

@Punjabi_Snow_Leopard 93-102 k beech kuch bhi ho sakti hai bhai.....zyadatar coaching wale 98 k neeche h bta rhe hai. kuch to 95 max bata rhe hain.

Just want the experienced candidates to clarify if institutes usually keep the cut off low to attract students to mains centric courses or this year is the first time they've put the cut off in the early 90s?

No dear. As I already said last year vision predicted 95 to 105.

@Punjabi_Snow_Leopard 93-102 k beech kuch bhi ho sakti hai bhai.....zyadatar coaching wale 98 k neeche h bta rhe hai. kuch to 95 max bata rhe hain.

Just want the experienced candidates to clarify if institutes usually keep the cut off low to attract students to mains centric courses or this year is the first time they've put the cut off in the early 90s?

No dear. As I already said last year vision predicted 95 to 105.

Shankar predicted 99 to 102. They are very conservative in lowering cut off Same in 2017, 18. Due to cognitive bias... competition is too tough, so many brilliant students bla bla bla.

@rashmi9sinha728for English RC check the comment byAurang_mirasudaron page 438.

he provided the answers as well as link. For quant reasoning check shankarias, carrer launcher but both have some errors

That's y they mentioned meaningful short stories, effectively, at the present level of development. As I already said if they had just asked what are potential uses all would be correct. But i must confess I had not noted all those words like effectively during exams. I just thought wireless transmission is not possible.

@Punjabi_Snow_Leopard 93-102 k beech kuch bhi ho sakti hai bhai.....zyadatar coaching wale 98 k neeche h bta rhe hai. kuch to 95 max bata rhe hain.

Just want the experienced candidates to clarify if institutes usually keep the cut off low to attract students to mains centric courses or this year is the first time they've put the cut off in the early 90s?

No dear. As I already said last year vision predicted 95 to 105.

Shankar predicted 99 to 102. They are very conservative in lowering cut off Same in 2017, 18. Due to cognitive bias... competition is too tough, so many brilliant students bla bla bla.

Yes. I would anyway trust Vision more. But considering the arbitrariness of the paper, it's best to ignore the noise and get to work if we're 90+


@MrJ I agree. Even Daddy's Car song doesn't make any sense.

Now, coming to transfer of wireless electricity. AI can help optimise induction charging. But it doesn't mean that, AI can literally do the wireless transmission of electricity.
Therefore answer should be 1,3,4@Equalizer 

That's y they mentioned meaningful short stories, effectively, at the present level of development. As I already said if they had just asked what are potential uses all would be correct. But i must confess I had not noted all those words like effectively during exams. I just thought wireless transmission is not possible.

@Kachua_🐢 you're just speaking my mind friend. This Prelims was just about luck and mad guessing (especially the irritating "all of the above trick""). Hardwork is futile. I have seen friends who didn't know Welfare State is under DPSP getting the sugarcane and Pala-Pratihara chronology correct by guessing. It's ridiculous, frustrating and really depressing. Truly it has been snatched away...

But many of the all of the above will be incorrect in official key.



Repeating again:

those who are in borderline in paper 1 or paper 2 or both..just study..instead of looking endless times through solutions.

time is less this time

for CSE  any one above 90 has good chance

for  IFOS any one with 105-106 has good chance

and specific for paper two - Those who are in 64-65-66 range..just start studying.. RC most Coaching’s get it wrong..every year many who are in this situation end up clearing paper 2

the exam was tough ..both paper 1 and paper 2 was tricky very much...

also with covid lockdowns and additional mental strains, dnt be harsh on urself for not being able to perform well

All the best guys and girls..

It wont go to that level . But we shd consider it given many debatable qus..  I myself deducted 2.67 on artificial intellegence question . And the NALSA qus ll most probably get rejected .  After modiji introduced ews middle and upper middle class general have bite the bullet . 

What u marked in AI question?

Drishti ias ke video mein polity vala question 6 months, sir ne sahi se explain kiya hai... Dekh lo... Unhone yeh bhi kaha hai ki upsc never goes so much complex jitna hum log sochte rehte hein word by word, essence poocha hai upsc ne and he said answer A is correct... Though mine is wronng... But i second him whatever he said

Last year  question :
1. Legislative assembly may follow rules of loksabha.  -  true as per official 2019 key.

There are so many things in 2019 key ... My marks for 2019 has increased almost 10 by those keys ..whereas all coachings have said NO to the options which i thought as best correct. Coachings go too technical in general for polity. It is not so. 
I will not wonder if  next year   -  constitution  "defines"  basic structure ....  -  will be true in 2020 official key.   You know why -  "defines"  technically means .. a document must have crude and explicit definition for said thing.  But - If you read or use define word in general parley  -Defines is simply like ... pertains to. for ex  : I say -  Honesty defines you. ... or Say ... You defines the whole group.  What does this mean?  
I mean to say - the way UPSC frames question - It does not intends to frame lexically word by word.

I am open to bet for 2020 key for two statements :

1.  A person.. can vote ... eligible to be minister.  >>True.
>>yes in essence  -  nothing stops a person to be a minister ... now people are emphasizing VOTE =18 years. I found that absurd logic or  say too much logic. The statement is factually true in practical scenarios.

2. Constitutiondefines* basic structure*in terms of*   --- etc etc. >>True.
>>Reason being -  It has not said or asked constitution has provided an explicit definition or not. It just said - Constitution has definedin terms of--   True >>Indeed , The Basic structure recognized by SC has these elements. and that defines basic structure. 
>>People are just over emphasizing the word"defines"  while ignoring "in terms of". People just deducing that - No constituion has not defined so ..statement is false. 
But - statement actually not asking whether it isdefined in constition as a crude definition or not. The question asks - what are the features of basic structure actually?
and indeed yes.   "constitution defines basic structure in terms of  ..........etc"
>>also , If this statement is like "Constitution defines basic structure."!!  -- Here, The statement assert - whether there is explicit defntn of basic structure given or not.its False.

But- In our statement in question -  The meaning of defines is not  "contains explicitly" but just simply "contains implicitly" and emphasis is on "in terms of".

Thanks for reading  it.

Bro ur explain regarding 6 month minister question is correct. Let me explain it ...S1) a citizen of this country can become a minister... statement is correct. S2) all citizen of the country is eligible to become a minister..wrong.

Its upto UPSC.

Now regarding ur basic structure explanation...u r wrong...what they were asking is basic structure is a judicial innovation. Even SC has not defined it. There is no exhaustive least of basic structure.


@Sherkhan1428 @AzadHindFauz 

What usually happens when a question or option gets wrongly translated in the Hindi version of the paper. The Gandhi Irwin question has got many Hindi students worrying

Civil Disobedience is notAsahayog Andolan. 

So what is likely to happen? Grace Marks, Cancellation of Question, Ya fir Jo chal rha hai chalne do?

It's very pathetic. Same with minister question. Question would be dropped for sure.


They take english version as correct and do nothing. Its policy of UPSC. I think , I have read in bada waala notifcation i roughly remember.

This is not a translation mistake. This is blunder.




Repeating again:

those who are in borderline in paper 1 or paper 2 or both..just study..instead of looking endless times through solutions.

time is less this time

for CSE  any one above 90 has good chance

for  IFOS any one with 105-106 has good chance

and specific for paper two - Those who are in 64-65-66 range..just start studying.. RC most Coaching’s get it wrong..every year many who are in this situation end up clearing paper 2

the exam was tough ..both paper 1 and paper 2 was tricky very much...

also with covid lockdowns and additional mental strains, dnt be harsh on urself for not being able to perform well

All the best guys and girls..

It wont go to that level . But we shd consider it given many debatable qus..  I myself deducted 2.67 on artificial intellegence question . And the NALSA qus ll most probably get rejected .  After modiji introduced ews middle and upper middle class general have bite the bullet . 

What u marked in AI question?

I had marked all . Came to a conclusion that its wrong .

On what basis u came to this conclusion. Even I believe so.

@Equalizer any idea about why people are doubting block chain question?

There is no doubt in blockchain. It's 1 &3.


Can anybody help regarding the following- 

Q. Which part of the constitution of India declares ideal of welfare state ? For this question, all answer keys have provided answer as DPSP.

I marked it as preamble thinking that preamble is a declaration mentioning social, economic justice, equality without explaining in detail. But DPSP is not just declaration rather it explains in detail what welfare state actually is.

Question only talks abt part which declares. I think preamble declares  ideal which reflect welfare state whereas  DPSP is part where welfare state is not just declared, it is mentioned that too in great detail.

Does anybody else also think the same way.

Bro it's not an analytical question, u need not analyse it. It's a factual question. During CAD it was heavily debated.  Due to paucity of resources available to the government it was decided to place them undwr DPSP. As and when resources increased many of these provisions have been given legal affect e.g. ARTICLE 21A.

@gauravbrly409 no its not absolutely wrong, and considering the trend, upsc will take it D. look all other sciebce questions, people argued a lot for biomass in 2019, but upsc took D as correct

That is the only reason people marked it D. It's science question upsc will go with D.


Ok bhai .. Tumhi hi sahi ho.

By the way , I am interested to know who is providing tech for wireless transmission of electricity. Tell me few  companies who have launched it in to market successfully???? 
Evidence naam ki bhi koi cheej hoti hai sir. 
UPSC took gases right because .. Secondary pollutants me vo nikalti hai. 
But, Here in this .. No distant relationship of Wireless transmission and AI thing. UPSC dont stretch too far to make D correct. Ok.
And .. Dont rub  science ka D hi hota hai logic on my nose. If you have..... Please provide some crude or even partial evidence to say statement 5 right. 

For 2019 gas wala , There was partial evidence to prove that could be released. Ok. 
Hope .. Logic still not have died  against tukka baaji !! 

Even if there was an option AI can bring dead people to life, they would still have marked it all. Afterall it's science question.


I know you will still.not be satisfied..uts okk i get it. You consider your answer correct. Next time get right environment ,culture and other straight forward questions correct so that one or two questions dont affect you . All the best

U read the article. It's just at the conceptual stage at the present level of development.

@kartikeybhatt171778 With thepresent state of development, Artificial Intelligence caneffectivelydo which of the following?
  1. Bring down electricity consumption in industrial units
  2. Createmeaningfulshort stories and songs
  3. Disease diagnosis
  4. Text-to-speech conversion
  5. Wireless transmission of electrical energy
These are the some key phrases here: 'present state of development' , 'effectively', 'meaningful'. There must have been something in the examiners mind that he put these two phrases in the question. Do u think that the examiner would have searched research papers to find out if it can be done effectively by AI. There is still a general consensus that AI is yet to be achieve a stage where it can create meaningful songs. Its in a very nascent stage on this. If u have read Harari's '21 Lessons for the 21st Century', he mostly talks in future tense when he says that AI would be able to create personalized songs in future.

Yes I have read 21st lesson. Also read  SAPEIN. He is my favourite writer, intellectual, philosopher. Currently reading homo Deus.



ai will be b and gandhi can be omitted. rest will be same

Which Gandhi question. U mean Gandhi and Marx or other question.



last yr antibody max coaching gave people with multiple diseases as correct but it was not... so UPSC doesn't blindly follow d option ... verbatims are always correct. 

After sapiens I reduced meat consumption. If clean meat will be available, I will only go for it. I have now developed empathy for all animals after reading sapiens.



last yr antibody max coaching gave people with multiple diseases as correct but it was not... so UPSC doesn't blindly follow d option ... verbatims are always correct. 

I had marked it 2 and 3 and was dead sure as this is where my expertise lies. I knew multiple diseases and AMR has no link.



@Equalizer gandhi irwin

It would be dropped. We just lost one confirmed question due to absurd translation.


Q.41) With reference to the history of India, consider the following pairs:

  1. Aurang
In-charge of treasury of the State
    2. BanianIndian agent of the East India Company
     3. MirasidarDesignated revenue payer to the State

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched ?

(a)    1 and 2 only

(b)   2 and 3 only

(c)    3 only

(d)   1, 2 and 3

I have marked 3 only.

I remembered that - Gomestas are actually official agents of company. However, Baninans act as mediator for EIC to setup thier business and carry out trade and all such facilitation.

My understanding is below. Please let if I am wrong.

 A contemporary described  the banianas an individual, “By  whom  the  English  gentlemen  in  general conduct all their business. He is interpreter, head book-keeper, head secretary, head broker, the supplier of cash and cash-keeper, and in general also secret-keeper.”The term was used widely in Bengal to designate the native who managed the money concerns of the European and sometimes served him as an interpreter. In plain term, he was a commission agent for the Europeans traders.

Thegomasthaswere Indian agents of the British East India Company, who signed bonds with the local weavers and artisans to deliver goods to the Company. They also fixed the prices of the goods.

I think gometas and banians both were agents of the company.

@gauravbrly409 yes it seems correct for Gomashtas and answer should be 3 only and the same has been given in a couple of answer keys as well .Rest depends on UPSC's interpretation . 

Which key has given 3 only?

@Satoshi_Nakamoto they can predict as much they want but this year 45% of upsc candidates are either failing in csat or are on borderline ( my sample space is around 1000 candidates) this will always come into play

More important than 45% is who are those 45%. How much they are getting? If even 10% of those getting more than 95 fail in csat, it will lower cut off by at least 2 marks.


Representation se kuchh hota bhi hai ya it's just a formality. Can we expect them to check  everybody representation ya fir unlogon ne koi AI banaya hai :joy:


Second and most important things---

1--instead of convincing others regarding answers it is better to convince urself abt ur chances for mains. 

2--wasting 20/30 days in discussion will ultimately result in underperformance in mains... This will have an adverse impact on this year result. 

3--remember how rank 2 in 2016 was on cut off (116 marks) and still topped the exam.... So whoever is near cut off range should start mains prep ASAP. All the best 👍💯👍💯👍💯

Yaar after 40 days of painful study 5 days ka to BC banta hai



@walterwhit3 Regarding PAPER 2 at least, noone knows what is correct key, Noone.
UPsc decides and it is the key, when right or wrong. No point in checking Paper 2 keys.

Actually only those check csat who are either not confidance, paper went bad, attempted few questions etc...many people I know who don't bother to check csat.

6 months vala A part sahi hai... Aur mera 2.66 gaya... I analysed and found that essence of statement was different, but I don't understand why other coaching institutes are going so complex over it

Yes I also marked it D and taking it negative. Thought in the exam too much...iasbaba has said either can be correct. How can one send representation to upsc?


I  have one doubt . Kindly advice me. My clean marks are 94. Doubtful questions are

1. Aadhar meta data question. I marked 2&4

2. Desh ka katha  question. I marked 1&2 

3. Minister , eligible voter ka question. I marked D 

4. Preamble . I marked A

Kindly advice me If I can subscribe for mains test series and proceed ahead.

Thanking all

Aadhar and preamble are not controversial. For preamble it's D. FOR AADHAAR its 2&4.

@Equalizer How sure are u about preamble answer being D. I marked D i want it to be correct. But Shubra Ranjan mam ne meri raato ki neend uda di hai.. If she is saying A there must be solid reason for it to Be A.

similarly like in AI i marked D but the B people have more solid reasons.. 

I am damn sure. Such question u cannot answer by googling. If u want to answer urself read various judgement by SC regarding preamble. In laxmi also they have mentioned it briefly. SC will consider preamble while resorting to judicial review of enactments giving effect to DPSP and other parts. So it can only be used to interpret and analyse constitutionality. Outside that it has no legal effect.

With all due respect to Shubhra mam, this time she is wrong.


Need clarification about CSAT marking?

Does upsc provide some marks to second best option as well? Since many RCs had quite close options and their answer depends on personal interpretation.

Thanks in advance.

No they don't provide. At the most they do drop some questions in csat, mainly in maths portion. Anyone getting less than 66.67 from official key is left out. However coaching keys always have many errors in RC portion and usually ur marks will increase.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights wale question me the answer should be A. 1 and 2 only. Fundamental duties do not reflect UNDHR principles as such

This was very complex. UNDHR is just a set of principles and ... actually in consonance with all 3. 

I doubted the FD part but there are certain UDHR which correlate to FD. But, I am not vouching for it as well strongly. 

I marked All 3 correct. There are only partial reasons to include FD. 

It could be or could not be. Not sure. Only UPSC knows. 

To promote harmony and spirit of common brotherhood, opportunity for education to children, I think these are part of UNDHR.


Qualifying marks in CSAT is 33% of 200 i.e 66 only

It's 1/3rd not 33%.

How likely is the Gandhi Irwin question to be dropped? Many Hindi medium students have made their representation. 



Qualifying marks in CSAT is 33% of 200 i.e 66 only

It's 1/3rd not 33%.

Who told you its 1/3!!.  Avoid guessing factual information if u r not informed. Check notification

If in notification it's 33% well and fine it would be 66. I always thought it was 1/3rd. May be I am wrong.



  • Aadhar is 3 only(check Aadhar act)
  • Udhr is all(April Yojana)
  • Fertigation should be 2,3,4(IITk website)
  • Cyberinsurance is all(DSCI doc)

AI is the only one very unclear. And maybe nf debt.

@Caesar Can you post the relevant screenshots of Aadhar Act and DSCI doc?

or Else can you provide the link of those documents I am not able to find the exact document.

Aadhar act definitely talks of benefits from CFI but no where mentions that state cannot enter into contract with the private companies to share data ... And Aadhar not mandatory for insurance .... Again very unclear 

It's not there in Aadhar Act it's it's there in SC judgement.




@azam_imame434 In this paper scoring above 110+ is very tough, it can be either tukka or very strong luck. Last year I scored 114, now this year I am in the zone of 92-100. Many first timer tend to be liberal while counting their core, and actual core are generally 10-15 mark lower than they claim.  I have done it in my first attempt. Even if I have had avoided 2 silly mistake which I did, I couldn't cross 105+, that' a drop of 7-10 marks . And veteran generally do not tend to inflate their score. Cut off won't go beyond 98. It can even fall to 90-92. 

This time it is my lowest score. Lastly it was 112, 107 , 112 .  I usually do not do tukka and only sound guessing. Usually have good accuracy and ... use to attempt lesser questions. This it seems .. it backfired. I  am cursing myself now that I could have bubbled 10 more atleast ... kam se kam kuch tukke mere bhi chal hi jaate sayad. 

See, you two people are scoring lesser than previous years, still if you are adamant for getting negative thoights, you will only remember those people who are scoring well and not the ones whonare scoring lower. Bhai tukka maarne waale 70s me bhi pahunche hai aur 110-20s me bhi 

Tukka se bahut fayda nahi hota hai bro. Tukka Marne walon ne investment in agriculture me bhi all mara hai, same with that conjugate vaccine question, biofuel. A few people can benefit from tukka but tukka cut off badha dega not possible


In Aadhaar question Statement 4 is wrong. Aadhaar Act does not mention that aadhaar is mandatory to get benefits from CFI. It simply says that that the gov. may register. 

Chapter 3 Point 7

The Central Government or, as the case may be, the State Government may, for the purpose of establishing identity of an individual as a condition for receipt of a subsidy, benefit or service for which the expenditure is incurred from, or the receipt therefrom forms part of, the Consolidated Fund of India, require that such individual undergo authentication, or furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or in the case of an individual to whom no Aadhaar number has been assigned, such individual makes an application for enrolment: Provided that if an Aadhaar number is not assigned to an individual, the individual shall be offered alternate and viable means of identification for delivery of the subsidy, benefit or service.

I am finding conflicting reports on whether aadhaar is mandatory for insurance or not. Maybe some individual working in the insurance sector may enlighten. But if this option is also wrong than I am afraid the entire question is wrong. One should than send representation.

Why u people are going only through the Act. Read it with the SC judgement.

Did shankar ias declared cutoff?. Do we know what cutoff other coaching declared

Using AI u can better predict about cut off

@Equalizer last attempt 96.67 from various keys.

Same here with just one attempt left.


@Equalizer @Negan As far as I remember the SC said that gov can mandatorily use Aadhar for providing benefits of any particular scheme for which funds are used from CFI. It did not say that gov has to mandatorily use aadhaar for every scheme for which funds are used from CFI. 

Yes u r correct. Aadhar was mandatory as per govt for scheme. So net effect is that it Aadhar is mandatory for beneficiary scheme.

Bro to answer such question don't just google or surf the act. Go through rajya sabha debate about the judgement or article from newspapers post judgement. Answer would be clear to u.

@Equalizer Ok. Thanks.
Do they provide bonus marks to every one If question is dropped 



How many of these can I hope to be correct

1.deshar Katha:1 and 2

2.ramabai:2 and 3

3.preamble: d

4.judicial review: b only

5.minister: a only

Preamble And judicial review correct. Minister it's controversial. 1 and 2 I don't know.

does upsc csat answer key differ from various coaching keys? have to get 11 correct out of 21 RC questions to clear csat but through various keys getting only 10 correct. 

High chances of u clearing if u have cleared in the past.  Coaching key not reliable in RC.



What's the deal with the minister question?

I'm not going back to see where's the doubt. D hoga uska answer. What's the doubt

Dear I have also marked D. But as per English version A appears more convincing. A person does not mean all the person. Like u r eligible to vote in ur state, u can be made a minister in ur state, nothing prevents the governor unless u r barred by other provision like conviction etc.

@Biradar  question mentions  According to the constitution so one has to be specific here. In Art 164(4) it is mentioned that a minister who is not a member of state legislature for 6 consecutive months shall cease to be a minister after expiration of that period. Here voter criteria is not mentioned, voter as a qualification to be member of legislature is mentioned in ROPA 1951. Answer to this question is D in all probability.

As per ur explanation it's A. If there is no voter criteria than of course it's A.



Folks, Shankar's Cut-off is out? Please share any screenshot or link. 

Revise least me kya change kya hai in gs1




This year, Shankar is gonna be so wrong. .. Cutoff will be 

Gen =92-95

EWS= 89-92

OBC= 90-93

SC= 78-82

ST= 73-78

actually it will be higher than shankar's prediction.  they have seriously underestimated how high people are scoring this year

There are always some people, who score way higher .. I am an ST candidate, serving in State services , giving prelims since 2012, cleared prelims 5 times, appeared in PT 3 times. You must have been undergrad, or in high school by then. Trust me when I say, the cutoff won’t go higher this year than what i quoted earlier

ignoring your condescending tone, why dont you check out some of the polls? there are not just "some" people scoring high, its way too many.  This year's options were set up in such a manner that anyone taking so called obvious guesses (typical prelims tricks) is scoring high.

For proof, u can check out polls. Even polls of reputed institutes like insights say almost 4-5k  people above 105 in a sample of 20k, so you can do the math.

Now an experienced candidate like you will argue that polls are filled with fake scores, or insights is not a reputed institute, so go ahead believe what you want.

Also, coaching institutes 1. have an achor bias to previous year cutoffs, they are particularly scared to go higher.  they may go lower when papeer is more difficult, but they tend to not go higher as seen in 2016 (compared to 2015). 2. lower cutoffs= more test series sold.

obviously above points are disputed. But this is the most objective way to look at it

Tougher paper, lesser appearing candidates and yet cutoff going higher. Yes that's strong logic right there. 

only non-serious candidates dont appear, serious ones won't skip for the fear of corona or anything else (majority of them)

No dear. I personally know many serious candidate writing mains 4 the last 4 years not taking exams.


Triumph ias last year predicted 95 to 105. Can we trustvthem this year.

How much shankar predicted last year?

99 to 102


How much forum predicted last year



@Challenger_Deep I don't know as I am not very experienced in this game. But from the official answer keys that I saw while doing PYQs, they have never dropped a question. So it seems as if it's just a tactic to avoid court cases which plague state PSCs.

In csat they have dropped question my dear.


Five questions that will make cutoff vary this year 

Preamble question

Artificial intelligence

Non financial debt 

National biofuel policy/all can be correct also

Gandhi Irwin - if it's deleted/awarded marks to all 

Non financial debt. What would be answer as per u


Five questions that will make cutoff vary this year 

Preamble question

Artificial intelligence

Non financial debt 

National biofuel policy/all can be correct also

Gandhi Irwin - if it's deleted/awarded marks to all 

Gandhi irwin will be deleted in all probablity.

Yes it will be.



@Challenger_Deep I don't know as I am not very experienced in this game. But from the official answer keys that I saw while doing PYQs, they have never dropped a question. So it seems as if it's just a tactic to avoid court cases which plague state PSCs.

Tactic by whom. Kindly elaborate.

@Equalizer it depends on interpretation of words if there is "issued" than it would be 3 and if it's debt held by than all are correct ....i think it's going to be three only

One more thing in national biofuel policy it's true that given four options can be used but there is also a point three in the notification of government that in order to make farmers get more price for their produce all excess cereals and farm grains can be sold for biofuel with permission from government ,,I think all can be correct on lines that during covid excess rice was converted into biofuel

It's only a speculation that upsc can make it all are correct however it's also a fact that only four out of six are clearly mentioned 

Bhai u will further reduce my marks. I tried to go through original policy but could not find in English. The one mentioned in PIB may not be exhaustive and u may be correct.

Just one query. I am not contradicting any answer. Anyone from agricultural or chemistry background. What is phosphoric acid fertilizers. And how come sulphur is a raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizers. Plz clarify anyone.

Is sulfur used as raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizer?

Why nobody answering my query? Is sulfur used as raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizer?


Why nobody answering my query? Is sulfur used as raw material for phosphoric acid fertilizer?

Yes.. According to vision.. Sulphur is used in phosphoric acid fertilizer 

(There is a process known as 'The Wet Process') 

Otherwise also you can read about preparation of phosphorus fertilizers.. Sulphur is a raw material

Ok. Bro in wet process H2SO4 is used. I think there is a vast difference between sulphur and sulphuric acid. Sulphur Is a non metallic mineral while sulfuric acid is industrially produced chemical. But my knowledge in agriculture is so meagre I can't say anything with certainty. Just my point of view.

Saying this as someone who have seen guys failing mains just because they felt they will not clear pre... 

Last year this happened to me too. U r correct dear. From tomorrow I will start preparing as I am in 90+ category. One two question swing and scenario changes.


@Aurang_mirasudar reconsider the passage of economic freedom. The 2nd part says when govt decides to tax the higher income of educated individuals at higher rate it makes little sense to invest in education. Also in first part it says whenever lower tax rate it makes sense to invest in education. Don't you think answer 1 has to be in the answer. 

In malnutrition passage no mention of pds as such and union govt in the passage, also second option girls should delay marriage and 1st pregnancy is nowhere talked about in passage so 1and 2 not be in the answer 

Can anyone throw some light on this@Equalizer @Carpediem  @Muqaddam

First line ..below the image...option c verbatim bhai 

Bhai maine 3 only mark kiya hai. Don't know the exact answer.


Bro AI can do all those in future but at the present level of development we have to answer.



AI in present stage is not very effective in generating creative content. Some articles even say present stage of AI intel is less than that of a bee.

That of cockroach.


This time upsc has played with the mind of the aspirants especially in science and tech. It knows very well log all correct manenge, lets play with them. And it has made coaching keys unreliable. 

Indeed. All coaching teaching students in S&T mark only ALL. cheat, hack, these may work for a year but not always. 

@Aspirant123 It's on their facebook page, they have only updated answers to these two questions.

Which questions?



I have doubts in 3-4 questions

1) factors affecting rice price --In my opinion Government trading should not b there as There is no such thing(FCI do not have any profit loss account, MSP is not trading, APEDA is  involved in basmati but  not direct trade but promotion of export etc)

2)non financial debt waala question I have marked Treasury bills only(it purely depends on what UPSC wants to ask so pure luck factor here ,lets see)

3) Growth rate in rural employment has decreased (in my opinion this isn't correct as post liberalization growth in employment has been seen across india(india is still 70-80% rural and without rural job growth overall job growth isn't possible,jobs shifted from agri to non agri)

4) Minister waala question I have marked 1 only though it seems it is wrong 

5)There is no minimum no of days parliament is required to meet in a year(All coaching rely on IE article and no other sources) ---Atleast twice in a year itself mean MPs will have to come 2 days???

Completely agreeing with you on rural economy, almost completely on minimum parliament and partially on rice and non financial debt. 

In rice u r correct. Govt trading is due to price fluctuation not other way around. Government trade to stabilize the price. But coaching key due to cognitive bias towards all of these.

@Equalizer actually trading by definition means buying and selling for profit, government do intervene through open market sale but that is to only drop the prices by boosting supply but they do not engage in buying, they only purchase through msp which was already there in option, thud to my understanding government trading should be eliminated.

Bt government trading perhaps they mean open market sale. Ab government dukaan khol ke to baithi nahi hai ke haan bhai chawal lelo, daal lelo. In any case government trading is wrong. Afterall all last year shankar had 7 wrong answer, vajiram 9, vision I think 5. So coaching giving wrong key to these questions not a big deal.

@Equalizer actually trading by definition means buying and selling for profit, government do intervene through open market sale but that is to only drop the prices by boosting supply but they do not engage in buying, they only purchase through msp which was already there in option, thud to my understanding government trading should be eliminated.

Question asked about factors for change in price of rice. So even if govt using omo to drop the price hence this is a factor which question asked. 

My dear friend I may or may not be correct regarding this question but I am 100% sure that ur this understanding is wrong. It is asking which policies were affecting price. If open market sells stabilizes price, it wont be same as affecting the price. These two are different things. If question is asked what are the factors affecting temperature of patients, it could be due to viral fever, malaria, typhoid, but it could not be due to taking paracetamol, although tablet is also affecting the temperature. At the end of the day it depends solely on UPSC call, however ur this logic is not valid.

@Equalizer omss cant be considered govt govt sells it's excess stock to states or private players.... generally at a loss for it....which increases supply in the market and balances the market prices

Then what should be answer according to u?


I have doubt regard the Irwin Gandhi pact question (just to get clear idea and not trying to justify any option incorrect)

 1 . Prison include all kind of prisoners or it means be political prisoners

2. Any source which clearly mentions about ordinance that were to be withdrawn after pact 

Iske answr me koi confusion nahi hai. Don't discuss it, the question would be dropped anyway.

Government constantly sales the excess stocks which lies with the FCI and at the godowns of the rice mills as part of price stabilising mechanism ,,, it's not about loss or profit but it's a fact that government trades the rice stock so all options are correct

It trades i.e. correct. doest that trade lead to price fluctuation i.e. the point. I am afraid it does not.



Answer to this question ?

Sahi to banaya hai. Isme kya confusion hai.




Answer to this question ?

Sahi to banaya hai. Isme kya confusion hai.

May be answer c is correct 

No dear.

Number divisible by 2, N1= 2,4,6,8,10,12....

Number divisible by 3, N2= 3,6,9,12,15,18...

N1 intersection N2= 6,12,18,24,30....

So all are divisible by 6 but 6,18,30 are not divisible by 4.

Hence proved.



@Mahi 1 only

2,4 not divisible by 6 no

No no u r getting it wrong. Actually the number is divisible by both 2 and 3. So such numbers are 6,12,18,24...

No problem, u will clear csat. How much u getting. 

@Aspirant123 I have a background in CSE. And I know that AI assists in all the 5 options. But here the catch is UPSC framed options in such a way as if they wanted us to answer 1,3,4. I knew that developers wrote the script of GoT season 8, even before it came out, using DNN a.k.a Deep Neural Networks. 
But is that meaningful to a literary critique
? Composers have played AI-created composition on notes and scores of Bach, and the audience couldn't tell them apart. But is that meaningful to a music connoisseur? I really can't say. 
Had there been an option of 1,2,3, and 4 only, I would have gone with that. I agree power transmission is in a very nascent stage. 

Those people who are giving arguments like anything AI does is because of Human Help and initial data sets are drifting away from the essence of AI. You feed the data to AI model just like you feed nourishments to a child. Later on, the child becomes able to perform certain functions. Sometimes below your expectations, sometimes beyond your weirdest possible dreams. Avoid throwing a brick to get your own option right. UPSC is the deciding authority. 

Coming back to the question now, It depends entirely on UPSC now. Whether they wanted to know that a student keeps a tab on the latest development or they literally wanted us to be subjective? I really can't say.

It's 50:50 for both kinds of students. 

100% I agree. I am debating this question based on logic, evidence and agree that it can go either way. While many people will say it's D because It's science question. Apart from meaningful, words like present level of development, affectively swing the balance in favour of of 1,3&4. Rest upsc is final authority.


Mine is 92.2 from Vision 

Doubtful are 


2)Constitution basic structure 

3)Sitting of houses (minimum no of days )

4)non financial debt 

Any chances of giving mains

There is no doubt in blockchain and basic structure question. Doubt arises when there is different interpretations of words. Blockchain is 1&3, basic structure is 2 only.

@a_rakesh10399 govt does trading , I remember I have read “govt sells procured rice n wheat  to big buyers” . 

That is not the point. Of course government does trade. Read the question again. Which of the following policies affect price of rice. Does government trade leads to price fluctuation. Of course not.

@Aspirant123 same! Even I’ve marked 1 3 and 4. I have one question though - is wireless charging in iPhones an example of wireless transmission of electricity? If yes, then all is the answer 

No. That is electromagnetic induction Like induction heater, transformer etc.


Yes u r correct. Electric and magnetic fields were combined by Maxwell. Strong and weak forces were later on combined by Abdus Salam et al. I know dear. Transmission of electric power here means long range Transmission not transmission within a room or home. Transmission from power house to sub power station or to household. Hope it help.


@Equalizer both articles in total says AI is yet to create meaningful song or write short story..lets see...i was never convinced of wireless transmission from first..2nd option was confusing but looks like its yet to be accomplished

Apart from these, the words like effectively, At the present level, meaningful make B more probable. In S&T question upsc has never used such adjectives.


Yaar maine iska B lagaya hai.



@Equalizer Your Choose option B is correct Because it's common sense itself after reading that

IMO the passage was emphasising that risk is inevitable in wealth creation and we as a society is very particular about risk. But it's only IMO. ITS subjective question, nobody can be sure.

@Nobodyknows 3*2.66 add korlo bhai, non financial debt are the debts held by household, government,etc in the non financial sector, non financial sector by definition excludes banks, and banks provide loans, minister aur legal service wala bhi theek h. 

Legal service authority ka kaise sahi hai? Just asking not arguing. All senior citizen cover hote hain kya? Kindly reply.

@Equalizer a scheme has been launched by NALSA in 2016 to provide free legal service covering all the senior citizens ( Google Nalsa free legal service to senior citizens)

In that scheme benefit is not provided to all the citizens, only those already getting benefit under nalsa act, 1987. Now coming to option 1, in no state ceiling is less than 1 lac so it's correct. OBC is wrong. Regarding transgender 2 lac is criterion only in delhi. In other states it's not mentioned in the statute, someone plz through light. However it appears in other state there is no provision 4 transgender. So only statement 1 is correct. I hv marked 1 and 4 and taking it wrong off course.

@Equalizer free legal services to senior citizens scheme 2016  can provide you some insight, also only delhi is providing legal services to transgender, rest many states provide legal services to senior citizens example, jharkhand, Kerala, haryana etc.

To all senior citizen or qualified senior citizen in state like Jharkhand.

NALSA also has state components so states can also decide criteria ,in my district there is a nalsa internship cell which only has district level criterias doubt in it all senior citizens r covered ...

Is there any state where free legal services are provided to all the senior citizens?

Kya general ki cut off 93-94 ja sakti h,Any chance anyone?

Bilkul. High chances but as per official key not shankar/ vaji/ vision/ insights. There's variatio in 4 to 5 key every year. That's y we see many with 105 Could not make it and many with 95 clear it. If most of ur doubtful questions like AI, NALSA, MINISTER is wrong as per coaching there's high chance u will clear. I am also in same level...94 after dropping Gandhi irwin so I know the anxiety.

93-94 mushkil hai. Last year se maximum 2 marks kam ho sakta hai. 
1. Vacancies 100 less than last year. So straight away 1300-1400 less would appear for mains.
2. CSAT was comparatively easier this time. Still many are on the edge 
3. Many debatable questions in gs1 this time. 
So considering everything, cutoff may hover in 96-99 range for general.
But this would be by upsc key.

Brother I have a different take. I have analysed the cut off from 2012 onwards along with cut off prediction. Though I am no expert I have arrived at the following observation/ conclusion.

1. Only in two occasion in 2013 and 2016 cut off increased. Rest cut off always decreased.Though cut off in 2014 & 2015 can't be compared due to change in csat.

2. Cut off increase or decrease is more to do with questions being on expected line or not. Both in 2013 and 2016 it was on expected line.

3. Whenever there is change in trend from previous year cut off falls. In 2019 take for example questions were easier than in 2018 in absolute term but again it got reduced due to change in pattern, many questions from medieval india, from bye laws, regulations etc.

Similarly in year 2017, 2018

4. Whenever there is change in cut off, shankar prediction fail to take that into account. For example in 2016 the actual cut off was more than their upper limit. Similarly in 2017, 2019.

In nut shell their prediction has cognitive bias towards how come this lower, how come this high...

So this year it may well be lower than their lowest limit...



@raviruhal2016231 I also marked senior citizen. Also googled Nalsa senior citizen scheme.
But has any coaching given it correct. Does it have any hope?

All senior citizen is off course wrong though I have also marked it. In delhi only there is income criteria for senior citizens. The question is whether transgender with less than 2 lac is getting free legal services in all state or not.



@Equalizer mizoram has general ceiling of 25000 rs

For all categories?

@Carpediem There is one viewpoint which can defend the question.It says Legal service authorities in India provide free legal services to ------ which can mean any SLSA or DLSA or at national level.
For transgenders-atleast it is in Delhi.If there is no state which All senior citizens get free legal aid,then I m sad that answer will be 1 n 2 

In Haryana ALL SENIOR CITIZENS are eligible for free legal aid. It is given in their website. 

Really. If it is so send representation with documentary proof. In that case upsc will listen. If in any state, all senior citizens getting free legal services, then there's no difference between 2 & 4.


In minister question the hindi is given that----koi bhi vyakti jise vote dene ka adhikar ho use minister bana sakte h...........while in english it is genereal statement..a person who is eligible to vote can be made minister

this is just not acceptable...acc to hindi version answer would surely be D but in eng version they have given genereal statement due to which answer could be A.

This discrepancy was highlighted earlier too. As per English version answer has to be A. May be upsc award as marks to both A and D.

minister question statement of possibility, there is no prohibition for a 18 year to be minister. It’s only to prohibit for becoming MP but not a minister. It’s a case of a. Just a possibility it clearly say ‘can’. It’s my take. Will see what UPSC reads it

Because of the word "can", I am considering this as -ve. I have marked D. But something in me tells me that the a person eligible to vote can be a minister for 6 actually fine. Like see, a minister who has not been elected or nominated is, a citizen of india anyways and has voting rights. The problem here is , a voter can be a minister, ANY voter can't be a minister and ALL voters can't be a minister. 

Yaar this, desher katha, t bill and the deletion of gandhi irwin is like 2.66*4 = 10.67 marks on stake, at the very least.

Last time coachings got btfod in digital signature and ramsar convention and parliament rules , vision included. I can imagine something similar happening this time around too.

No in this question 'D' will be final answer in both case if u read statement in both languages....I am observing tht no one is trying to see article 75 with article 84 both are interrelated...

Article 75 says "A Minister who for any period of six consecutive months is not a member of either House of Parliament shall at the expiration of that period cease to be a Minister."

(see above member of either house....nd nw see below qualification required for a member)

Article 84 says "possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made by Parliament."

(In this 25 years age for LS and 30 for RS is must required)

The use of the word can means if they qualify other eligibility. The only condition the question has laid is they are not member of legislature. So I think we thought too much during exam. I have already taken this wrong. After dropping Gandhi irwin I am at 94.

  1. According to Constitution of India, A person who eligible to vote can be made a minister in a state for six months even if he/she is not a member of the legislature of that state
  2. According to the representation of people act, 1951, a person convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years is permanently disqualified from contesting an election even after his release from prison.

Which of the above given statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: A

(If one overthinks the answer could be ‘D’ – overthinking that Voter eligibility is not mentioned in the Constitution and Age 25 is not mentioned. As you know UPSC doesn’t reward overthinking. Here the question is related to checking the concept rather than fact)

S1: Not quite technically true, since one who is eligible to vote isn’t necessarily eligible to be a Minister (for e.g. on grounds of age). But, since UPSC has used the term a voter “can” and not “every voter”, S1 is correct since many voters who meet the eligibility to be a Member of Parliament can be made a Minister.

For e.g. here are few correct and incorrect statements:

CORRECT: A voter CAN become a minister for six months.

CORRECT: A voter eligible to become a Member of Parliament CAN become a minister for six months.

CORRECT: Every voter that is eligible to become a Member of Parliament CAN become a minister for six months.

First statement is only part of a larger correct statement, still true.

INOCRRECT: EVERY voter can become a minister for six months.

U should have mentioned the source i.e insights.



Slightly off topic.. Is anyone appearing for UPPSC prelims tomorrow?? 

I am appearing but i don't think I will ever clear it.. Does anyone know a strategy which might work.  They have weird questions. 

It's not off the topic

@VivekanandS this time paper is tough no easy questions (except one dpsp question).. Every time there will be sitters from economy, modern history, geography, map.. Now all questions are moderate to difficult... A person familiar with subjects can only answer... Every time around 10 marks come from this sitters

.. Now this 10 marks is not easily available to everyone...  Out of my huge experience this time cutoff will go down.. But I don't know how much.. 

At least by 5 marks


My score is 94 without Gandhi Irwin 

I have marked A in minister

I have not market all correct in AI

I have market all in biofuel policy

I have market only T bill as non financial debt

I have marked A in preamble 

Two questions can make me in or in best case one question can make me in

Almost similar to me. Let's see. 

has anyone marked widening scope of parliamentary democracy in bureaucracy question? I did that by the way :/

Bro don't take it as an offence. In exam pressure u marked it wrong samajh me ata hai, room pe ane ke baad bhi you don't understand the correct answer...


Final take on preamble question

Shubhra Ranjan is correct with option A or remaining r correct with option D

D is correct for sure. If she arrives at answer by googling or by sifting through books it's not our problem. If anyone go through all the judgement of SC regarding preamble, answer become clear. But it will take hours and not minute.


How amusing people are taking everything for granted in Science and All options. This is year it will break for sure. 

AI questions

5. Wireless transmission of Electrical Energy.

Man!! How on earth any person can see and tell this is right? forget about "Effectively". Even if change the option to 5. AI making people to start colonies on Mars. Result would be same. How the heck people can believe that All D in Science just for the sake of it. I am gonna see the key next year, If upsc gives All D for that AI, Am sure gonna leave prep for UPSC and continue with startup. 

What UPSC really made people into ? baap re. Any engineer with slight basic knowledge knows this. forget about present state or Effectively. Common man!

Not just mars colony. As I mentioned earlier even if the option was AI can bring dead people to life, answer would have remain the same. This year in many questions all of this would be wrong. May be upsc had noted this hack/cheat otherwise no use of using words like effectively, present level of development etc. I still admit UPSC is the final authority but those in favour of D has no logic except that in S&T question upsc goes with all of these.


AI answer is simply not all. Just check out the songs made by AI on youtube and see people's comment ,you will definitely find it has no meaning.

Gene question I marked 2 and 3 thinking, how can changes be introduced in ovary or testes in a human body. Though changes can be introduced in eggs and sperm. I am still not able to get proper answer of this. 

Blockchain question - permissioned blockchain is there, and even if lets say a bank want to utlize blockchain technology, wont it take permission from anyone? so ans can be 1 only. 

Is government trading and oms same? i marked government trading wrong. 

again tbill, marked only 3)

How much u getting bro?


I stopped checking coaching centers keys since last year. they have been wrong in more than 5 questions consistently which is very costly in this game. 

So i have checked all sources continuously. didnt stop till i get proper source for a question. 

this year my guess is these 4 questions can change fate as these are very big trap questions.

1. AI 


3. Preamble

4. NFD

Rest all are ok with proper sources. These are most twisted questions. Will change fate of many. 

If u did searched properly, what's the answer in ur opinion in nalsa question.

@Equalizer  88.22 bro considering AI and blockchain are correct. still need 2 correct at least to get 93+
apni kismat inn questions pr depend krti hai-
1) gene (eliminated 1st option) 
2) tbill (marked 3only)
3)price of rice (eliminated govt trading ) 
4)current account surplus(marked 3only)
5) 1991- marked 3only.
6) bureaucracy ko widening of parliamentary democracy 
7)biochar (eliminated promotes the growth of microorganisms because found a similar kind of statement in 2015 and it was wrong as per ans key) - yet to find proper answer of this. 

Rice u will be correct. Among T bill and 1991 High chances of at least one getting correct. 


I will explain,

1) Person with income less than 1lakh - This is without any doubt correct. because every state has mentioned it explicitly all over india with different income criteria but min being 1 lakh in all states. 

2) Transgender with income less than 2 lakh - Delhi has notified this. i havent found any proper source for all india level implementation. 

3) outright wrong

4) All senior citizens - this is the twist. NALSA, 2016 scheme is exclusively explicitly mentioned for Senior citizens. NALSA scheme for Seniro citizens. You can google it easily. Irony is that not a single mention of This scheme in any scheme by any one in coaching centers and they might have not known about its existence. Its an all india scheme. But All senior citizens who are eligible under section 12 of LSA 1987. but when i see the section 12, there is no explicit limit for Senior citizens is there. 

I have marked 1&2 by thinking "All" in 4 will be wrong. But more logically as asked " In india" Question, All over, answer should be 1&4. 

Every beneficiary should be subject to Section 12 of act, 1987 so its in general. All senior citizens is clearly mentioned in NALSA act 2016. So I think upsc will shock us all with 1&4. 

I have marked 1&4 but logically it appears 1&2. U see all senior citizens are not eligible in delhi, there is some income criterion. So I think 4 is wrong. Regarding transgender I could not find reliable source. Many state has not mentioned it. 



@Fightclub can we callwireless charging(we use today for phones) as wireless transmission of electrical energy? I think this is the main contention. Only UPSC can say... I guess

exactly this, we are not talking about electricity but the energy. inductors ka concept hi wireless transmission of electrical energy ka hai. same goes for capacitors. i think physics ncert mein bhi ek example tha of a sphere placed inside a hollow sphere and how it can be charged by just placing charges on the smaller sphere.

Is logic se wireless transmission was always possible. In step up or step down transformer induction is used. Induction is not a new technology. 


Lagta hain isbaar v prelims results se maze aane waale hain.

Last year with Shankar key case of Me and My collegue:

I was getting well below 100. he was getting 110+.

But i was not sure about the key. 

After results and official key:

My friend couldnt qualify and I did. His marks were 96 and mine were 108. 

Just 5 questions can change everything.

This year





four nikaalke calculate karna achha hain marks. My gut feeling. ye duba dega sabki.

Last year my marks also increased by 6 marks.

This year getting 94 after dropping Gandhi irwin, taking AI 1,3,4 as wrong, preamble D as correct, nalsa 1&4 as wrong. I mean as per shankar key.

@Equalizer What about minister which option did u choose ? 

D taking it as wrong.

Is anyone in touch with experienced students who cleared mains last year much do they r getting ...I have seen many friends that due to hesitation they r not admitting ki they r scoring below 90 marks .... I may not b true but aisa lag rha hai ki ek sannata hai sabke Man mein .. suddenly everyone is saying ki exam June mei hi hai waise bhi 2021 Ka so let s see

One rank holder getting 130, other rank holder 92, one who gave interview getting 104, other two giving interview in 80s. However sample is non representative.

@Equalizer Gandhi Irwin Delete nahi karega. I don't think so. Every year something happens with translation. 
Preamble is very much debatable. A or D. I marked C :D But A ka chances jyaada hain.
If it's a part of constitution and if it is not justiciable strictly and as mentioned in Laxmikanth - Then It should be A. baaki coaching waala v sahi reason de nahi paa rahe hain.

SC kya bola bhai? Kaha bola only dependent on others hi hain nahi toh koi legal effect nahi bolke? Its all speculation. but lets see.
If its a part why it shouldnot have any legal effect if any one deletes somepart without affecting basic structure? means no body can approach court if something happens to preamble only? 
If u apply rules stricly then its A. non justificiable.

If Gandhi irwin is not deleted everyone would be awarded marks. It's the same thing. 

In preamble question IMO legality is not synonyms with justiciability, it can be used by the court to decide constitutionality of legislation. This is what I understood. Rest upsc is boss.

@Equalizer Gandhi Irwin Delete nahi karega. I don't think so. Every year something happens with translation. 
Preamble is very much debatable. A or D. I marked C :D But A ka chances jyaada hain.
If it's a part of constitution and if it is not justiciable strictly and as mentioned in Laxmikanth - Then It should be A. baaki coaching waala v sahi reason de nahi paa rahe hain.

SC kya bola bhai? Kaha bola only dependent on others hi hain nahi toh koi legal effect nahi bolke? Its all speculation. but lets see.
If its a part why it shouldnot have any legal effect if any one deletes somepart without affecting basic structure? means no body can approach court if something happens to preamble only? 
If u apply rules stricly then its A. non justificiable.

If Gandhi irwin is not deleted everyone would be awarded marks. It's the same thing. 

In preamble question IMO legality is not synonyms with justiciability, it can be used by the court to decide constitutionality of legislation. This is what I understood. Rest upsc is boss.

If legal effect is not synonyms with Justiciability ... Then .. Option C is most appropriate.

Otherwise .. I go for D.  

No. Outside other part it has no legality. Only when some part of the constitution is given effect mainly DPSP, preamble comes into play. 

Hey guys, Is anybody living in ORN right now ? How are the conditions there ? Is the tiffin service working ?? Is everything working same as before ?

Tiffin services working


Guys, I’m someone who always cleared prelims (5), and also mains(5), and 3 time’s recommended by USPC (currently in Service). I’ve never seen so much confusion and disorder after a UPSC prelims, except a couple of questions here and there. I think we should get over this asap. Best wishes!!

I second your word. Though not recommended but faced interview twice. I too have same observations. 

Paper seem to be easy at home .. like isme to kuch bhi nahi tha. But .. In exam hall, It was like machine gun firing the bullets and  you are just taking cover here and there by some correct markings, some good guessing by peripheral knowledge , some tukkas and some wild guesses at end. Some simple questions (seemingly simple at home) were messed up my many people during exam hall pressure. So,. I think most of people are. in the raange of 105 to 90 and cut off will be somewhere around 90 to 95. 


Totally agree with analysis of both of you. Though never cleared mains, cleared prelims thrice. For general anyone getting 92 from any single institute has high chance of clearing, for OBC 90, SC 78, ST 75, EWS 91. QUESTIONS required deep knowledge. 


I asked around 50 people on forum for their cutoff prediction.

Results were

>98    4 percent

96-98  45 percent

94-96  45 percent

<94    6 percent

There has been a lot of discussion on answers and now discussion on cutoff should also end .All the best for mains to everyone clearing prelims.

You should ask them if that includes the gandhi irwin thing. Am getting a feeling that it will be deleted

Off course it would be deleted or all awarded marks both same thing.


For that eligible to vote can be made a minister question, SC has given guidelines long back (2001) in Jayalalitha case. Pasting from an article in The Hindu

As a general rule, a person can become a Minister only if he is a member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council. Article 164(4) states that a person cannot continue as Minister for more than six months if he is not a member of the legislature by that period.


Eligible MLA first, Minister later

Ms. Jayalalithaa filed nominations for four constituencies for the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections. On April 24, 2001, three of these nominations were rejected on account of her conviction in the TANSI case and consequent disqualification under Section 8(3) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. The fourth nomination was rejected on the ground that she had filed her nomination for more than two seats. The rejection of her nomination papers had not been challenged by Ms. Jayalalithaa.

After the elections, she was unanimously elected the leader of the party and was sworn in Chief Minister on May 14, 2001. At that time, there was a suggestion that she should not occupy the Chief Minister's office until her appeals were disposed of and she is either acquitted or the sentence reduced to less than two years. She insisted that the mandate of the people was that she should become the Chief Minister. Had she shown a dignified restraint, a healthy convention would have been set.

Article 173 prescribes qualifications for the membership of any State legislature. Briefly, a potential candidate must be at least 25 years of age (30 for the Legislative Council), a citizen of India and must possess such other qualifications as prescribed under any law by Parliament. Article 191 sets out the disqualifications and these are: holding office of profit with the Government of India or any State Government, being of unsound mind, an undischarged insolvent, a foreigner, and, lastly, any disqualification under any law made by Parliament. Ms. Jayalalithaa's case was concerned with disqualification under Section 8(3) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. With her conviction and two-year sentence, Ms. Jayalalithaa's election nomination papers were rejected. The fact that her appeals were pending and the sentence suspended made no difference. Thus, she could not contest the election and become a member of the Legislative Assembly.

As a general rule, a person can become a Minister only if he is a member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council. Article 164(4) states that a person cannot continue as Minister for more than six months if he is not a member of the legislature by that period. Ms. Jayalalithaa became Chief Minister on May 14. Her anxiety to get her appeal disposed of was in the hope that if she was acquitted, she could contest a by-election and become a member of the Legislative Assembly on or before November 14, 2001. At the same time, the larger issue that came up for consideration before the Supreme Court was whether a person who is not eligible to stand for election could be appointed as Minister at all. Article 164(4) is completely silent on this issue.

While the Constitution provides for qualification and disqualification for membership to the Assembly, there is no provision as to any qualification or disqualification for a person to be appointed a Minister. This constitutional vacuum has now been filled up by the Supreme Court.

Article 164(4) has now been given a novel interpretation. Hereafter, a non-member of the legislature can be made Chief Minister or Minister only if he has the qualifications prescribed by Article 173 and does not suffer any disqualification as set out in Article 191. Consequently, unless a person is theoretically eligible to be a member of the Legislative Assembly, he cannot be appointed a Minister.

Everybody agree with your inference. However u r not understanding the rationale behind the debate around this question. What u r saying is absolutely correct. Problem arises due to the use of word "a person" in English and any person in hindi version. As per English version answer should be A. As per hindi version D.

» show previous quotes

Everybody agree with your inference. However u r not understanding the rationale behind the debate around this question. What u r saying is absolutely correct. Problem arises due to the use of word "a person" in English and any person in hindi version. As per English version answer should be A. As per hindi version D.

Lol what did they write in hindi. Lol max. This is new info for me. UPSC literally should tell hindi people ki bhai apun ko ghanta fark parta. How can they make mistake in 2 3 questions in one simple prelims exam. 

U can check urself. In hindi it's "koi bhi vyakti" meaning any person. Off course it's a poor translation.


What I marked. Attempt 39 total 

Passage attempt : 24 and Quant  : 15. 

Quant correct :11 out of 15. To qualify I need 19 correct in passage out of 24 

Labour : D

Privacy :D

Wetlands: C

Asset :A

Biotechnology : 1st D, 2nd C

Fdi :A

River interlink :A

Education & tax : D

Urban bodies user charge :1st A, 2nd B

85% agriculture :1st B, 2nd D

Spanish :D

Malnourishment :D

Pusa arhar :C

Dam :C

Liberalization : 1st C, 2nd B

Bank credit :C

Gas based economy : 1st C, 2nd A

Solid waste management :C

Religion :B 

From career launcher and shankar both getting 26 correct 

@Aurang_mirasudar @Equalizer 

U will clear dear Dont worry. How much u getting in gs1. Most of RCs are correct IMO.

Does upsc dropped any question in csat out of error or something in last 5 years 

Yes it has

Any tips forethicspaper preparation in the time being till result come.. planning to do some part of optional plus ethics paper.. 

You can watch Atul Garg Sir's lectures. 2 lectures a day and will take 15 days.

Free me available hai kya YouTube pe?

Man mein ek cheez ghum rahi bas... My 4 th attempt... Ek baar bhi pre nahin qualify hua... Es baar bhi 93.54 hai obc... And agar 6 month vala sahi hua A to 96 ho jaayega... Jo ki lagta nahin... 93.54 minimum hai mera... Kiski taiyari karun ab... Cat dun, ya tiss ya aur kuch ke liye... Har baar es cycle mein bandh jata hun and aur kuch nahin kar pata.. Mains ka taiyari theek thak hai.. Optional engineeing vala hai to usi mein chipka rehta tha... Ab samjh nahin aa raha ki es number par hoga ya nahin... Ya yeh field chod dunga ab

93 for OBC is pretty good score.


It should be compared with pre 1991 phase

@Equalizer so u are saying the growth rate of employment in rural areas reduced or increased,  I am aslo confused

 I took that statement as wrong. Marked 3 only. Don't know the answer. 



@Tokyo Haa. Ye I marked accordingly, but I guess I missed bubbling some, as I struggled to finish the paper. I had left some for 3rd round, but struggled to finish the second round only. 

Never happened that I couldn’t finish paper in all my attempts or mock tests, even in 2018 when I was sleep deprived. 

But this paper man!

Everything under the sun and a new pattern and unpredictability every year cannot be tackled.

Some people are good at something, others are good at some other things.

At the end, it’s all about which set of people did the paper favour?

Very weird paper..Tore us apart!!

Yes...weird paper, unconventional paper, tricky, difficult, asking anything from sun...but still cut off kam nahi hoga...I don't understand the logic...either our assessment of paper is wrong our Shankar's prediction of cut off is wrong.


Cut off will be 92(+-2). Said this on day 1. Continuing the same till date. 

Every time a tough paper has happened marks have collapsed by 6 7 marks minimum. And this is not even taking covid into account.

Absurd for people to forget 2016 ->2017 transition and 2017->18 transition.

Its not gonna be 95. Last time consensus was at 101, it fell to 98, that too with ews, which means in a normal case the cutoff might have been down to 96 or 97.

So anyone above 90 has a decent chance. A lot of 100s have taken rakhmabai and desher katha as 123, a lot of 100s have preamble as A and have taken gandhi irwin marks (which logically will be dropped 99.99%)

i would rather say a 92 93 guy who hasn't included such cheap marks has a better probability to convert than a 100+ guy with such dirty marks.

And well, last time I know people who were having scores in 90s, and had given up who made it to final list. So yeah, stop seeking validity. If are 90+ just study and inshallah!

Cut off can't go more than 93. At least 5 marks dip had to be there.

Calculate marks by shankar or insights or vision. Even if u r dead sure it has given a wrong answer take it as such...if getting more than 92 High chances u will clear.


Cut off will be 92(+-2). Said this on day 1. Continuing the same till date. 

Every time a tough paper has happened marks have collapsed by 6 7 marks minimum. And this is not even taking covid into account.

Absurd for people to forget 2016 ->2017 transition and 2017->18 transition.

Its not gonna be 95. Last time consensus was at 101, it fell to 98, that too with ews, which means in a normal case the cutoff might have been down to 96 or 97.

So anyone above 90 has a decent chance. A lot of 100s have taken rakhmabai and desher katha as 123, a lot of 100s have preamble as A and have taken gandhi irwin marks (which logically will be dropped 99.99%)

i would rather say a 92 93 guy who hasn't included such cheap marks has a better probability to convert than a 100+ guy with such dirty marks.

And well, last time I know people who were having scores in 90s, and had given up who made it to final list. So yeah, stop seeking validity. If are 90+ just study and inshallah!

Cut off can't go more than 93. At least 5 marks dip had to be there.

Calculate marks by shankar or insights or vision. Even if u r dead sure it has given a wrong answer take it as such...if getting more than 92 High chances u will clear.

Was this paper harder than 2018? If yes, how much?

I found it harder than 2018.

Yes 2020 was tougher.

@Equalizer by vision 92.2 general category in same situation taking all doubtful as wrong 

Hopefully u will be in.



My 2 cents with regards to cutoff

Last year (2019) Everyone knew the cutoff was going to be 95-104 , thats A range of around 10 marks, Shankar ias prediction was 99-102 i.e. A range of 4 marks.  In short they covered the 40% range of probable cutoff and still got it wrong😂

which factors can lead to increase in Cut off this year

Decrease in vacancies - Yes

Tukkafication - No!!! There were many questions the answers to which was not a simple D. Also in 2018,2019 you had similar Dfication sentiments running around

which Factors can lead to decrease in cutoff  

1.The toughest csat in recent history . According to a survey 46% of students are either failing or in borderline in paper 2

2. Lack of sheer number of absolute sitters. 

3. Almost 2/3rd of Questions had multiple statements . People didnt had the luxury of time in this paper

4. Inflation - People despite getting a 100% conformity that their answer is not the best answer are still counting the marks for that question. This leads to overall inflation in market

5. Last year 40% of people on Telegram posted their scores tobe above 100 , the sample was 12000 votes. This year 40% of people on telegram claiming their score to be above 95

The overall cutoff has to be - 95 (+-1)

What is borderline case in csat....?? Even a person with 80 is also borderline...since noone is sure of passages 

After reading those articles shared by aurang you will be dead sure of the passage answers 

Those who have cleared csat previously and has attempted sufficient number of questions...just don't calculate Ur marks..

also answer to those RC should be based on comprehension only and not on the whole original article.

@Palakkhinvasaea  I think Banian were just 'middleman' who could serve any European Merchant and Gomastas were Agents specific to East India Company. This book  (Aurung is also asked in same context )also demonstrates the same:

Your analysis is correct. Banian were for private European trader and gomasthas were for for east india company. However we would know correct answer only after official key is released.

With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
1. Rich cities only can ensure sustainable delivery of water.
2. Sustainable delivery of water in cities means much more than supplying water to households.
Which of the above assumption is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

What is the answer to this some answer key have given both, some others 2 only.. My Csat now depends on this question

2 only



@Daarubaaj  you are right! Wt I could see that most of them have given the answer to the passages based on the newspaper title from where the passages were picked..But that is a larger scenario..In passages we strictly have to stick and comprehend from wtt is given there and not think even anything beyond unless I feel answers of upsc vl vary

Rich cities can ensure sustainable delivery of water free of cost without user charge.

However cities which are not rich can also deliver water in a sustainable manner. For this they will have to charge the users.

So both rich cities and those not rich deliver water sustainability albeit through mechanism. It's there in the paragraph.

@Equalizer brother  cities rich means that urban local bodies are also rich . And cities which are not rich have to become rich by charging usee fees. So Only richness can provide delivery. General sense mein eako le, Etna deep koi nahin soch ke karta hai and vo bhi passage. Technical ban rahe ho aap

May be u r correct. This is what I understood. May be I am wrong. When cities which charges its users it does not necessarily become rich...


For so great exam people had, forum this season has garnered prolly the least traction in the last 5 years. Those who have been in forum since they started taking baby steps for upsc would know. Also for the first time I am seeing people so concerned about paper 2 , literally on every page we are seeing paper 2 discussion

*High quality bakar ek khwab hai*

Maybe sabka gs paper 1 achcha gaya ho... In insights poll it is showing 2k people getting 110+

Good luck believing those polls. 

If you were here, you would have known how jostling the forum used to be in 2016 2017 when 110 scores were commonplace. In 2018 19 too when 100s were common forum used to be far far more active. 

So why are people discussing less then....dauration for mains is less maybe the reason

Both that, and the 100 102 wala guy doesn't want to rethink answers like desher katha or rakhmabai or even the fault in gandhi irwin. His 100 102 becomes 92 94. 

What u marked in chronology question in history regarding pallava, chola, pala, pratihara. I think coachings are getting it wrong.

@Daarubaaj I’ve not written CAT or GRE but this is my take on why finding RC answers by looking at the whole article and not just the passage given in the paper is right. 

Administrators are overloaded with info and one of their major work involves distilling final conclusions/assumptions/implications by just glancing through the main ideas in the doc. Hence, UPSC gives strategically those paragraphs from a newspaper article from which we can deduce the entire article’s assumptions/deductions etc. That’s what they expect us to do when we pass the exam. 

If this isn’t the case and we have to go strictly only by the passage given, it becomes like a school English paper. 

Guys correct me if my reasoning is faulty and I’ve made wrong inferences 

PS even I’m on borderline in CSAT! 

Bro during exam u have no access to those articles so obviously u should rely only on the paragraph given there. If u read whole article it's essence may change.


For so great exam people had, forum this season has garnered prolly the least traction in the last 5 years. Those who have been in forum since they started taking baby steps for upsc would know. Also for the first time I am seeing people so concerned about paper 2 , literally on every page we are seeing paper 2 discussion

*High quality bakar ek khwab hai*

Maybe sabka gs paper 1 achcha gaya ho... In insights poll it is showing 2k people getting 110+

Good luck believing those polls. 

If you were here, you would have known how jostling the forum used to be in 2016 2017 when 110 scores were commonplace. In 2018 19 too when 100s were common forum used to be far far more active. 

So why are people discussing less then....dauration for mains is less maybe the reason

Both that, and the 100 102 wala guy doesn't want to rethink answers like desher katha or rakhmabai or even the fault in gandhi irwin. His 100 102 becomes 92 94. 

What u marked in chronology question in history regarding pallava, chola, pala, pratihara. I think coachings are getting it wrong.

No no its correct. 

I don't want to contradict u. Just wanna have a healthy discussion on this.

What appears to me is that there were 3 king bhoj.

First was the bhoj in 7th century. 2nd was bhoj 1, he was most famous. They are confusing bhoj with this one. 3rd was bhoj 2.

@Equalizer that’s what I’m saying. It does not change. 

UPSC ‘strategically’ gives only those paragraphs that capture the entire essence of the article. 

One more reason why UPSC relies on the whole article for RC answers is because it wants to avoid students contesting their answers. If UPSC itself decides the answers to RCs, there’ll be no uniformity and its too much discretion in their hands. But if UPSC shifts the burden to the article author, it’s much easier. 

And we all know how conservative UPSC is. It does not take chances. In 2018, UPSC said Aadhaar could be connected to ‘any electronic device.’ We all know that’s patently wrong but since Nandan Nilekani himself said it in an article, it’s right for UPSC! 

If indeed essence does not change, no need to look at the whole article. We can still arrive at the answer by reading only the comprehension.

@Equalizer  ab isme Kya galat hai

Bhai mai galat nahi keh Raha hn. Just having some doubt. I have shared link u can decide urself.

@Equalizer Bro instead of claiming this,you could have gone through last year RC and I find what UPSC has given in the answer, they are verbatim from the whole article though based on assumptions and rational inference.

Bro u people may be correct.

@Equalizer u r right galat ans Diya hai coachings walo ne 

Question has asked rise of pratihara. So I think it should be first bhoj of 7th century.

But all these I noted only after exam.

@Equalizer bro I can empathise with you! Even I’m on the border with CSAT. It’s damn disheartening but what can we do 

Bro I am not on border in csat. In gs1 I am on border 94 after dropping Gandhi irwin.

@Equalizer bro did you clear last year?? If yes how much did you score??

98 as per shankar 104 as per upsc. I have cleared prelims thrice in 2016,17,19.



@Equalizer bro I can empathise with you! Even I’m on the border with CSAT. It’s damn disheartening but what can we do 

Bro I am not on border in csat. In gs1 I am on border 94 after dropping Gandhi irwin.

Gandhi Irwin drop nhi hoga...

To do number add kar do.




@Equalizer bro I can empathise with you! Even I’m on the border with CSAT. It’s damn disheartening but what can we do 

Bro I am not on border in csat. In gs1 I am on border 94 after dropping Gandhi irwin.

Gandhi Irwin drop nhi hoga...

Why ? Was it mentioned in notification that only eng translation ll be considered ? Dint find it . It was not just a gramatical error .It changed the nature of qus .

Indeed it changed. That's why many are pitching for its removal.

@Equalizer ohhh nice bro!!! 

What nice is there. Failing in mains thrice? All this is due to my job. If one can afford to prepare without job consider yourself lucky. Also if u have to maintain urself, first save enough money to sustain urself for 2 years. Leave the job and put ur heart out for the cause. This is where I really failed till now. Could not afford to take leave for more than 4 month after which I had exhausted all my money.

@Equalizer u r right galat ans Diya hai coachings walo ne 

Question has asked rise of pratihara. So I think it should be first bhoj of 7th century.

But all these I noted only after exam.

Great observation .... Looks like UPSC keys will be a shocker this time .... Bhoja and bhoja 1 are two different people indeed

Bhoja 1 is also known by the name of Mihir bhoj.

@Equalizer u r right galat ans Diya hai coachings walo ne 

Question has asked rise of pratihara. So I think it should be first bhoj of 7th century.

But all these I noted only after exam.

Great observation .... Looks like UPSC keys will be a shocker this time .... Bhoja and bhoja 1 are two different people indeed

Bhoja 1 is also known by the name of Mihir bhoj.

I know .... But remember the Wellesley card upsc played in 2018 .... Though question clearly mentions mahendrVrm 1 , parantaka 1 but not bhoja ... Though the odds are not in our favour , there are slim chances depending on how UPSC interprets the statement " Rise of pratiharas "

These are the reasons there are always one or two shocker in upsc key. But we can't say anything.


Lol even civil servants are making fun of this translation now 😂

That's why many experts have the option that we have a disharmonic system. We say something, mean something else, do something. If they can't translate properly just have questions in English only. Wrong translation is fraud on students who prepare in Hindi. I am no supporter of hindi over any other vernacular language. However if they provide in hindi it should be proper.

@Equalizer bro....I have a real humble have given mains thrice

Willing to pay a handsome amount

I don't have bro.



@Thor_vs_Hulk why can't it be 2-1-4-3

Pratiharas rose under Bhoja l.  The earlier bhoj was not a sovereign king i think. 

For example it is accepted that guptas rose under Chandragupta l although the non sovereign founder was Ghatotkacha(father of chandragupta l) 

But again Upsc gets to decide. Someone has listed the source above.. Going by that it should be 2413

As upsc mentioned establishment of pallava power under Mahendra man 1, and not rise of pallava,  I think it is talking about initial days of pratihara. 

Padhayi nahin hoti agar aap border par hein... Aur yeh sach hai.... Result ka wait karna bahut patience maangta hai

The moment u open book, dimaag me cut off, answers ata hai.

@Equalizer Are't you 90+ ? 

94 after dropping Gandhi irwin.

@Equalizer I think NALSA question would also go...  I think this year many of us will not prepare thinking that we wont clear the cut off and some people will get the leverage... the same thing happened in 2018 , if i am not wrong 

Last year also same thing happened. Was getting 98 from shankar. Was not sure, waisted time again and again calculating marks, then came result. It was a pleasant surprise. But by then it was too late.

@Equalizer If you think you are at the border then What should we do ? lol 

Bro upsc key matters. Marks can increase as well as decrease. That is why I worry. But one good think, most of those we think, controversial is wrong for me like AI, NALSA, MINISTER. Let's see. ATB


Read the article as if it's csat RC and then u will understand the essence of the article. It is telling how AI is not a threat to story writer at least as of now.

Hello guys keep it up. Was a bit busy and also in shock after getting mains2019 marks.
@MrJ phir wahi age ki baat? Kithni baar samjhana hain, there is a condition of both Age (2nd point of Article 173) and Voter (3rd point of Article 173  which is parliamentary qualifications under RPA, 1951). In fact, there was a previous year UPSC question asked in 2017 on the same context. Try to attempt it by applying the ridiculous age criteria. 
Last word: If you're a voter, you need not directly be eligible to become a MP/MLA. But to become MP/MLA, you have to be a voter.

Bro in option d it's mentioned all citizens that's y it's wrong. UPSC choose not to write a citizen of India. That's where the problem is. Everything boils down to how UPSC interpret the word "a person". It can go either way.

Hello guys keep it up. Was a bit busy and also in shock after getting mains2019 marks.

Bhai apka bhi kya optional aur gs3 mein kata? 😢😢

79 in GS3, 220 in optional. In a state of shock.


October last week 

(Not spreading fake news  )


()claiming they had sent mail regarding result date and got reply from upsc )

Yaar upsc responding via email regarding result date...very unlikely.

This is not how government department function.

At the most some known person person working over there can let u know informally but not in this manner...very very unlikely.



Prelims me coaching valon ki har baar band baj jati baar bhi bajegi lagta hai.

Upsc saying rajendra nagar nd mukharji nagar main gandh mat machao . Go get a job or do a master degree and prepare fr exam simultaniously . For this exam emotional intelligence more required than general intelligence . I dnt knw upsc saying this or nt but that shd be norm .

I think now it's even more difficult to prepare with jobs. Look at prelims questions, it now requires at least 3 month of dedicated preparation so that we don't hover around cut off and prepare for mains with peace.

Same with mains, questions last year were technical, to the point, either u know or u don't.

Those who clear the exam with job do so inspite of the job not because of the job.

I am a victim of job so I can relate it. People do job while preparing not because it gives them satisfaction but because they can't afford to prepare without job.



Prelims me coaching valon ki har baar band baj jati baar bhi bajegi lagta hai.

Upsc saying rajendra nagar nd mukharji nagar main gandh mat machao . Go get a job or do a master degree and prepare fr exam simultaniously . For this exam emotional intelligence more required than general intelligence . I dnt knw upsc saying this or nt but that shd be norm .

I think now it's even more difficult to prepare with jobs. Look at prelims questions, it now requires at least 3 month of dedicated preparation so that we don't hover around cut off and prepare for mains with peace.

Same with mains, questions last year were technical, to the point, either u know or u don't.

Those who clear the exam with job do so inspite of the job not because of the job.

I am a victim of job so I can relate it. People do job while preparing not because it gives them satisfaction but because they can't afford to prepare without job.

I am a victim of this exactly. When I was in job, I thought it would be better to prepare without a job as I was not being able to give the requisite amount of time to the preparation process. And now when I am out of the job, it feels that I would have been more confident while writing the exam if I were in a job.  

Sab milakar ek baat hai, "Grass is always greener on the other side" and we won't ever be satisfied with what we have in the present. Manusya ajeeb prani hai. 🤣

My performance was always better when I took leave and prepare. In 2016 I took leave 4 month before prelims, scored 136. In mains fell short of 40 marks.

In 2017 took leave 2 month before prelims, scored 118, in mains short bt 7 marks.

In 2019 took leave 20 days before prelims, was stuck in 98. Mains short by 60 marks.

In 2020 granted leave 15 days before prelims. Now I won't join job.



Are bhai vision ki csat key se just clear ho raha hai mera, toh finally ho jayega na clear, sala csat ne raato ki neend uda di hai meri, ekdum border wala khel ho gaya hai

Bro..  u did ur b tech in IIT and then mtech in IISc ...    r u kidding me .. 

Yaar personally I know one guy getting 115 in paper 1 and failing in csat. He has done in maths and also in maths.

Job ke sath this exam is impossible. Thing is this exam is not for anyone. You have to put all efforts in right direction. Meri kahani bhi kafi dhuandhaar hai, but it ll only matter if one passes exam with good rank. There are many stories. In fact everyone have her/his own struggles so prepare and fight till the end. Nothing matters more than a result.

Well said.

Yes everyone has a story. I also have a story. I will tell only if I clear, if I don't it will just remain an untoldstory.



Some one tell me the answers of following 2 CSAT questions 

1. Circle and square intersection question intersection maximum and minimum points 

2. Relations questions ( R is S's wife )

Coaching institutes are equally divided on these questions 

For 1 ( KSG, CL, RAUS, NEXT Ias gave C, others gave B)

For 2. (Vajiram, NEXT ias and KSG has  given D, others gave B )

Some one who is pretty sure about them please clarify. 

R is S wife.


Guys most of the questions are settled

1. AI ->Not D (setteled on the forum discussion)

2. Desher Katha ->A (on forum people have read the book itself), only vajiram gave answer D.

3. Rakhmabai ->Not D (Only mrunal gave it D)

4. Preamble ->D (Only shubhra called for A)

5. Treasury Bill  ->D (Only shriram ias ,called for 3 only, mrunal has some doubt, but he is with D)

6.Block Chain ->D (settled on this forum)

7.Minister ->D (only insight and dristi called for A)

I am telling this with an unbias mindset, as i have marked D for AI, A for Deheser, D for Rakhma bai, A for preamble, 3 only for treasury bill, A for Blockchain, D for minister.

Getting 98.66- 104 from different keys UR

Preamble and blockchain D 99%, A.I. 1,3,4 chance more say 70%. Minister 50 50. Rest I don't know.


Guys most of the questions are settled

1. AI ->Not D (setteled on the forum discussion)

2. Desher Katha ->A (on forum people have read the book itself), only vajiram gave answer D.

3. Rakhmabai ->Not D (Only mrunal gave it D)

4. Preamble ->D (Only shubhra called for A)

5. Treasury Bill  ->D (Only shriram ias ,called for 3 only, mrunal has some doubt, but he is with D)

6.Block Chain ->D (settled on this forum)

7.Minister ->D (only insight and dristi called for A)

I am telling this with an unbias mindset, as i have marked D for AI, A for Deheser, D for Rakhma bai, A for preamble, 3 only for treasury bill, A for Blockchain, D for minister.

Getting 98.66- 104 from different keys UR

AI  no coaching has gone with 134 , and it's just people trying to push the semantics argument so it won't change.

Minister is 50 50 depending on interpretation

Gandhi Irwin will get dropped.

Rest i agree with you.

Nfd is 123 , it's taken from an IE article as Percival had pointed out

Bro last year in antimicrobial resistance question no coaching gave correct answer. I had marked 2&3 and was 99% sure. This year due to wording of AI question I am 70% sure it would be 1,3&4. Baki upsc is final authority and  can not be challenged in g's paper unlike quant section of csat.


Brothers and Sisters, you should not argue on questions, but you should only post your marks as per the keys, for example I am getting

98.66 from Vision IAS, Shriram IAS,  IAS BABA

101.33 from Shankar IAS

96 from Insight IAS

106.66 from ALS IAS, Civils Daily etc.

It is upto the coaching institute that they decide what is right or wrong, we all must prepare for mains.

coaching waalo ne jo cutoff boli hai wahi jayegi is baar bhi, jaisi ki har baar jaati hai.

96 from shankar 98.66 from insights.


Guys most of the questions are settled

1. AI ->Not D (setteled on the forum discussion)

2. Desher Katha ->A (on forum people have read the book itself), only vajiram gave answer D.

3. Rakhmabai ->Not D (Only mrunal gave it D)

4. Preamble ->D (Only shubhra called for A)

5. Treasury Bill  ->D (Only shriram ias ,called for 3 only, mrunal has some doubt, but he is with D)

6.Block Chain ->D (settled on this forum)

7.Minister ->D (only insight and dristi called for A)

I am telling this with an unbias mindset, as i have marked D for AI, A for Deheser, D for Rakhma bai, A for preamble, 3 only for treasury bill, A for Blockchain, D for minister.

Getting 98.66- 104 from different keys UR

AI  no coaching has gone with 134 , and it's just people trying to push the semantics argument so it won't change.

Minister is 50 50 depending on interpretation

Gandhi Irwin will get dropped.

Rest i agree with you.

Nfd is 123 , it's taken from an IE article as Percival had pointed out

Bro last year in antimicrobial resistance question no coaching gave correct answer. I had marked 2&3 and was 99% sure. This year due to wording of AI question I am 70% sure it would be 1,3&4. Baki upsc is final authority and  can not be challenged in g's paper unlike quant section of csat.

par UPSC ne tumhara ramsar site waala toh galat kiyaa tha naa, no coaching has given the right answer for that, toh 1 q sahi hua toh 1 q galat hua, marks toh utne hi reh gayee.......

Ramsar mera coaching se bhi galat ho raha tha. Agar mere utne hi marks ate to mai mains ke liye qualify nahi hota.


Brothers and Sisters, you should not argue on questions, but you should only post your marks as per the keys, for example I am getting

98.66 from Vision IAS, Shriram IAS,  IAS BABA

101.33 from Shankar IAS

96 from Insight IAS

106.66 from ALS IAS, Civils Daily etc.

It is upto the coaching institute that they decide what is right or wrong, we all must prepare for mains.

coaching waalo ne jo cutoff boli hai wahi jayegi is baar bhi, jaisi ki har baar jaati hai.

96 from shankar 98.66 from insights.

you are in bro, why are you worried, ab aisaa toh nahi hoga ki tumhare 98.66 se 118.66 ho jayege, zyada se zyada 101.33 ya 104 honge, yaa fir 98.66 hii rahengee..........

Bro upsc key se number badhna is error. It can go either way. Ghat bhi sakta hai isliye anxiety hoti hai. Agar 96 hi rah gaye I know ho jayega. Cut off can't go more than 95. That's upper limit.


Brothers and Sisters, you should not argue on questions, but you should only post your marks as per the keys, for example I am getting

98.66 from Vision IAS, Shriram IAS,  IAS BABA

101.33 from Shankar IAS

96 from Insight IAS

106.66 from ALS IAS, Civils Daily etc.

It is upto the coaching institute that they decide what is right or wrong, we all must prepare for mains.

coaching waalo ne jo cutoff boli hai wahi jayegi is baar bhi, jaisi ki har baar jaati hai.

Baaki log bhi apna marks batao. It's a good initiative than arguing on AI. WE have enough discussion on AI, minister, preamble. We have already put everything we know. No need to argue anymore.

AI se wireless electrical energy transmission hota hai...iss par researchgate Ka published paper hai. Search Karke padh lo.

Aap iski hi baat kar rahe ho ya koi aur paper hai?

AI se wireless electrical energy transmission hota hai...iss par researchgate Ka published paper hai. Search Karke padh lo.

Aap iski hi baat kar rahe ho ya koi aur paper hai?

Someone plz clarify.

@Equalizer isme sirf methods discussed hai.
Dosra 1 aur hai. Mein search karta hun milega toh share karta hun.

Jo bhi discussed hai. What u inferred from the paper?

@Equalizer actually wireless transmission option depends up on the interpretation as mentioned before by someone. It's depends upon the interpretation by paper setter.
But another option of meaningful short stories and songs is correct.(if we stop digging to the extent of philosophical writing). Taking in to all these the best option is D.

Wo sab to theek hai. u mentioned that the paper in research gate says that artificial intelligence help in wireless transmission. Isliye puchh raha hn.

The research paper

Isko aapne padha?

There is no other paper on the subject in research gate. U talked about wireless transmission that's why I am asking.

I presume that u have read it before proclaiming about the paper.

I once again ask u politely what u inferred from the paper.


Abhi abhi ORN - k chai waale se pooncha .

Wo Demand Deposit waale Ka "D" bata Raha hai.

Expected cut off, result date, important topic for sab bhi puchh lo bhai.

One more thing, just by quoting some random sources one doesn't get their respective question correct. My point is simple, yaha koi bhi question doubtful ban jaata hai, West Texas ka to source bhi daal diye hai log😂😂.
And no one is making fun of anyone. 
Ye har saal hota hai yaha, aapko shayad idea nahi hoga. 
Maine khud minister ka A mark kiya hai, kafi keys ne A diya hai shayad, but I know it's d. And yahi sahi hai.
So no point in arguing, because I am convinced.

Minister question ke saath ek interesting fact hai just opposite of AI question. Jisne bhi A mark kiya hai use D lag raha hai or jisne D mark kiya hai use A lag raha hai. I have marked D, mujhe A lag raha hai.



One more thing, just by quoting some random sources one doesn't get their respective question correct. My point is simple, yaha koi bhi question doubtful ban jaata hai, West Texas ka to source bhi daal diye hai log😂😂.
And no one is making fun of anyone. 
Ye har saal hota hai yaha, aapko shayad idea nahi hoga. 
Maine khud minister ka A mark kiya hai, kafi keys ne A diya hai shayad, but I know it's d. And yahi sahi hai.
So no point in arguing, because I am convinced.

Minister question ke saath ek interesting fact hai just opposite of AI question. Jisne bhi A mark kiya hai use D lag raha hai or jisne D mark kiya hai use A lag raha hai. I have marked D, mujhe A lag raha hai.

On the contrary Maine minister ma A mark kiya ..lekin mujhe A hi lag raha 😁..age argument is far-fetched and ridiculous..a person doesn't mean every person..

Isliye to D ko galat maan ke marks kiya hai. If the statement was a person can me made a minister in state for 6 month even if he/she is not a member of the house. Still it would have been correct.



@Harsh_capf_ac thanks.. cutoff must not cross 95 for me to be safe this year


Are bhai let me tell you one thing, many first timers this time are scoring good, because guess work se question ho gye hai jada knowledge ki jarurat nahi padi, toh usko bhi consider karna hoga

Based on my interaction with the 1st,2nd attempter, my juniors it appears that this year was not good for them.

They usually are risk averse. If they encounter something they have never heard of they usually leave it unlike senior players. Tukkebazi, gues work, cheat, hack whatever we may call... seniors are better at it...may be at subconscious level they knew the answer.

For most new players paper was nightmare.


About that minister waala question, statement 1 takes too simplistic a view of constitutional provisions. The qualifications for being a minister have to be taken within the framework of parliamentary democracy. 

A person not qualified to be a MP/MLA cannot be appointed as minister, under any circumstances. However I still see a fallacy against this line of argument- *if a person less than 6months away from his 25th birthday is appointed a minister* but this seems to be a rather extreme exception.a finer analysis of constitutional provisions and it's philosophy is required to discern a trend.

A similar controversy was over whether a person can be made minister for 6 months without being a legislator, and then again be appointed for another 6 months. A simplistic analysis of provisions will find this not explicitly against constitutional provision, however the supreme court has ruled such appointments to be unconstitutional and thus void. Rulings on ordinances also reveal a similar philosophy.

Hence it is prudent to see these provisions from a broader perspective, and try to see the consequences of respective cases. Appointing an 18-24 year old citizen as minister for 6 months ridicules the fundamentals of parliamentary democracy, which requires ministers to be elected from parliament, and be responsible to it. A person who's not qualified to be elected as a member cannot possibly be expected to be responsible/bound by parliamentary principles, and so on the whole, statement 1 appears to be fallacious.

P.S. please review this from mains gs 2 perspective.

I will review this from csat perspective. A person means he can be either< 25 years, 25 years, or >25 years. In Question it is not mentioned all the eligible voter. So from this angle answer has to be A. However upsc can say it's not csat paper and answer is D.


Mera bhi koi bta do please kya chances hn:

Vision - 94.66

Shankar - 97.33

Forum - 97.33

Clear ho jayega bhai, Gandhi Irwin wala question to nahi count kiye ho na?

Yaar sahi me drop ho gaya kya. I mean how can one know. Is there any official release from upsc or what


Na bonus milega aur na hi 198 mein merit banegi.

English Ka question Sahi hai toh English waalon ko Sahi answer pe hi milega. Hindi waalon k liye most appropriate waala answer hoga.

Achha bhai OMR ko match karte time wo sort karenge ki kon si OMR hindi walo ki hai aur kon si English walo ki?

Mere according jo hoga wo sab k saath hoga na ki specific medium walo k saath

Absolutely correct. Two answer for two group of people not possible in OMR. UPSC can consider two options correct but answer would be uniform for everyone.

@ShivamS It is unfair to a serious aspirant if Question gets drop. If a aspirant who has already made it wrong will have advantage over one who has made it correct if both are on same marks. 

Correct. However if not dropped can be injustice to hindi medium. Ethical dilemma for upsc I think. GS4.

Bhaio NALSA wala question ka kya hoga. Uske liye bhi to income criteria states decide karti hai. Jiske hisab se 1&4 aur 1&2 dono galat ho jayenge. Is question ke galat hone ke bhi chances hai kya?

Bilkul nahi. Even if options are set wrong and two options can be correct. Upsc won't drop it. Upsc will apply the doctrine of choosing most appropriate option.

However in Gandhi irwin question, there is no discrepancy but absurdity in translation. Fearing backlash by court, parliament, it may drop it.

@Equalizer appropriate answer in hindi medium should be rewarded 

In prelims there are no hindi or english medium for the purpose of evaluation. Answer would be same for everyone. However two options can be considered correct by upsc.

@Equalizer  Then in your opinion which is the most appropriate answer for nalsa question? Transgender or senior citizen?

Transgender. Though I have marked it 1&4. 

Yaar koi agriculture background se hai kya? 

Harrappa mein horse tha



Yahan pe logon ne Baikal ko sukha diya tha. Hahaha



@Equalizer Yes  I am


@Challenger_Deep bro I’m pretty sure my AI answer is correct. I would rather not reveal its answer or it will lead to unneeded debates hehe.. I’ve even taken biofuel as wrong. I marked D. Someone in iSights has with source(pib) proves it’s answer as D. But what about preamble. It’s A in civilsdaily(I think), iasbaba updates key (I think) and shubhra ranjan mam. Metadata I’m sure mine is wrong but can’t say for sure.

First u tell what u marked in AI then I will tell u the correct answer of preamble 😀😀😀. I know the answer with 99% surety.

Silent observer here , frnds do mains whatever the score , it's better to study 12 hours and than cry , getting 124 in GS 1 and in csat in range (68-84) with all keys available , anxiety hits in silence  and decreases the overall day efficiency , it's easy to say  to stay focussed in mains but when individual is on border line it's requires a great strength of character to stay focussed and not distracted by self created negative propositions and asking others to satisfy ones urge to get their answers correct . Fall 999 build 1000 . That's what civil services is meant to be .

From which key u getting 84




Ye to pakka 1 and 3 hai. Isko bhi doubtful passage bana diya kya logo ne 🤣

Vajiram has also gave 1,2,3,4

Vajiram has no credibility in answer key.


Guys I need some help

Yahan koi engineer ho toh please guide me 

My brother is getting rank of 80000 in jee mains so he is not getting nit so he is planning to go to Chandigarh for CS engineering

I m from Rajasthan.Is it right decision to go there or he should do private engineering

Which is good for future ?

Please guide me

Go for govt college. Though I m not engineer

This time I think whoever will get above 92 from UPSC key will be through....

May be due to difficult csat. But don't know why shankar predicted so high. Afterall they follow some methodology and are close every year. So don't know. Others can throw light on it. 

@Equalizer They predicted 99-102 last year

98 is close to that bro. May be many among their samples calculated csat marks only later. But one thing is for sure csat will have the largest impact on cut off this year post it's partial removal even more than 2017. Never seen so many failing.

@Equalizer cut off in my opinion will be 95-97

May be. IMO 93 to 95. 98+1-2-3. Never in forum seen so many discussion over csat. 

@Equalizer bhai but last year also csat was equally tough. Don't you think so? 

No. This year was tougher believe me. I can definitely analyse csat better. Never calculated marks in csat. Got 140 in 2016, 133 in 2017, 126 in 2019. But seeing so mant failing I too calculated my marks this year. Getting only 112. I am not representative but this is case with many of my friends who used to score heavily but getting only 100 this year. This year maths were also tricky. So definitely this year was tougher.

@Equalizer bhai but last year also csat was equally tough. Don't you think so? 

No. This year was tougher believe me. I can definitely analyse csat better. Never calculated marks in csat. Got 140 in 2016, 133 in 2017, 126 in 2019. But seeing so mant failing I too calculated my marks this year. Getting only 112. I am not representative but this is case with many of my friends who used to score heavily but getting only 100 this year. This year maths were also tricky. So definitely this year was tougher.

funny. i found maths easy this year. i did find RC options a bit tough

How many maths question u did and how many u r getting it correct.

@Equalizer bhai but last year also csat was equally tough. Don't you think so? 

No. This year was tougher believe me. I can definitely analyse csat better. Never calculated marks in csat. Got 140 in 2016, 133 in 2017, 126 in 2019. But seeing so mant failing I too calculated my marks this year. Getting only 112. I am not representative but this is case with many of my friends who used to score heavily but getting only 100 this year. This year maths were also tricky. So definitely this year was tougher.

funny. i found maths easy this year. i did find RC options a bit tough

vry true.....nd overall I think CSAT was easier thn last year

May be u r right. But don't u think more people failing this year in csat. How u explain this.

@Equalizer i did some 34-35 maths. got 30 correct. some may be statement like that "multipication is 21" question. im counting it in maths only. rest will RC and pure reasoning ones like " how many of such number precede this number" and cat dog questions etc.

Theek hai no problem. That was only my point of view. Certainty it can be wrong. But how  more  people failing this year square with ur assertion that csat was more or less similar to last year.

@Equalizer see i cant speak for others. but one think i can tell for surety. if you dont prepare for math, you wont get even one question right there. math is not below par. i can tell. that v=2u or something question while solving i knew that i need to put 2 hours properly in this or game over. so its no surprise that ppl will fail if they take it lightly.then this year or last year wont matter if math is timetaking and proper solving required one. and if youre going RC bharose, God bless

Agreed. Just asking...more people failing or not compared to last year. I think so.

@Capedcrusader1  Yes I have attempted 45 maths questions including some reasoning stuff got all 45 right , but I feel the paper is tough , rather I would say tricky too for some who don’t have any math background ... it’s easy for me because of math background and the paragraph options are not that easy to get ... my opinion csat is tougher 
got csat : 112.5 
gs : 89 feeling sad ☹️ 

Which attempt bro


Best of luck

Have you checked Mrunal Key on polity just released. It says since Parliament has to meet twice in a year it has to meet two days at least. Statement 3 incorrect 

Mrunal gone crazy. Saying preamble and UNDHR are easy question. Hahaha


One genuine query, Iska sure shot answer batao

Sahi to banaya hai bhai aapne.



Anyone please tell this answer. 

Asking it for the only reason coaching institute keys made it equally doubtful as the RC's




@NarendraDamodardasModi  Csat mei boht zaada doubt horha hai , any idea about that 0.25 and 1 foot vala question?

0.25 I don't know why there is confusion. In quant question there is 100% objectivity. It's beauty of maths. Upsc has no discretion in such questions unlike gs paper. If it gives any answer other than 0.25 upsc won't be able to stand a judicial scrutiny.



@Equalizer  but ye vision , shankar ki key ne 1 dia hai 😏

Pata nahi bro. Either they are making silly mistake or we are making. It appears they are making. We have solved it many times.



@Equalizer  but ye vision , shankar ki key ne 1 dia hai 😏

Pata nahi bro. Either they are making silly mistake or we are making. It appears they are making. We have solved it many times.

0.25 h bhai uska ans

Haan yaar it is 0.25. UPSC says there is no horse in IVC it is correct if it had said there is horse in IVC, still it is correct. If it says voting is constitutional right it correct, if it says it is legal right it is again correct. But maths put a  limit on UPSCs power. Yahan it has limited choice.

Do you all think Carbon nanotubes and Biofuel related question in GS1  are doubtful questions as per the answer key provided by different institutes?

What u marked in carbon nanotube

7.5 and 3.25
take 3.25 rod and divide 7.5 into ->3.25+3.25+1(the remaining part)
now use that 1 ft to divide 3.25 ->1+1+1+0.25
min length - >0.25
that's how I solved it

Good method. Mera itna dimaag nahi kaam kiya exam me. Just hit and trial se banaya.

N1= 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30, 37.5

N2=3.25,6.5,9.75,13,16.25,19.5, 22.75, 26

Now minimum difference mujhe dikha 0.25. and 0.25 divides 3.25 and 7.5 completely.

And for biofuel I marked all of them.

It's incorrect . I also marked D. Anyway why u marked D.


How come. Aise mai bhi yahi answer chahta hn😀

@Equalizer tumne D kya soch kar lagaya tha ?

I read somewhere ke damaged wheat grains, rotten potatoes, sugar beet can be converted into biofuel. Also ke the list is not exhaustive and in extraordinary situation other grains can also be converted. Perhaps I recalled wrongly.

@Equalizer same case with me , groundnut is indeed an excess crop but it is not explicitly mentioned in policy. 

Do u have pdf of original policy in English. I could not find it anywhere.


Why there is always etc at the end?  Ministry ke secretary se pucho.

@Equalizer same case with me , groundnut is indeed an excess crop but it is not explicitly mentioned in policy. 

Hum logon ne sahi recall kiya tha. In bumper production excess foodgrain can be converted into biofuel with permission of competent authority. Ye diya to hai in document someone shared just now. Still all of these ka kam chances hai.

@Equalizer Are actually geoundut se confusion ho raha hain. But someone in above comment has given a clarification regarding that so may be All bhi ho sakta hain let's see 

Is document se answer cannot be arrived for sure. Koi ministry se puchho plz. 

@VivekanandS Har Baar hota hai 3-4 questions. Coaching waale phir BHI Nahi sudharte

Last year avg 7 wrong. This year also many would be wrong.


Ye toh upsc Ka khel hai 110 waale cutoff pe pahunch jaate hai . Aur cutoff waale 110 pe.

Har Saal Ka khel hai. 

110 waalon Ka Nahi hoga ; phir wo muh chipate phirte hai.upsc ko gaali dete hai. 

He hota Raha hai; hota rahega.

Those 110+ and still failing are generally very liberal in calculating their mark. Those  at borderline and clearing are conservative in calculating marks.

Anyone here from medical science background. Carbon nanotube and blood capillaries through some light.
Cutoff 96-98 for csp, IFoS- 117-118. Only thing is varying keys

Yes that's y with 96 I am in



Was getting 104.5 minimum. Kept all controversial questions negative.

Checked CSAT just to make sure. Using Vision IAS key for CSAT I am getting 75.

Can anyone help me decide what is happening? Is the cutoff more than 105?

Nahi bro. U r done be csat.



Was getting 104.5 minimum. Kept all controversial questions negative.

Checked CSAT just to make sure. Using Vision IAS key for CSAT I am getting 75.

Can anyone help me decide what is happening? Is the cutoff more than 105?

Nahi bro. U r done be csat.

In csat they gave too many wrong answers.

So guys. What is the conclusion ? One can qualify prelims through hardwork or through  tukkebaazi?

Hard work.

So guys. What is the conclusion ? One can qualify prelims through hardwork or through  tukkebaazi?

Hard work.

Tukkebazi don't work. Only those who has worked hard can do guesswork.

Bhai koi maths test series bechega kya
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