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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Here's my 2 cents:

Until and unless the covid graph has reached its peak (or plateau top) and considerable decline has not been noted, there is gonna be no exam. We, in mad race for an examination/job (howsoever important it may seem right now) have forgotten a basic fact that it's a mere exam and there's a whole big world outside which doesn't care about it. The same world has real vulnerable people whose lives matter. Timely Lockdown and its positive effects (lesser mortality) have lulled us all into a false sense of security.

You have given X years to this exam? Is this your last attempt? You had taken a leave from job and have to return back there? You are almost on last leg financially and will now have to return your hometown? You had given your interview and expecting a double digit rank still being forced to study? I get your problem. It's tough being in your position. Mentally, physically, psychologically. But.

But, with all due respect, your problems are nothing in front of lives getting lost forever. It's an unprecedented situation, occuring after 100 odd years. Let's accept we are mere mortals living at mercy of the nature. Our lives simply don't matter much. Ok, way too philosophical.

So, when's exam gonna happen?

Noone knows exactly. That's the answer. Noone likes it, I know. Most of you can't accept it. Most of us are pretty weak to not accept uncertainty in life. Despite the fact that uncertainty is only thing certain in larger scheme of things in our life.

Still, intelligent guess?

For that just look at graph of Covid cases around the world. And the fact that we are now gonna open the economy (which will accelerate the cases further). Look at US. They are still not far down the peak. 2 months have passed since deaths began there. By any logic, it will take minimum of 2 more months (saying only at this point) to register zero deaths. Yes, I am not talking about cases but deaths (3% of registered cases).

Apply the same about India. We are nowhere near the peak yet (cuz no decline noted yet). Summers didn't help much, neither did Indian immunity or genes or anything. People get infected here and die. Bit lesser than the West, but still people are dying. UPSC can't take a chance until deaths have gone to zero. UPSC can't take exam if there is even one district in so called red zone (where students can't move safely in public transports). More so, many students are stuck at places without study materials for whom UPSC has promised minimum 1 month of time. Looking at all factors, I DON'T SEE EXAMINATION HAPPENING BEFORE SEPTEMBER. (Saying this without considering the effects of lockdown easing, effects of which will come after a week or two).

PS: There is also possibility of no exam happening this year at all if new factors come into play. They might be: 1. 2nd wave of infection after monsoons, 2.Higher mortality rates after lockdown easing, 3.Any other untoward factor coming up from nowhere complicating the game further. Nature doesn't care about schedules or graphs or curves. Nature just acts.

Also. The shops selling test series and stuffs have their own interests. And it's justifiable in economic sense. A fear of exam date (good even if it continues shifting every other month) keeps the business churning. Fear sells.

Should you give up preparation, then? Of course not. But do it knowing all truth. Don't do it being an ignorant fool or an unrealistic ostrich. Foolishness doesn't suit UPSC aspirants. Astuteness and accepting reality does. Be cool and calm with heads right on the shoulders.


That's better than saying "To be honest, we don't know"... which is the truest answer right now.

People don't like uncertainty. So, it's better to fool them (and control the crowd) by giving a next date of meeting to reconsider the situation rather than saying "Hey guys, we are as clueless and helpless as anybody else right now."


Here's my 2 cents:

Until and unless the covid graph has reached its peak (or plateau top) and considerable decline has not been noted, there is gonna be no exam. We, in mad race for an examination/job (howsoever important it may seem right now) have forgotten a basic fact that it's a mere exam and there's a whole big world outside which doesn't care about it. The same world has real vulnerable people whose lives matter. Timely Lockdown and its positive effects (lesser mortality) have lulled us all into a false sense of security.

You have given X years to this exam? Is this your last attempt? You had taken a leave from job and have to return back there? You are almost on last leg financially and will now have to return your hometown? You had given your interview and expecting a double digit rank still being forced to study? I get your problem. It's tough being in your position. Mentally, physically, psychologically. But.

But, with all due respect, your problems are nothing in front of lives getting lost forever. It's an unprecedented situation, occuring after 100 odd years. Let's accept we are mere mortals living at mercy of the nature. Our lives simply don't matter much. Ok, way too philosophical.

So, when's exam gonna happen?

Noone knows exactly. That's the answer. Noone likes it, I know. Most of you can't accept it. Most of us are pretty weak to not accept uncertainty in life. Despite the fact that uncertainty is only thing certain in larger scheme of things in our life.

Still, intelligent guess?

For that just look at graph of Covid cases around the world. And the fact that we are now gonna open the economy (which will accelerate the cases further). Look at US. They are still not far down the peak. 2 months have passed since deaths began there. By any logic, it will take minimum of 2 more months (saying only at this point) to register zero deaths. Yes, I am not talking about cases but deaths (3% of registered cases).

Apply the same about India. We are nowhere near the peak yet (cuz no decline noted yet). Summers didn't help much, neither did Indian immunity or genes or anything. People get infected here and die. Bit lesser than the West, but still people are dying. UPSC can't take a chance until deaths have gone to zero. UPSC can't take exam if there is even one district in so called red zone (where students can't move safely in public transports). More so, many students are stuck at places without study materials for whom UPSC has promised minimum 1 month of time. Looking at all factors, I DON'T SEE EXAMINATION HAPPENING BEFORE SEPTEMBER. (Saying this without considering the effects of lockdown easing, effects of which will come after a week or two).

PS: There is also possibility of no exam happening this year at all if new factors come into play. They might be: 1. 2nd wave of infection after monsoons, 2.Higher mortality rates after lockdown easing, 3.Any other untoward factor coming up from nowhere complicating the game further. Nature doesn't care about schedules or graphs or curves. Nature just acts.

Also. The shops selling test series and stuffs have their own interests. And it's justifiable in economic sense. A fear of exam date (good even if it continues shifting every other month) keeps the business churning. Fear sells.

Should you give up preparation, then? Of course not. But do it knowing all truth. Don't do it being an ignorant fool or an unrealistic ostrich. Foolishness doesn't suit UPSC aspirants. Astuteness and accepting reality does. Be cool and calm with heads right on the shoulders.

So, my analysis was dot correct. It's not happening before September!

It looks UPSC has followed 2nd path (easier yet illogical and untruthful) keeping the sensibilities of the sissy type lesser mortals in mind- of giving a distant probable date instead of saying "Frankly we can't say anything ryt now."

Let's see if it happens by then or not. 


By 4th October, for the exam to happen:

१. Daily death toll should be near zero.

२. There has to be no containment zone anywhere in India.

३. Herd immunity to levels of more than sixty percent should be reached.

४. Or a vaccine should have been developed.

Otherwise, they will have to shift the date once again to some further date.

Here's a fact: Corona reached US in early Feb, after four months today, their daily death toll is still १०००+. And statistically, it will need more than two months AT MINIMUM to reach about zero daily toll. That's a period of six months very conservatively disregarding any other negative factor. And India is four times USA in population. And we have slowed down the spread meaning it will take yet longer to reach peaks/plateau top and then taper off.

Logically bole to Meri baat maano, chill karo is saal. No exam is possible this year, especially in favourite months of flu.If not that itna to hai October mein bhi hone ke chances bahut kam hain.


PS: Two minutes silence for those KUTAs (Keen & unimaginative type aspirants) who were illogically spreading the news (and fear) that exam will be taken on time (३१ May) earlier and then July/August. Hari Om🙏


Very little Chance of Prelims on 4th Oct.

An exam taking place at 100 odd centres across the nation- when public transportation is not fully restored, hotels not fully open, Lockdown not fully lifted at so many places- is unthinkable. I am not even considering moral, health and social hazard before the officials who have to conduct the exam.

All said, NDA exam on 6Sept will act as a huge template IF it goes through well without any negative news/incident/fiasco.
Supreme court decision on NEET/JEE will also be worth watching but I guess they will postpone the judgement yet again.

PS: I wonder there is no online petition running to postpone these exams. Even one aspirant's death caused in such process is not worth the whole process. Not to forget, there are 10000s of such aspirants with compromised immunity, special needs, medically illness while many many others are in not so great health and shape.

Latest research is showing long term impact of Covid19 on neurological and respiratory systems of many inflected people. This virus is no joke!

So many species throughout earth's history have fallen prey to such organisms and went extinct. Are "Humans, the wise" really f****g stupid?

Strange times we living in, strange dilemmas we facing up.


Maybe UPSC is thinking of using Vande Bharat planes to ferry students from their villages or small towns to the Centres so they can write an examination.

If those planes won't suffice, they may rope in IAF's C130Js, C17 Globemasters, the new Rafales and few Chinooks here and there so that every aspirant reaches centre on time.

For staying overnight, Indian Army will be roped in to create tent cities nearby every big City with Prelims Centre.

For fooding of those 5-6lakh aspirants, NGOs will be roped in.

Strange times need strange measures.
Anything is possible!


In my state, Buses- public or private- are running in very low volume (say, at 20-30% of the original). Last mile connectivity options- cabs are running very less. Autos almost non-existent on roads.
Hotels are serving as isolation centres, others closed.

@Katy_Singh Not every one of them would stay alive or in good health to protest after writing the exam.

That's the bitter fact.


Better to be objective and rational rather than blind and emotional.

Noone loves uncertainty. That's why some people choose blind 'No', others blind 'Yes'.

Leave corona numbers and infection chances, moral and health hazard stuff away for a while, let's put a Question:

Those commenting that exam is certain, please enlighten how an aspirant staying in a remote village having to reach his Prelims Centre (in a big city some 100s km away) whose bus/train option is almost nil, staying and fooding and last mile connectivity option at the City so uncertain can be sure she can reach the center on time and write her exam???

@Itachi  Does it matter now for those who wrote Prelims last year? Even a bit?

What would UPSC lose if they released this key a week after Prelims exam every year?

If UPSC wanting to evading legal issues over answers is your answer, what stops aspirants from suing UPSC over 'wrong' answers now after exam is declared and put whole selection list to trial?

If none of above matter, can we be sure UPSC is a guardian of talent hunt in fair manner, or that our apex courts guardian of fairness, justice and a long list of rights of the aspirants??

@Tejas14 Cases will be twice, if not thrice, by then.
These numbers are not some meaningless numbers of paper.
These are people dying from infections. Those who could have been saved.

If Governments can go for elections, then why not exams. True.

It would be like Russian Roulette. Just that chances of casualties will be much much lesser. (i.e. To hold the exam, we would have to sacrifice 1/1000 to 1/10000 aspirants in the aftermath of the process). Survival of the fittest in the naked raw form. Gory. But that's the life ahead, it seems.


Read my above Comment. Agar exam hoga to Russian Roulette hoga.

For now, let's wait for JEE/NEET/NDA. 


Matlab ki maut ke saakshat tandav ki neev rakhi jayegi Prelims exam ke bahaane.

Sadists among us will have a field day on Oct4.

PS: If Governement is so keen about our over-population issue (which I agree is very big), they could have simply passed a population regulation bill. Ab aise jaan bujh ke citizens (wo bhi youth) ko maut ke saamne daalna is not a prudential decision.

Koi nahi. Life on earth is anyway anything but an absurdity. Mahan philosophers ki yahi vyakhya hai.


In that case, 1000s of aspirants will choose to reject the exam and sue UPSC and the Governement.

Opposition parties will then pick up the cue and try to force governement to change its decision (Why else opposition parties exist these days other than Opposing all decisions- good, worse or ugly- of the Governement)
Don't believe me? Wait and watch.

PS- If not me, Do believe the vellapan of students' community and their over-obsessive parents. Lol.


U mean:
Gather your masks and sanitizers.
And be ready to play the russian roulette.

4th October is the day.

@Handshake You are getting personal.

Okay, But I won't. Can't stoop to same level which I condemn.

These folks won't let any exam happen. They will show UPSC its place.

People living in non-covid zones or where cases are going down will have immense advantage compared to Hotspot zones.

What's wrong there? I Think it's alright.

'Giving thrust to import substitution of Capital Goods' means giving thrust to Heavy industries domestically only, isn't it??


These people shouting for exams are same people who haven't visited a hospital or hit the ground all these months. They are young urban folks, bored in room cramming stuffs and want things done to suit their agenda. For them, these casualty numbers are some distant phenomenon happenin in tomorrow land.

Guys, Come and visit some hospital, see the dead bodies every day getting packed in coffins and their relatives, watch people- both old and young- staying on ventilator support for weeks, then you will realise how 'frivolous' and 'not so dangerous' this virus and its consequences are.


"Substitution to basic and capital goods" means what, in reference to industry production especially in 2nd FYP??

It means import substitution only!

Come on.

Edit- Here's the exact source from where the oldies at UPSC might have framed this Question:


I loved this reasoning, smiling wryly ryt now. It goes like:

=>There is no solution, so the show must go on. People may die, as they die anyway from AVOIDABLE ISSUES like poverty, malnutrition or hunger. One more reason now- Virus. So WHAT?? People are merely use-and-throw resources, their death merely statistics. There is nothing we can do. Postponing an exam is impossible cuz taking exams are more important than saving lives of our citizens, anyway they are too many. We have absolutely no option: no hope to get vaccine, no hope of getting herd immunity, nothing, no option to club 2 years exam and take them together next year when it's safer. FUTURE is this. Right here. There's no better future. We can do absolutely nothing. So, we must close our eyes and pretend this is the way of life to be. Sacrifice a few of us, so that most of us can carry on with pretenses of normal life.

ps: You will excel at administration. Don't waste time here. Quote me directly when you wish to.


So, if Shah Faesal can be back after a hiatus of 1.5 years to service, so can OP Chaudhary! Or Kannan Gopinathan. Or... well a long list can be made.

But, it would be a horrible precedent for future.
Take Faesal's case: He broke every Code of Conduct for Civil Services (before and) after his resignation. He  formed a political party, openly opposed a law passed by the Parliament, tarnished India's image by ranting on international TV channels before getting arrested last August. He has dishonored the standing and responsibility in every possible manner which he was conferred upon by virtue of being a member (more so an elated topper) of this civil service.

Personally, for him, his two choices are equally bad. He has no future in politics. IF (a big if) he reenters IAS, he would have lost support and respect of kashmiris, his colleagues, juniors and seniors- a sort of pariah.

Feel bad for him.

He was one of the biggest reasons to draw me towards Civil services preparation a decade back.

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