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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Hello everyone, posting here after a long hiatus. Which answer keys are more reliable this year? I checked from forum's and topper's, scoring 114.67 from both. Although the same can't be said for Byzu's or G's score wale answer keys. Byzu's in particular seems to have many glaring error imo. Which answer keys did you people find good? 


Wrote prelims for the third time, mains once. Couldn't qualify in 2018, qualified in 2019 by a whisker (probably 98 or 100.66 would have been my score). Getting around 114 from forum's and topper's keys. Imo, paper was more or less on the same level as last year albeit a bit easier to guess especially the SnT section (assuming the answers provided by institutes are correct). My take on cut-off -->should probably remain along the same lines as last year. May even go higher around 100-101. Remember last time, the cut off dropped due to CSAT being on the tougher side (and hence the ensuing furore in the aftermath). This time no such factor. Let's see. 

@rafael Indeed, last year too there was a question dealing with Lok Sabha and it was probably lifted verbatim from an article in the Indian Express by the then secretary-general of LS (dont accurately remember if it was the Sec-gen or ex-sec gen). This time too, it seems some questions have been lifted verbatim from  various sources.  

@appyfizz OBC mein I believe you are in the safe zone. Start preps for mains. 

@PrinKed honestly, very difficult to say. At the end it boils down to the sample size and moreover the sample representativeness. Two things -
1) Lesser number of participants in forum as compared to previous years. ( And hence the sample size is reduced)
2) The representativeness. Out of the people active here, many of us have been there on the platform since quite some time. So, the probability of a person scoring high in this group is also higher (more attempts...). So, don't entirely go by what you see here. The reality may be quite different. 
That being said, people in my friend group have scored better than last year. Viz: 2 of them (both 2nd attempt) scored around 90 last year, this year >110. 3/4 who have written mains twice the same. 

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