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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

@Patootie : "Oh dear God, I've been motivating people everyday on ForumIAS. However, I'm being remembered by the one who exclaimed 'Kaccha Mango bite!'. This is not fair God. I'm sad."

God: "Its okay my child,Potato. Keep going. Always preserve the empathy that you have in your heart. Dont worry.Smile."

Patootie: Thanks God! But my name is Patootie!  :) 

God (angrily): "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"  *The Rock's theme song plays in the background*


@Patootie How was it for you? 

Hi everyone, I guess I’m the only one who couldn’t complete the paper on time. I spent the entire break crying (and announcing to my fam that I’ve fucked up my attempt). All the dreams of writing mains in my first attempt have gone to the drain. 

Set C - The starting questions not only ate my time, basically ruined my momentum for the rest of the paper.

I switched (though too late) and solved second half which was very doable for me. Came back to first half but it was already late. Couldn’t fill the omr for economy and some map questions which were high accuracy areas. To sum up it could attempt only 73 and never got the chance to fill my OMR for the next 20-25. I always attempt and have been attempting closer to 95 in my mocks, but today I simply lost on time.

Ive just calculated my marks and I’m scoring 85-87 from BYJU. Maybe if I’d marked as much as I had planned I would have had a chance. I imagined a countless ways how this way would turn out to be but not THIS. So much focus on knowledge accumulation while what ruined the game for me was THOSE 2 HOURS.

No option but to wait months for another chance.

@Villanelle  See understand one thing.....AND THIS for every candidate here

Never Ever NEVER never

fill your OMR after marking all the questions, do it then and there only. Please, I repeat Please.

A story: In 2012, a very bright student went to IIT-JEE exam. She was brilliant. In these papers you are always sure that you will get good marks. But she did the same mistake, didn't fill OMR then and there and started filling it later.

RESULT :She skipped one question by mistake and then all the bubbles below got Fucked up. She came to know it when she was about to fill the last answer (no bubbles left). She wasted her one year.

That moment when you reach last bubble. That feeling. Cannot be described in words. I hope everything turned out good for that human being.

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