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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Some are receiving OTPs in a second and some like me are just wasting time staring at the screen...phew!! My point is what if the ones who are not getting an OTP are just left stranded trying? This is a glitch UPSC could well have avoided. Leaves such a bad taste in the mouth. After the all the emails that UPSC has rcvd since yesterday they couldn't fix it!
The jugaad posted above worked for me also this morning. Hats off upsc staff

Well this jugaad ain't working anymore. The final Email OTP is coming separately and previous one isn't working. So guys who are trying, please wait for the final email OTP like you awaited the initial one.I just submitted. They took a long time to send the final OTP.

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