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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

One thing for sure is we don't know what the virus is capable of , to what extent it can spread , is second wave possible , is india still nascent stages of the spread or are we really immune to it to a certain extent due to BCG ....etc

therefore UPSC to be logically cannot give dates or months of postponement if they have realised the unpredictability of spread... therefore it will be postponed , but dates won't be announced as no one knows when the virus will be suppressed . it might be August or December or January , who knows it all depends on the curtailment of spread , which is unpredictable in nature as of now.... so be at peace people and learn... happy learning.... peace ✌️😎

@Naadan_Parinda haha 😁😁


At the current current state(it might become worse too) of covid it is not wise to conduct pre in june or july for that matter.


1. Obviously huge interstate/intrastate travel and gathering.

2. The exam of this scale requires huge amount of workforce from all local administration to state administration to provide venue , manpower , security...etc . this is not affordable in this crisis as vital resources are required to fight covid.

3. the exam cannot be conducted in normal fashion as social distancing should be followed , ventilation in room , and even omr attendance should be ammendment as the sheet travels though the whole class room ...etc 

4. Upsc exam is important to us but not to the nation/government at the current context .


therefore logically exams cannot be held  atleast till August at the current scenario ... since a lot of people were concerned about the dates should go ahead and prepare optionals for the time being if you choose to..... peace folks ✌️😎

We see what we see , because we want to see what we see . So  whatever we predict is true and false at the same time as future is a Limbo . Let it come when it comes... Stay at peace ✌️🌚
@Destiny93 I didn't say otherwise my fellow consciousness... All I'm saying is just to stay at peace and spread positivity .. peace ✌️🌚


What i have seen is people make this exam larger than life , many consider it the most important exam in the country /in their life... etc .

This effectively blinds many from many things  and has also narrowed their perspective in many ways ,

Why do people want this exam to be postponed ? 

¥ The only thing the pandemic has taught humanity is that we lack understanding about it on how it spreads , body's immunological response to it , and long term effects on our body....etc

¥ Safety of oneself and their family . Most have aged parents and india is the capital on diabetes , BP...etc . so statistically many of our parents will be suffering from it and are more susceptible to developing complications if affected by it.

¥ People just talk from their perspective , there are many poor aspirants , for them even attending exam in normal time is hard as they have to travel to city , stay there , forgo that day's earnings...etc . 

¥ Many aspirants are covid warriors who have little to no time to prepare , its unfair to punishment them for their service to humanity . As most are serious aspirants too and should have a fair attempt as anybody else.

there are still many personalised reason for each one according to their own circumstances .

Any serious upsc aspirant will know more time to this exam doesn't make this exam any easier or harder . 

So yeah you can take a car or get a bike or have prepared well...etc but it applies only to you and there are many who are suffering and will suffer if the exam is to be conducted.


I want exam to be postponed if the situation does not improve (it has not till now) . Not because i want it to but its not fair for other . i always get my center in 10km radius from my home , i go in a car , the centre is not populated much generally as it is in a less populated city...etc . And im a vetran aspirant who has cleared prelims 4 times(mains is a different story😂) so no problem in clearing it again as im well prepared .What i have is the best case scenario for an aspirant but im aware than many don't . So its not fair to them.

Peace ✌️😎


What is reservation based on ?

Is it affirmative action to uplift the poor ? : No , its then schemes and other assistance  would be enough.

Then why is reservation implemented ? Aren't lower caste people poor?

Answer: To understand reservation , we should understand caste system . Caste system is a socio - economic political system . This multi dimensional system has lead to multi dimensional deprivation in social , economic and political status of the people who are considered to be in lower hierarchy of the system. This has led to these communities to be ostracized socially , economically and politically.

The repercussions of this system has both psychological results such as caste discrimination ...etc , and physical results such as certain caste members live in bad parts of villages , most Indian village's residential setup is segregated on caste basis.

So thats y reservation was devised , to give bump to the people who were deprived of the social , economical and political aspects.

People generally compare economic status to social status or even political status to social status.

I have know an ias officer who was discriminated by his subordinates when he was posted as sdm due to he belonging to SC.

here if you see even though he has reached a good position his social status according to to the society is lower. 

Ews : Everyone vulnerable should be given a hand . but the thing is there are different levels of vulnerability and there are different causes of this vulnerability . Reservation according to indian constitution is for people who are socially , economically , educationally and politically disadvantaged due to the practice of caste system that lasted 1500-2000 years. 

All poor people should be given a helping hand so ews should be given other government aids so that they are uplifted.

 All that being said Reservation is not the best system , but the root cause is the attitudeal sickness of caste system that is in our society . Since our society is not ideal , to have justice we have a not so ideal system  called reservation which is the best we can do as of now .

peace ✌️😎

@Agog @rnksinghal71890  I hail from a village , im my village there is a physical residential difference between higher caste and lower caste people . The part which lower caste people reside till 1960 had no graduates , every one were so poor . Then there was a boom 3 people became teachers (thru reservation) . they came and cultivated a culture to pursue government jobs and to persue higher studies. Now in my small village from the section considered to be a lower caste there 3 group 1 officers , 2 civil service officers , every one Perseus graduation and get good enough jobs and everyone is well off atleast 50 times then what they where in 1960 . The single reason being there was Reservation , an entire section on a village was uplifted. But the sad part is still people discriminate (even though not widespread) the section of people who are considered lower caste in many nuanced ways. 

Ofcourse like i said there are scope for reforms like no reservation after 2 or 3 generation if they qualify in some creamy layer system that exists for OBC , so that all people get equal opportunity , but the provision of reservation is being misused with the EWS category. Im not denying that these people need help . But it should be through schemes , assistance...etc. Reservation is for people who are disadvantaged due to the practice of Caste system.

peace ✌️😎

@rafael My fellow consciousness . If you read my replies i always maintained that reservation is not a perfect system and needs rationalization. Concept of creamy layer can be introduced after a family enjoys reservation for 2 or 3 generations too in SC and ST... or some other reforms of rationalisation of reservation.

The point here was EWS doesn't qualify for the constitutionally mandated provision of reservation . And other strong affirmative action should be taken to uplift EWS people.

Peace ✌️😎


I think Kcet and B.ed exam in UP will be a litmus test and reference (sad as it may be) to how bad people will be affected because of these entrance examination . In 15 days we will get an idea . So lets see. 

Also many people see numbers of covid figures are just numbers and not people . It sad even one life is important , and that number in the statistics might be you , me , our family... etc . 

peace ✌️

The amount of blatant attitude of the government  is just astonishing , Eu countries are opening up because their cases have reduced . Us on the other hand open up the economy as the cases are increasing which results im more and more infection . The sad part is government is hell bent on conducting non essentials such as exams , temple functions...etc which will obviously lead to increase in the number of people infected..... Im just saddened by the utter disregard or oversight of the government.  Anyways stay safe people . Peace ✌️
@Rudra12 That is not because of good efforts of the government or disease naturally slowing down. Today tests where 2.5 lakhs less than tests yesterday . Also test positivity rate in Karnataka is around 20% 

 and MH and AP is hovering around 15-20% which is alarming and which indicates we detect less cases due to insufficient testing. 


☝️ reason why conducting any exam let alone cse will pour kerosene to burning fire.


I have given NDA exam after my 12 as some would have in this forum too . The thing is the nature of the aspirant community giving this exam. Nda aspirants are fragmented , because of lack of large scale coaching , young age...etc . Yes neet/jee are too of young age but these aspirants are sort of a community as many prepare for years and well established coaching institutions and platform that bring them together , Like cse does too. Thats why aspirant as a community voice out their problems . This is largely lacking in NDA aspirants thats why they are not vocal as they are not largely organised in the way jee , neet , cse aspirants and even college students are organised. The lack of protest It has largely due this rather than patriotism.

Also patriotism also means constructively criticising  the government when it is wrong and are carrying out wasteful actions that results in damage to life of citizenry. 

Peace ✌️😎

@FinalMission if exam happens it is a possibility.

If exam happen everything that is possible will happen as we know how we our indian system follows any SOP . Sad as it may be if CSE or any exam takes place.

¥ People will be infected while coming to the center and goin back home.

¥ Will contract it during the exam.

¥ In the restroom.

¥ In the break between two exams

¥ We will go back and infect our loved ones 

It will not be the day of CSE rather it will be the day of spreading and contracting corona knowingly. (Sad as it may be we all know that is the truth). Hope common sense will prevail with the government and the people.

peace ✌️😎

@FinalMission Haha... you are asking the wrong person . You should ask the government that is detached from reality and basic sense of what is important . 


Let the UPSC conduct exams . If they are so confident in the SOPs in place that will protect the aspirants from covid . But it should be given in a legally binding press release . So that  aspirants can sue UPSC if SOPs are not followed and exists merely in paper. 

@Agog If they are not GOD then should not play with life of the aspirations and their own staff too.

Here is the thing Corona is a new problem that we have never faced in the modern history of 50 years. All the so called normal things lead to its proliferation. The thing is we/government wants to have normal old simple solution for the new complex problem of corona.  Since we are not resourceful enough to implement or think about such solution . The common sense would be to wait till the pandemic gets over or atleast subsides to a great extent like it did in many European countries. But its purely idiotic and counterintuitive to conduct exams during the peak of pandemic that can be paused . 

State and every agent of state should be accountable to people . So they should give backing to the word as we have no hope in their SOP  and their capacity to conduct this exam with out any significant damage to human life in short term and long term.

peace ✌️😎


There is only two rational explanation for conducting exam in the current context.

1. ) Government is detached from reality and is stupid ( sry for saying it )

2.) Government is well aware of the situation and doesn't care who dies contracting covid and write off people's life as collateral damage.

Both are equally scary and will do lots of damage to lives of people.


here let me provide some noise. 



COMEDK not to be postponed..this was the claim made by the counsel;

to all the people here, along with actively using social media make it a point to send email highlighting your issues to concerned authorities.

PS: study hard guys and in your free time do your bit.

If such an argument is made by the Honorable judges of an HC, then it forces me to pause and ponder about what has gone wrong with the judiciary and when did it start to go wrong.

My friend your question should start with "What has gone wrong with the government ? . Why can't we find even a speck of rational decision making. "


I would not try to sound too nihilistic, but the truth is no one cares. Your life holds as much value to the system as the ant in your house. You are not some ambani or adani or their 5th generation that anyone will give a fuck about you. The news media that should have taken up such issues died long ago.

Take the bitter pill : exams will happen, some of us will contract covid and round about 500-1000 of the 10,000 that will qualify prelims will go for mains underprepared, due to no fault of their own. Some of them, might end up getting severe load and might end up with life risking disorders for the rest of life.

Whatsoever exams will happen. Please prepare. 

I get it my friend , Life is actually insignificant in the larger schemes of things in the universe. We are nothing but a tiny life form floating around in space time in a moist speck of dust called the earth.

 Its like this we are all going to die one day , we all know it , that doesn't mean we stop eating or stop life as death is inevitable. 

Just like that its ok to fight the fight you want to fight irrespective of odds being staked against us. 

No one is going to give value to our lives but ourselves ... So , lets not stop living , since death is inevitable.

peace ✌️😎


For people who want postponement mail upsc too. Ive mailed the following to upsc. Please take 5 mins and tupe out a mail and send as copy and pasting and sending a mail delegitimises the mail sent.

Mail it to upsc my fellow aspirants

Respected Sirs and Madams,

I am a Civil service aspirant. The world today is facing a unique and deadly pandemic that it has never faced in the modern history of this scale.

This has affected all the people in this world. That includes all upsc aspirants too. These are some problems faced by UPSC aspirants community  in this time of pandemic if the exam is to take place on October 4th.

1.) Many serious aspirants are frontline corona warriors , they are working selflessly to help everyone they could , so if exam is to happen it will affect them as they have no time to prepare. Its unfair to punish them for the service they do.

2.) Corona cases are on raise and death rate is on raise too .
>  According to AIIMS Chief Dr. Randeep Guleria India has  not reached a plateau or peak. 
>According to reports 80%  of corona spread is happening due to super spreading events where people are dense and for a long time. This describes our exam situation . 
>According to recent research corona has long term effects that lead to lower lung capacity , neurological damage..etc even in recovered patients.

3.) Aspirants come from wide variety of socio economic background. There are many poor and working upsc aspiration who find it hard to give exams even in normal times . Now there is no public transportation in states like Tamil Nadu , no hotels opening , no trains. Also upsc has limited no of centers in every state so its hard or impossible for people to travel . This punishes people from less socio economic background more which is more unfair.

4.) Poor Sop has been followed in exams that took place like KECT . This is largely because the no of people writing exams and also our educational institutions infrastructure is not conducive for social distancing . This leads SOPs ineffective.

5.) Many aspirants are also affected by covid . And some might be infected and writing the exam . Even thermal scanning is not effective as fever is just one of the possible symptoms. This will lead to virus spreading to aspirants.

6.) Many vaccines are in the cusp of coming to the market . As experts predict vaccination will start by jan 2021 for the masses. so postponing exams after jan 2021 would save lots of aspirants life and their family's lives.

There are many personalised reasons for each aspirants too my respected UPSC. It is not a normal time to act normal. Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures . So i Kindly request UPSC to consider postponing exam to 2021. 

Thanking you ,

Yours sincerely.


I just wanna put it out there ..I like this forum amongst telegram groups that is so much of Chaos and lots of negativty..etc... this forum is mellow , people are polished in putting points out (atleast most of the time) , many good discussions , good guidance .... etc . 

Have a good day folks.. peace ✌️😎



Pil is going to be filed it seems... the wise thing to do is to concentrate on studies let it take its course.... peace folks ✌️😎

@vikkyanthro28607 I'm a God who knows nothing , and therefore everything , as everything is nothing.. 🌀

@sulawesi haha 😂😂

@Esha2020 eco survey. As it is a really good document to read. U can actually incorporate the way of writing from eco survey in answer writting too ....  if you have time u can give it a read.... peace ✌️😎

@Tyler Durden let me give more hard reality of life which will further add to your above list.

- Old guys of SC are so concern that, still doing video conf. for case handling. General public is getting mock that hearing happening f2f.

- Via video conf. handling case of mass gathering. just joke of world.

- These so called judges without much modern "adaptation" brains, passes order to not open lower courts and in our Bihar we used to call " kachahari".

all are closed because of corona. these judges and magistrate will not work and indefinite closure. Tight fevicol on their lips for opening of lower courts and proceedings.

- Parliament and State assemblies ( either not open or opened for drama) are still waiting for so called Neta warriors. They just dont want to die lol.

- These days all states won't care about accuracy of death data or data related to infections. They got fast run on this and media scrutiny etc.

Some personal experience from Village of Bihar : These old brain dead UGC, other exam guys or government people won't understand, max college girls/boys preparing for exams are already been shifted to villages. In our town ( i come from Arrah, Bihar) all or almost every lodges and hostel are vacant. People used to come to semi urban town for study from mainly village. Same apply to Patna. 
No transportation between two districts. Common people are communicating via reserving Auto etc. Just fews lots of chaos created due to Intermediate Addmission last date via colleges ( till 12 aug). Due to huge gathering now entire district again facing lockdown till 5 Sep.

list will goes on if i will elaborate more.

God save from junkies mind sitting in their homes and doing video conferencing. 

The problem in India is "We the people of India" .

There is no governance in India let alone good governance. All tht exist in Indian policy making and working is vested interests in the lines of caste , religion , capitalism , corruption....etc

Democracy  works on basis of demand and active participation of the people , but we never demanded good governance or competent governance , all we people of India want is circus  , the circus of politics that involves construction of temple , empty nationalism , communalism , castims... etc . So people didn't care , so obviously politicians are subset of people so they too don't care.

All that has led us to the current position , Suddenly we expect government to give us good governance and care about people's lives ...etc . Till now incompetencies of all the governments that affected us was oblivious to us as we were too occupied by the circus. This pandemic has given us a tight slap to to wake people up to see the sorry state of this country that is in Socio - political decay.

ps : Might be grim but thats the reality (atleast according to my narrow perception).

@rsinghrockz240 And we want a UPSC that is accountable . Or atleast should follow the moral standards that it holds for recruitment . if UPSC   has given its word that that SOP is fool proof let them prove it by sending all UPSC members to stand in the entrance of an exam center where the crowding seems to be the worst.
The above statement might be idiotic or irrational or not feasible , but so is risking health and safety of candidates in the time of Pandemic 😂😂. With empty promises of SOP.  Maybe irrationality is the new normal . Where we glorify the person who comes 100s of kms to reach the center (which he or she deserves) but fail to criticise the unjust system in place that had made such injustice to happen.

peace ✌️😎
@vikhcu2073 Its funny my friend... i think all common sense has been thrown out by the government when the decision was taken to conduct exam during a pandemic , where congregation such as exams proliferate it. So You can't expect common sense in sop  formulation too . it is going to be a blood bath in all exams including pre , it is evident from the state of exams such as upbed , comedk..etc conducted now. As sop in upsc is enforced by the same state machinery that imposed sop of these previous exams such as upbed , upsc doesn't have a separate army to implement sop , it uses the same incompetent state machinery. 

Common sense has become a rarity in Indian governance.

peace ✌️😎


@Soul In a country like India Which is a continental size and people speak different languages , with each language have a huge sizeable number speaking it , English should be offical language. As English is part of our history , india is the call centre of world is because of English and english is economically viable and makes Indians employable abroad  .  And mainly Because it suppresses ego of which language is better or older ...etc. All these language debate leads to damage of national integration. 

@Soul Im not refuting anything u said infact tolerance is the best thing that could be followed in a country like India. But the reality is different . I was saying English would be a good official language because to put end to language politics that has its root in pre independence era. Its like this many southern people don't want Hindi to be as default taken as official language as they see hindi as alien language , but English not so much. 

Thats why to have an acceptable solution i suggested English. Also take the case on TN  , the urban rural divide is very less when it comes to English. Im not saying everyone speaks fluent English . But even in rural ares the education system / society has taken English to all the people to a great extent. English is not the language of elite (as it  is changing in the states like TN atleast). So better solution will be to promote a neutral language which is English (as it nullifies arguments such as language imposition). And hindi heartlads such as UP has started introducing English from nursery schools in government schools.

My suggestion of English is mainly due to its acceptable to all of India as in all regions of India (weather people know it or not because ). If Hindi is to be promoted there will be sustained opposition from many southern states , Eastern states too to an extent...etc .  For the sake of national integration we should come to a acceptable language that does not lead to Secessionist tendencies.


 I have not cleared mains once (i am not a serious aspirant) also I have cleared prelims continuously (So i am serious aspirant by the logic of people branding people as serious and non serious😂)  for the past 4 times .I could have cleared prelims on may 31st itself(well im confident enough inspite of uncertainty of upsc).. I want postponement as it is the right thing to do to have a level playing field for all aspirants of all socio economic background.

I Am  studying seriously for oct 4 , I have even reached the saturation point of revising  again and again and again. But just because ive reached a saturation point of revising im not selfish enough to demand exam at the time of covid just because im prepared . 

Just have a wider perspective and empathy on the less fortunate. It Is a prerequisite not only for a good aspirant , rather a good human being too. 

peace ✌️😎

What kind of insensitive argument is that nobody is forcing you?
There are no compulsions in many things in life yet we all do them as our life depends on it. Preaching is easy from above.
To the gentleman saying it is just an exam, sir, as you said, your money dried up so fast in the lockdown that you had to go out and work in these terrible times just to sustain yourself. With such wretched financial situation, you are still preparing for such a highly uncertain exam. Just like you have aspirations, others have theirs.
The compulsion here is time. This exam cycle. My time, my opportunities. The attempt age ratio I have in mind slipping through, several economic compulsions I do not wish to state here( no poverty porn on display) Will argue from just point of view. All I demand is equality of opportunity. Living in a democracy my demand is very well versed with the fundamental rights and directive principles. 
Why should I be okay with a system where I am to suffer due to no fault of mine while the privileged ones are able to salvage their year? Is my time of no worth?
Where did I ask for a merger next year? Today we have a piece of news from serum institute that vaccines to be available after 73 days. We can have after that and push the next year prelims till August(like it used to be).
It is a privilege to say those who are not able to, do it next year.  I thought we were trying to make society as equal as possible.  My bad. 
Anyway, NCERT 11th Political Theory has Justice as chapter 4. It contains John Rawls Theory of Justice. Quoting it verbatim as I find it useful here-
 //So how do we reach a decision that would be both fair and just? John Rawls has tried to answer this question. He argues that the only way we can arrive at a fair and just rule is if we imagine ourselves to be in a situation in which we have to make decisions about how society should be organised although we do not know which position we would ourselves occupy in that society. That is, we do not know what kind of family we would be born in, whether we would be born into an ‘upper’ caste or ‘lower’ caste family, rich or poor, privileged or disadvantaged. Rawls argues that if we do not know, in this sense, who we will be and what options would be available to us in the future society, we will be likely to support a decision about the rules and organisation of that future society which would be fair for all the members. Rawls describes this as thinking under a ‘veil of ignorance’. He expects that in such a situation of complete ignorance about our possible position and status in society, each person would decide in the way they generally do, that is, in terms of their own interests. But since no one knows who he would be, and what is going to benefit him, each will envisage the future society from the point of view of the worst-off. It will be clear to a person who can reason and think for himself, that those who are born privileged will enjoy certain special opportunities. But, what if they have the misfortune of being born in a disadvantaged section of society where few opportunities would be available to them? Hence, it would make sense for each person, acting in his or her own interest, to try to think of rules of the organisation that will ensure reasonable opportunities to the weaker sections. The attempt will be to see that important resources, like education, health, shelter, etc., are available to all persons, even if they are not part of the upper class.//
Surely, nothing is bigger than life. But is not about just survival, isn't it? Let us not treat the less fortunate like farm animals where survival is the most important. I want to live my life with dignity, which is stripped away layer by layer if someone gets ahead of me due to their privilege and I am left behind with no fault of mine. I will raise my voice against it. 
All the best to everyone. May a decision come which is acceptable to the majority. 

I was about to lay out all the point wrt to such attitude 😂😂 thanks for doing it.

People just read empathy , compassion ..etc for just upsc it seems .  I don't know how can people be so apathetic towards others sufferings. 

"Humans have become one of  the most endangered species , as we can so rarely find someone humane enough to be called a human. 

peace ✌️😎

@Medico i think he is trolling the neet jee aspirants .. He(it team) constantly tweets but nothing about jee neet.
@MaxBlack i read all ur comments in max's voice . 😂😂

@MaxBlack peace ✌️😎



@MaxBlack peace ✌️😎

Help me find peace oh@God 

Peace my friend can't be found as it is inside you. You cannot find something that u have never lost. 

Peace is a state of soul & mind inside you that you constantly practice . .

Peace ✌️😎

@kohliwag there are a thousand reasons for both sides to conduct and not to conduct. Preservation of Life is paramount. 
This is how loved ones say their final good bye. It might be me , you , our father , mother , sister ...etc.  

If we attended exam , we should be ready to go through this . Its not fear mongering rather it is the reality.

Prepared , not prepared , serious , non serious , covid warrior ... etc.  debate is not about exam , rather it is about preservation of life of each and every aspirant/citizen of India.

@kohliwag Yes my friend , we can say many things equality as there are more disadvantaged people so that postpone , also people who want the exam might also say i have prepared enough so i want to give the exam.... etc . Every argument has its own merit in its own way. 

Life itself is fragile. Life is like driving a car we all know the dangers of road, we can meet with an accident anytime that doesn't mean we stop life.
But Life during pandemic is like driving straight into a pile-up of cars in a highway , where knowingly we go in full speed that will definitely have high fatality . So the best thing is to slow down so that we can drive safely and reach the destination at the end. 

peace ✌️😎



@kohliwag Yes my friend , we can say many things equality as there are more disadvantaged people so that postpone , also people who want the exam might also say i have prepared enough so i want to give the exam.... etc . Every argument has its own merit in its own way. 

Life itself is fragile. Life is life driving a car we call know the dangers of road we can meet with a accident anytime that doesn't mean we stop life. But Life during pandemic is like driving straight into a pile-up of cars in a highway , knowingly we go in full speed that will definitely have high fatality . So the best thing is to slow down so that we can drive safely and reach the destination at the end. 

peace ✌️😎

Excellent analogy!

Peace ✌️😎

@TheNotorious i don't understand Hindi ✌️



@kohliwag there are a thousand reasons for both sides to conduct and not to conduct. Preservation of Life is paramount. 
This is how loved ones say their final good bye. It might be me , you , our father , mother , sister ...etc.  

If we attended exam , we should be ready to go through this . Its not fear mongering rather it is the reality.

Prepared , not prepared , serious , non serious , covid warrior ... etc.  debate is not about exam , rather it is about preservation of life of each and every aspirant/citizen of India.

Vaise mai bada sakht launda hu magar yeh twitter wali video dekhne ke baad kuch Sahi sa Nahi Lag raha.

Kya dikha diya@God bhai :/

Thanks for the translation in PM brother. 

I just showed you the reality . People are detached from reality that's the problem , talk about case positivity , statistics ...etc. Every number in the covid casualties dash board is a person , It is a dad , mom , sister , brother ...etc It might be us too . That is the reality . People are not numbers so can't be treated like one. Before talking about numbers just think if one of those numbers is. your loved one or you. This will put the pandemic in perspective. Every life matters and every single life sacrificed in the name of some abstract concepts such as common good , economic growth...etc is justifiable at any cost. 

CIVILIZATION started with human beings giving value too each other's life , Lets not be apathetic towards fellow humans and go back to being savages.

peace ✌️😎




@kohliwag there are a thousand reasons for both sides to conduct and not to conduct. Preservation of Life is paramount. 
This is how loved ones say their final good bye. It might be me , you , our father , mother , sister ...etc.  

If we attended exam , we should be ready to go through this . Its not fear mongering rather it is the reality.

Prepared , not prepared , serious , non serious , covid warrior ... etc.  debate is not about exam , rather it is about preservation of life of each and every aspirant/citizen of India.

Vaise mai bada sakht launda hu magar yeh twitter wali video dekhne ke baad kuch Sahi sa Nahi Lag raha.

Kya dikha diya@God bhai :/

Thanks for the translation in PM brother. 

I just showed you the reality . People are detached from reality that's the problem , talk about case positivity , statistics ...etc. Every number in the covid casualties dash board is a person , It is a dad , mom , sister , brother ...etc It might be us too . That is the reality . People are not numbers so can't be treated like one. Before talking about numbers just think if one of those numbers is. your loved one or you. This will put the pandemic in perspective. Every life matters and every single life sacrificed in the name of some abstract concepts such as common good , economic growth...etc is justifiable at any cost. 

CIVILIZATION started with human beings giving value too each other's life , Lets not be apathetic towards fellow humans and go back to being savages.

peace ✌️😎

You’re welcome brother.

One thing I would like to admit is that till now I haven’t taken this virus too seriously I mean I don’t fear this virus that much despite of knowing what havoc it has created and is still creating. A reason may be that I haven’t come across or known any person who has been Covid positive or has lost a dear one due to it so I wasn’t aware of the experience that one goes through when something like this(infection/death) happens. 

I do not have  any kind of media source like WhatsApp group, twitter account or YouTube recommendations via which I could have received videos such as those where family members of a person who lost her life due to Covid were mourning except the twitter link that you shared here. It was a bit uncomfortable for me post seeing that video. 

The worst thing after all this is the dilemma that follows. It is like should I be scared of this virus and stay at home only or should I learn to live with this virus, go out and try to live a pre-covid life as much as possible  as it is said “come whatever may”. 

P.S. it was not Hindi. It was Hinglish. :p

Yes my friend its hard to perceive that reality with our exposure to the experience of such reality.

That being said

Well Life should not be in pause. As what is life  ? It is whatever we define it to be . So lets define a new normal that keeps us safe to an extent and follow it.

The problem is all the talk about new normal , but the government is thinking slap masks on the face of the citizenry and follow the old normal. This is flawed a new normal should be deviced .

For example wrt UPSC:(if they are hell bent on conducting exams)

New normal for CSE could be:

¥ Centers in every district.(then center should have been initiated)

¥ Special busses for upsc aspirants as state transportation in many states is not good.

¥ Conduct exam in large semi auditoriums or well ventilated semi open tents.

¥ Separate halls for covid positive , a symptomatic patients.

¥ Positive discrimination against Covid warrior , as special reservation for the year (if they choose to write this time) .

¥ Compensatory attempt to everyone from 1st attempter to last attempter. As this has affected everyone.

¥Single session exam .

.... etc 

Even these suggestions are not perfect as there many other issues too. But new normal should be designed and followed if we want to have some sence on normalcy. 

peace ✌️😎

@TheNotorious haha 😂


Hello All

Is scoring between 85 to 100 in vision test series good enough?

Also, I think UPSC must increase number of centers. My heart goes out to all co-aspirants from rural areas and smaller cities who would have to arrange for transport, accommodation near the  centre, not to mention the early morning madness when only a limited number of vehicles would be available to ferry aspirants to their centres....

The score doesn't matter. All that matters is how you give ur exam on the d day.  I'll share my story I used to get good rank in first attempt in vaji test , i was hovering around 100s rank and one time was in top 50. it was given by around 11k aspirants at that time(i think) . But i flunked my first prelims. 

Second pre i read for just 31 days after a long break of 6 months from studies and still cleared ( but i practiced minimum 3500-4000 pre questions at that time with revision of statics and my personal opinion is solve as much as questions u can , learn how you approach the questions and which approach works the best for you. marks in mock doesn't matter neither does rank. 

ps: Personal experience and opinion and might vary according to each individual.

Bjp asking state govt to raise loan from rbi ( lol at reasonable interest rate )for shortfall of gst compensation to them .....hahahha waah legally they should arrange for them...bjp asking for everything ....its like we will increase the cases at our  best rest u manage healthcare , ensure safety of students because we r saying so.....

Government be like 

State : pay us gst dues , provide more funds...

Center : But its corona , act of god , blah blah blah , excuse us we are helpless.

Wrt exam

Students/some states: Exams can't be conducted due to corona , people will die.

Centre : Oh u should live with it . Corona is no excuse.

Omg the level of Hipocrisy is unbelievable .


Sc saying "That life has to go on" and Pokriyal saying "But students have downloaded the hall tickets " . Is like marie antoinette saying " If they don't have bread , let them have cake"

@vikkyanthro28607 There is no guarantee that you or me will be alive tomorrow too my friend . Life is fragile and unpredictable.  The only thing that will protect is rational hope. 

I think you will be familiar of the Russian roulette (else kindly Google it (thanks for googling)) . The scenario now is like this CORONA is a game of optional biased russian roulette . Optional as in if you take utmost precaution u will have less turns with the pistol which has only one loaded bullet. Conducting exam in the time of CORONA is like using a Gatling gun with just couple of empty slots in the magazine.

Vaccination (according to popular scientific which was cautious at the starting about the vaccination has turned largely positive now.
We don't even have to wait for the vaccination  the middle path would be to have a downward curve

of corona virus  bringing it down to atlest sub 10k cases per day all over India .

Conducting exam now is and will be a blood bath . 




I see a lot of people worry about marks and others scoring High. I used to top such tests(vaji)in first attempt .. but ended failing first attempt..

After that i didn't join any pre test series but downloaded and practiced vision , insights , vaji paper and pyqs....(i cleared everytime irrespective of not joining test series or caring about marks) 

I never was worried about the marks too , when i solved i just see what mistakes i make and correct it (like sometimes i read the description wrong like choose the correct one or incorrect one , when i learnt it i always make a line under the correct , incorrect words in the questions (these types of small things help a lot)) ,i also see what guesses work and what doesn't work .

Remember friends its an aptitude test  . The knowledge takes a back seat many a times here , see the past 3 yr questions upsc asks such arbitrary questions manytimes , but believe me u can connect the dots with something u have studied somewhere and answer those . Many a times UPSC is testing such analytical abilities to make connections. And that comes from preparing well and being extremely confident .

Just don't care about any such marks , just practice lots of questions from test series , pyqs , revise a lot and be cool in exam.... Thats all matters.

ps : Hope it helps someone and reduce their anxiety

peace ✌️😎


To everyone who said UPSC will have a great fool proof SOP and nothing to be concerned about. 

Hey folks! Seeing all the people giving  20+ tests has got me nervous. I figured that as of now I have just given 4 tests (with 80+ scores) . I am thinking of simply concentrating on the standard books + pt365 without any tests. Looking for advice/critique on this strategy ? 

tests are important , in the sense u will get to know the mistakes you make , the approaches u take , how many readings u can do in a question paper.etc , Just 10 to 15 years previous year question papers will do i think wrt to the time constraints.....


Hello aspirant ‘boys’ of Rajinder nagar!

Just wondering why there are such pieces of shit around here that don’t allow a woman to walk in peace in broad daylight!! Some of you even leer at us as neighbours !! The lockdown period and right down to mid august was such a serene time, because there were fewer shitty ‘boys’ around. Why are so many of you sexual harassers? Genuine question!

Here is my analysis. Most of you are upper caste Hindi belt engineers from private colleges. That kind of means that you have no notion of real equality and democracy. 

If you are one of those then please, just masturbate to some of the vile free porn you watch and drown yourselves in your own cum.

Sorry that I am so forthright. I admit I am furious. But really, just go away.

I sorry for the bad experience you go through daily. I don't know about the caste angle to this. But i do know patriarchy , Its present everywhere . And expresses itself in different ways what you accused of some section might be true . 

But there are good people and bad people in every sections , accusing a whole section is wrong i think.

That being said our whole society can be accused of upholding patriarchy and crush women in multidimensional ways. As a society (male and some females [who have become agents of patriarchy)] we are all guilty of it "we are totally ok with a man whipping out his private parts and peeing in public , by a mother who nurses a child in public is subjected to utmost apprehension."

 Hope women are liberated as liberation of humanity depends on liberation of women.

@Wats_there_in_a_name HEI like IIT , Nit ..etc are recipient of large amount of government funds. So privatization will lead to government providing lesser or no funds. Therefore leads to fiscal consolidation..

For PSIR subrah ranjan test series and crash course Contact me. Selling if for 10k. its worth 20k
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