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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

The arguments made against postponement of exams doesn't reflect any merit.

Let's look into the arguments.

1)Life must go on.

It's ideological but not pragmatic approach right now. 

Yes we have to move forward however, it's the duty of state to provide opportunities for health development of children. Does this situation look healthy?

Not to mention the mental health (which still remain neglected) got adversely affected since lockdown with no option for collective study. 

In many places, there are local lockdown or restrictions in place with scattered contaminated zones.

2) economy got opened so exams must happen as well.

Well, opening up the economy was necessity as majority of people in India belong to lower (especially daily wage earners) or middle class and need livelihood to sustain family. 

But exams isn't a necessity over health. 

3)some states conducted exams so there is no problem in conducting national level exams.

When states conduct exams then centres are more widely distributed across districts within that respective state.

But at the time of national level examination, centres are restricted to only 2-3 cities in each state resulting into more migration of students from other districts.

This worsen the situation as they have to travel and look for lodging to stay.

4) majority of students are ready because they downloaded the hall tickets.

This is just absurd. Downloading admit cards doesn't reflect they are ready.

Also, even if I consider that only minority wants exam to be postponed (say 10-20 % people) then that's huge proportion in a

Democracy is not just about majority but also giving voices to minority. 

Where is equality of opportunity for students being situated similarly over here?

I know people who came back to their hometown with their most of the study materials still at their hostel which is in different state

I know people who haven't went out in last five months and struggled to maintain study flow.

One of my known, got infected then recovered and then got infected again. 

There are reports that few of those who recovered are facing health issues.

There is utter disregard of empathy here.

Well, the best course of action in my opinion, if they don't feel like postponement could have been

For neet/jee where academics year is at stake.

1) centres should have been in almost all districts within a state.

2) provide compensation to those who aren't willing to appear or are giving their last attempt to ease their mind.

For other exams where academic year is not at stake

1) merge vacancies of this year with next year. There would be more seats to accomodate the increase in aspirants which will happen as year progresses unlike the case in neet.

Also, education is in concurrent list and corona is nationwide problem. Union government should consider holding discussions with state governments and student community before taking any unilateral decision.


Russia already came out with a vaccine.

Oxford is in third phase of human trials.

So it's likely that we will get vaccine within next few months.

The real challenge is mass production and distributing it among population which will definitely take more than one year. So, I agree with you on this.

However, let's look at covid facts. We are approaching 80,000 cases/day and corona is trickling down to tier 4-6 cities, towns and villages.

As per experts, we will see peak of corona in November and then the curve will flatten.

The time also coincides with vaccine coming into play.

Don't you think it would be reasonable for us to wait at least till that time especially when public health (physical and mental) is at stake along with giving students a hopeful and and more conducive atmosphere to prepare at their best?

In my opinion yes.

See, we can't have laddus in both hands. Going either way would come with some cost.

So we have to set our priority straight. To me, public health and voices of students who will give exams takes the priority.

It's just what I feel. Anyway, We still have to study regardless of how situation will unfold.


There are logistic issues in having centres across many districts for national level exams.

Not to mention the problem of lack of manpower and other resources we will face.

That's why postponement until situation becomes more conducive is the best option.

I really didn't get the logic of postponing exam in April when we have limited cases and then conducting them when we have massive surge and community transmission. 

I don't understand why they are being so hasty

To me, it clearly reflect that authorities decide to conduct or postone exam based on their logistic convenience instead of students concerns or comfortability.

But what can we say.

If they conduct exam then we have to appear.

I feel bad for jee/neet students. First Lockdown and now the uncertainty and stress due to politicization of exam dates. Sigh....


Its likely that patent will be filed.


Finance Minister - Act of God

MHA guidelines - enforce Lockdown for a month in all containment zones. Schools and colleges to remain shut for a month. Lol 

Education Minister and SC - give exams because life must go on.

*Face palm*

Well who cares what students want after all there is no election coming up. Lol 


Exams will definitely happen. It's prestige and ego issue for the government as rightly pointed out by Mr. Subramanian.

No point in waiting for SC. The PIL isn't even listed till now. 

And, I doubt states will impose State Disaster Management Act to postpone exams.

And, it's just another episode that adds to mismanagement done to corona pandemic and economy.

We seriously need political reforms more than anything now


Iss khel me batting, bowling, fielding and umpiring sirf government hi kar rhi hai. LMAO

 Baki sab toh sirf audience ban k reh gaye hai. 


I think differently when it comes to mock tests.

I don't take them to gauge my preparation level. I never cared how much I am scoring in these tests because I never count my marks. 

Nor, I like to put myself under pressure that I have to solve xyz number of mock tests before exam. 

For me, papers solving serve only two purpose

1) practice application of mind and develop this mindset. 

2) gain information

I suck at multi tasking so I pick some papers for first purpose and others for second purpose.

First is skill based, so there is no fixed number. It depends on one grasping power and self improvement zeal. One can learn this by solving just few papers and some fail to get it even after solving 100 papers. 

The second purpose is informative so I pick papers based upon my strengths and weakness.

Both requires having sufficient idea about your aptitude and self improvement zeal. 

So, how many you need to solve ultimately depends on oneself.

Everyone is unique and approach things differently. Identify your requirements, find your own way and focus on self improve.

No guidance and no test series will help you if you aren't willing to help yourself.

Well it's just me (just taking random thoughts out due to frustration so pardon me)


Rare to see civil servant aspirant following manga. 

One piece and zoro ahem ahem


So age and attempts relaxation to those who are facing their last attempt this year?

At least something good came out of this. 

But making arrangement for Covid infected people and increasing centres to follow up on maximum 100 students in one centre in just three days time seem to me impossible task.


I have cleared prelims 4 times so far and this is my last attempt.

But never I found myself mentally unprepared for prelims like this year. I really don't Know what I did so far. 

Corona + isolation from past 5 months especially during lockdown and unlock period 1 from march to beginning of July as I live alone(i ate processed food during these months to sustain myself) + no library + last attempt pressure totally messed me up.

In past five months I haven't gone out anywhere except to get milk or to get tea/sutta.

Imagine facing heat of last attempt and fear that if I get infected then everything will be ruined along with my attempt.

Yes, I have to blame myself for not able to fully cope up with the change but man there is seriously a limit to what someone can handle. SC did gave me hope but it added layer of confusion on already too much stressed mind that too just few days before exam.

If UPSC didn't notify about this relaxation before this year prelims then It will be big middle finger to all those people who have their last attempt this year. 

System and rules exist for human sake and not that humans exist because of system and rules.

Even our constitution comes up with amendment provision so that it can be modified as per time and circumstances but a recruitment exam can't be merged next year or postponed until situation becomes more healthy because we have some laid down rules to follow lol 

Making system and rules too rigid just defeat it's purpose.

Anyway, just taking out my frustration early morning lol 

Time to study 😑😑


SC suggestions implied

1)age limit (32) and number of attempts (6) should not be breached

2) concession to those who have last attempt this year (either due to age limit or number of attempts) considering rule point one.

It means only those who will not appear this year will be able to get concession next year. This is to ensure that they they won't get additional one more attempt which isn't allowed to others. It's fair call but upsc has to need to notify asap


But SC didn't suggest additional attempt but concession.

There are two types of aspirants. 

1) who have attempt left - if in worst case scenario something happened to them or they fear somethin will happen to then then they have additional attempt as back up Left next year.

They can exercise right to choice to either appear this year and if something happen to them or if they think it's not safe to appear this year then they have backup

2)no attempts left - for such people there isn't any back up. It's compulsory for them to appear at any cost. And, if something happens to them then they will risk not only health but also would end up affecting their last attempt.

Now SC didn't ask for additional attempts because additional attempt can't be given only to last attempt people. This will be discriminatory.

What they suggested is to give concession to those who have last attempt and may not want to appear this year due to pandemic. It's giving them right to choice to appear this year or next year but not both the years.

In this case, last attempt people aren't getting any additional chance but just a choice ti pick this year or next.

However, if DopT do allow last attempt people to appear this year and Next year then it would amount to additional attempt and would be extended to everyone but as I said SC didn't ask for this.

Did you see the difference? There is no additional attempt here for us as per SC.

Let's see what DoPT and UpSC will decide


There is no point in worrying about cut off or how many questions one shall attempt.

It's the paper which decides the above two factors.

As far as keeping yourself calm is concerned then if you know basics and have covered most (if not all) syllabus with one or two revision then you are all set for prelims.

UPSC set paper in very balanced manner to give level playing field to all aspirants regardless of how much experience they have.

Knowledge has very limited role in this exam.

Logic + knowledge (basics) + presence of mind which forms the trinity of the aptitude(elimination skills) and how you approach the exam becomes deciding factor. 

So, be confident even if you know basics and revised just once. It would be sufficient but only when you will show faith in yourself.

Just approach the exam tomorrow properly and even limited knowledge would be enough. So, Relax.

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