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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Can people in Delhi enlighten me on how the situation in Delhi currently is !

1) Will the remaining interviews happen from 20th July since I haven't heard of a single person who has received the call letter till now?

2) How is the normal life? Things seem scary in news stories but is the day to day life coming back to normal?



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From what I know there has been a spread in few blocks in ORN. I do not think people are coming back. Its mostly outward flow. People who are there@Patrick_jane and others can provide more info. 


  • Regarding situation in delhi in specific ORN,the 40+ corona cases are reported (new + old).
  • The spreading has beenscattered across the areawhere only particular building is contained rather than block or gully.

Fearamong the people isdecreasingday by day,small chunck of people started their daily walks.More than 50% of orn becomefunctional.Maids are coming regularly.

Coming to students life in particular.

  • Much of the ORN is vacated(some left home till oct and some completely shifted their base).
  • Only merger % of students comingback(but most of them cmng to shift their luggage)

Those who arestaying are 3 types of people

  1. People whodoesn't have proper facilities at their homefor creating study environment like the one they are having now.
  2. People like me whofear that their routine will be disturbed (or destroyed).
  3. People whoget used to ornand made orn second(1st home)(just kidding😉).

Regarding interviews, i have no idea(might happen as per todays pm statement there will be no further lockdown)

Regardingnews stories they were/are/will be scary,but thoseimpact on residents are minimalbut impact on other states public are more(creating panicking).

At last to conclude, Situation is bad(will become very bad in cmng days as per news stories)but normalcy has been restoring at very fast as corona spread.


Views are personal(from armchair person who doesn't breached his own gully road for past 80+ odd days)

Fun fact here is that small percentage of people (among hometown returnees)are going back due to fear of speculated big earthquake that may happen in upcoming days(bcoz last 40 days have registered more than 7 small quake's)not because of corona(my roomie is among them😂)

I end my arm chair reporting with inconclusiveness.

Thank you Sir/Ma'am for taking out your time to write this. :)



does anyone think that prelims will be further postponed beyond oct-4

My GUESS says there will be no cse in 2020...or till some cure is not found ...

NEET has 15 lakh applicants. Agar vo hua toh there's no reason why CSE nahi hoga.

Looks like July is a washout. Just praying for a vaccine at this point for life to resume. 

You think interviews will be deferred again?

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You think interviews will be deferred again?

Low chances IMO. Ministries are working. UPSC bhawan will also function with/without interviews.. Will be deferred if it becomes near impossible for candidates to reach delhi. 

Also for 10th, 12th exams there is pressure from public to not conduct. On the other hand interviews ka crowd is so small and i believe  most people would want to get done with the interview and move on 

Fingers crossed bhai. At least is year ki cycle khatam ho. Selection or no selection clarity toh mile.

regular trains cancelled till 12-august 2020. interviews??

Even I was worried. The announcement makes it seem like no regular trains would run but that's not the case.

It only means no new trains would run other than the special trains which are already running now. 230 special trains are running now across the country. I don't think this should affect the interviews.

Based on the current scenario, how likely is the Prelims to be on 4th Oct? 

Based on the UPSC notification allowing to change centers today, it seems very likely it'll happen on 4th October.


I need some help. I hope someone would be able to show me a direction.

I had my interview on 22nd march. However, the news of coronavirus spread was doing rounds rapidly. I am not from Delhi so while traveling to Delhi via flight from Lucknow, I somehow became extremely unwell on the eve of my interview. Anyways, after taking some medications , I was able to attend the interview. Due to a multiple of reasons, the primary being a possible contraction of corona, my interview did not go as per expectations. I was coughing , with mouth dryness and infact the board members got concerned if I am fit to sit for the interview. 

I was crestfallen for several weeks post my interview (after the lockdown), and right now I have not been able to prepare for the next prelims at all, due to stress and tension. 2019 was my 5th attempt and 2020 would be my last attempt. Due to the uncertainties surrounding the entire process for this year (increasing infections, people have to travel from all over to delhi for interviews that start on the 20th, prelims in october etc.) a lot of candidates have suffered or are suffering. Hence, my doubt is that if requested, is there a chance that UPSC gives an additional attempt in lieu of the pandemic to the 2019 and 2020 candidates? I wish to take your opinions and also want to know where to send a request for this. Recently, UPSC has allowed choice of centers again and as per the notification issued, they have paid heed to the requests of candidates. So I think there is a way to reach out to them. I hope i find some answers here.  Recently, TPSC (Tripura PSC) has also given one year age extension to all state exams conducted by them. I believe 2019-2020 candidates should be given a chance as this is a once in 100 years event.

Bhai 22 March was a Sunday?

But I do know how you feel. The uncertainty after the interview gets to the best of us. If you want to pursue the extra attempt thing, I think it would be best to discuss it on Telegram as that's where the majority of UPSC preparing junta is.


Am i the only one struggling to remain sane amidst the madness? I am yet to accept the world in corona times. The fears of the people around (family mostly) affects me like never before. And looks like the worst of corona is still yet to come. 

Do post your personal coping mechanisms, I'm sure it will help me and many others. 

Worst isn't yet to come i think. Vaccine is likely to be out by the end of the year and the recovery rate is increasing every day. 

Any updates about the ORN containment zone? Any signs of it being lifted?
I stay in NOIDA and filled Delhi as my center should i change it back to NOIDA if there is any possibility that i will face problems at border of noida and Delhi on exam day, I am very confused. Please help !

Border issue won't be there. For this year's interviews, UPSC has mailed people saying the esummon can be used to prevent the interviewees from home quarantine. We can expect a similar notification for Prelims as well.


// Help needed//

I tried to download my application using the link:

however, the disclaimer " information is incorrect" is popping up. Can someone please check the credentials and confirm whether it is same for all.

This is still not working. I hope it's not a big deal?



@panbhi26967 it wil hav 2 b updated again!!Amidst centre change,capitals lik Patna seeing spike of corona ,had 2 impose lockdown.How il UPSC conduct all India xam if capitals and candidates affected even in oct amidst no vaccines s point wrth pondering!!

It's happening in October. They have made up their mind to not effect the recruitment cycle too much. Even in the current situation, the medical schedule for the interviewees is out. Invest in some good masks for October and January.



Dear Residents, 
This is to inform you  that some blocks of  Old rajinder nagar  which are under containment zone has been decided to make  area  De-containment from mid night today and however some  streets  will remain under containment. 
Thanks to administration.🙏🏻

Do you know about the areas which are being being removed from containment zones?




Dear Residents, 
This is to inform you  that some blocks of  Old rajinder nagar  which are under containment zone has been decided to make  area  De-containment from mid night today and however some  streets  will remain under containment. 
Thanks to administration.🙏🏻

Do you know about the areas which are being being removed from containment zones?

New news is containment zone is not being removed for next 7 days... 

Thank you. Please keep sharing any updates you get here.

@Agog  I think they are not going to postpone it. Interviews and other exams are already taking place.

This only has a notice for changing interview dates on Saturdays and Sundays. Rest of the interviews will go on.

Can anyone tell me if the Water tank area of ORN is out of containment zone?

Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

but what if the supposed victory here is at the cost of lives of your dear ones. I also thought that covid is being overhyped, but now my relatives have tested positive and we are awaiting my father's report. Covid is not something that is happening to some imaginary people anymore, it's here and it's knocking at our doors. You can't even imagine the level of anxiety and fear we are living in now. 20k..26k...35k....these are not mere statistics , clearly an increasing number of people are getting sick and there's no guarantee that your number wont come. And when it comes the biggest worry is not about your own life but that of your parents and then this nagging feeling of helplessness for being useless and a burden in their time of need

If you don't mind sharing, can you tell how your relatives are doing? I hope no serious symptoms?

guys,i wanted to view my application on but i am not able to log in.Is anyone having the same problem?

It shows "incorrect info", right?

@Howzthejosh Sum of digits of number pucha hai, not the number itself.

For eg: 10^3+1 = 1001. Now 1+0+0+1=2. This would be true for all integers lekin aisa koi option hai nahi. So the best option is all whole numbers.


The  overall current account deficit trade account deficit is probably wrong by most coachings. India presently doesn't run any of trade or CAD and neither has merchandise deficit .

Latest pib data. India has a merchandise deficit in September. Saw another pib article for data till Jun(I think) somewhere. It says India has merchandise deficit and services surplus

India doesn't have an overall trade or CAD, so option 4 isn't correct anyhow.

Don't know seems there is no option given that is correct 🙄

That's the truth actually. It's not about annual data when both in hindi and english they stress on presently. Check the hindi version. Bharat ka CAD chal raha hai. Tbh all options seem a bit off.

Here you go. This is the latest that I could find. Can't Google anymore😁

Trade surplus brother. 😂😆

Trade surplus now but merchandise deficit as well. But there is no option saying 1 and 3.

So, the question framer kept the entire year in mind since in that case we have an option 1,3 and 4 which doesn't contradict. Poorly framed question but the answer is D. This is bad because it is punishing people who are updated about the fact that we have a surplus this quarter. 

@SantiCazorla bro quaterly surplus is due to a very uncommon and extraordinary reason- covid, and secondly whenrver ee talk.of CAD, FD we fenerally talk on annual basis and surplus hua bhi to overall to deficit hi rahega na

Haan bhai D hi degi upsc answer. Those who put extra thoughts into the word "presently" are unfairly punished though.


The video I am talking about.

Very interesting clip. The answer seems to be 2,3 then? The video does talk of education but I think that's not related to the case?


If we keep the harder difficulty level we felt in exam out of the picture to analyse cut offs and focus only on how people have fared, the cut off looks like it'll increase.

Paper was difficult, no doubt. But it seems like all the tricks in the book have worked:

1) Options with data are mostly wrong. (OMT 129m, Cyclone 10 degree, 36% water shortage, Aadhar 3 months) Even though some are right like the MPLADS 10% one, still using this trick will push one to +7-8 at least.

2) Science and Tech are mostly "All"

I'm seeing people who couldn't clear Prelims last year clearing it comfortably this year. So, even though I hope cut off remains below 100, I don't see it happening. 

Please share your thoughts on this as well. I think it's better that we come to the actual picture on the cut off so we can plan better.

@Cold_War Aisa bhi nahi hai, many are scoring 120-130 easily. Just they are not active here, many in library are easily score above 130

Yeah the marks are more than last year, in general. If you asked a random guy about his score last year, more often than not you'd hear a score around 100. I've already heard more than 10-15 people scoring 120+ this year.

All the tricks worked in the exam. The people scoring less are those who didn't take the risk of trying those tricks, because the tricks failed last year.

I'm expecting a shocking cut off prediction from Shankar baba today. Any idea when it'll be out?

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