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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Am I the only one who found abhyass3 vague and unnecessary  tough abhyas 2 was better and easy and more in sync with upsc
I scored 92 in abhyas 2 andd 97 in abhyas 3 ,my score was 124,116,130 in 2016,17,18 prelims .Is this abhyas a real gauge of competion .Have the game beome tougher . or vison is has grown outdated .I used to score in range of 110 -120 back then quiet easily in vision  open test which were free in those years .Not in touch of the  prelims(gs)process after mains 2018 result .some experienced  guy please clarify.
@kochikaame Thank you bro.That was differnt era yar failing n mains have taken the youthful energy from me.Fir bhi hum honge kamyab.

Yes ,you figured out the correct thing ,just reviewd my test vision is getting factual without scope of elimination  .They are not asking easy question which everybody knows .I fear the youngsters will be misguided by  focussing  on obsecure facts rather than revising common stuff .yes beyond 30 questions which everybody know upsc is more about logic and nerves.


The question paper seemed easy but arrangement of option was making it  tougher.Specially for person like me i rely on intelligent guessing and vague memory rather than exact factual knowledge 

100 attempted,62 correct ,was sure about 50 so tukka ratio was horribly 12 /50 .If this happens in final exam lag jaegi.But upsc options like always will lead to answer rather than options making it tough  (.Dil bahalane ke liye ghalib khayal achaa hai .)


Guys I have three upsc prelims quiet comfortably .My abhyas score  this year are 92,96,82 for last three test .Forum score 98 .I will not say that  I am not afraid .But on deep analysis .Vision tets are no parameters to judge your preparation  .Forum test was quiet good comparatively .But to judge your study do more qualitatively  analysis.

Like areas of question you got wrong .Like I got all the World affairs question  wrong I don't care at this time where is lake heaven ,or why greece and turkey are fighting.

medieval and ancient are wrong ,those are always my weak areas ,so need to revise books of those one or two days before prelims.

Some others mistakes like sco headquater in not in bejieng ,gahrial is critically  endangerd are mistakes due to not forcing my brain and doing questions carelessly .For this one or two revisons of things you have studied and you think that you know them is needed in last hours .So that your brain raises a red flag immidiately if you se a factual incorrectness.

Its okay of you do question of areas you dont read incorrect ,like that later mughal question or facts of rajiv ahir if you read history from Bipin chandra .

ITs not okay to get polity question wrong,not okay to get economics basics concept incorrect ,not okay to get that south china sea question incorrect  .These areas are important .

I DONT KNOW ,whether I will be able to qualify this year or not .But I will surely not make these scores even get into my head inside the exam hall .I will study like a mad dog for these tem days and inside the exam hall my mind set should be will  like pre is just a formality.I mean it tried and tested.

I think being immune to these current shit happenings and doing our work is part of our training.Because in the job we are aspiring for we will have to take orders for from same politicians,judges who are centre of this shit .Kill the activist within you .Kanan gopinathan ,harsh mander ya sha faizal ban na hai to alag bat hai.

Guys ,Intellectuals are being mocked down because of their own mistakes of past .The liberals and left of this country live in intellectual bubble of their own .They produce knowledge but dont know how to communicate with people in peoples language .Political education (in real sense )in this country is near to zero  .People who know how to communicate  with masses are ruling this country .like why people joke about WhatsApp university .Why can liberals and left make whatspp colleges of their own .Lot of it is global phenomenon but this sense of moral and intellectual superiority  is one of the key reasons .

What a guy phd scholar of jnu said that to me holds correct ,fasciwad fakeer hai kaise bhi ajata hai ,kranti lane walo ke nakhre bht hai khali rote rehte hai fasciwad agya agya.

I get irritated  by unacademy adds .

104 -110 range gs ,61 csat (maths question which i am myslef finding wrong now , so no miracle is gonna happen for me)

Fourth attempt ,wrote mains in 16-18 ,dropeed 19 ,changed optional ,

Used to get 120sh type in csat ,dont know waht happened ,i even counted the odd number wrong ,usually very fast in maths but was very slow that day ,worked very hard these years ,but complacency in csat is a lesson for life which i will  never forget .

The point is its may be pointless if we dont get sucess in this exam ,but my ablity to accept failures and analyse what went wrong has incresed,  the toughest part is to face parents and imagining them facing people to whom they boast about me, tommorow mornig is a tough job ,doing ma from jnu ,will go for net this year ,letss se what happen in life  .
@deceptrix  54 

I am already out  so please take this view as obejctive view as i have no stakes involved .How can we guess the crux of whole article by viewing few  statements from it .People who have searched  all articles have done a excellent  job but if upsc is assuming that people can get the assumption of passage by reading it ,which is just a few line from the article it is certainly  a foolish assumption  itself .upsc need to be more serious about selecting candidates for highest buersratic offices of country.
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