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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Did not find my number in the PDF. It's rare for me. Could not care less because this time, I still have my job. Did the mistake of preparing without one in 2018. Got smart since then. Would I have cleared had I prepared without a job? Maybe. I have done so many times. With jobs, without it. But people don't realise the odds have to be on their side in mains and interview as well. You are not special enough to think you would clear this exam. Nobody is. The toppers are a minority and they aren't as smart as you think. Just lucky. That's all. Be prudent. Do not gamble your life away. Move on. Failed? Hit the gym, read uplifting novels, spend time with family, friends and girlfriend, take a trip, sleep, get a job but most importantlydo not hopeto clear the exam in the next attempt. It's a maybe. Just like the reading comprehension in CSAT. All the best.
@srk1031147 You know much more than you think you do which makes you a valuable asset in any line of work. Join as a fresher if it has to be done. Ain't as bad. One page at a time after that. It will work.

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