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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

@Thor_vs_Hulk why can't it be 2-1-4-3

Prelims has become unpredictable and tougher atleast since last three years, either of GS or CSAT. Myself , started in 2015 , having written mains twice, victim of CSAT in 2017 , and now struggling with prelims since last 2 attempts with full-fledged preparation . I can't blame UPSC fully, but to a bit yes on uncertainty in GS paprr. So guys, its risky to leave job for long years especially amid current pre trend..just own experience..


@Thor_vs_Hulk why can't it be 2-1-4-3

Pratiharas rose under Bhoja l.  The earlier bhoj was not a sovereign king i think. 

For example it is accepted that guptas rose under Chandragupta l although the non sovereign founder was Ghatotkacha(father of chandragupta l) 

But again Upsc gets to decide. Someone has listed the source above.. Going by that it should be 2413

As upsc mentioned establishment of pallava power under Mahendra man 1, and not rise of pallava,  I think it is talking about initial days of pratihara. 

Yes..all other options indicate establishment, so pratihara option can't be exception..and all others were given parantaka I mahendra 1 etc..UPSC can't mistake Bhoja 1 with Bhoja..answer would be 2-1-4-3 only..


In gene editing question, statement 1(reproductive cells) and statement 3(pigs embryo) mere possibilities, but statement 2(human embryo editing) alone were done by Chinese last year.

Last para in below article clearly says it w.r.t statement 1 .

So answer could be 2 only..


In gene editing question, statement 1(reproductive cells) and statement 3(pigs embryo) mere possibilities, but statement 2(human embryo editing) alone were done by Chinese last year.

Last para in below article clearly says it w.r.t statement 1 .

So answer could be 2 only..

Ohh Is it like that??

Could this be digital signature of 2019?

Don't know what line UPSC takes..if can be means is its 2 only , if can be means is plus possibilities, it will be all..



  1. Minister appointment  - A 1 only 
  2. Legal service authority  - 1 and 4
  3. Biofuels  - All
  4. Indigo revolt - A
  5. Preamble  - same legal effect as any other part

Any chances of being correct at least one. As my situation is that one question will make me in or out . Unable to concentrate on mains because of this. 

1 is right

This time again getting 70 in csat but 119 in gs 1  from various keys. Don't know what to do now

Since it happened last year, it need not happen again. There is no use of worrying now can improve your mains chances by reading than worrying about something which you have no control now and which may fall in your favour as well..

Someone please delete this thread. It is of no use and wasting time and peace of people the same time it is addictive amid this anxiety, hence can't ignore coming to it, so requesting admin to delete in the interest of all.
If anyone wants mains test series, message me, can negotiate ..
This was my 5th attempt. I flunked this year. I am an IITian. Friends told me prepare for RBI SEBI more technical things which hv certainty., dont go for uncertain arts. I did not listen. I pursued. Wanted to solve crime and see people get justice.  Ah!! my idealism. Bloody Crime Patrol.  And here I am after 5 years, with no job, and Body mass index crossing all acceptable limits and tons of failures. Qualified pre every time but Never crossed mains barrier. People here are talking about Plan B. Brother, There is no energy left in me to pursue anything. Parents have given up hope and friends are expanding population. I am just lonely loser sitting in this one empty room.
People try to cheer me up by saying I am an inspiration for them. I know what they mean. They mean to say "Look look!!  that what happens when you get overambitious." Pair utni failao jitni chadar ho jisko samajh nahi aata uska iss larke jaisa halat hota hai.  
I will probably not come again ever on social media bcz then I start comparing myself . So before my last adieu I want to speak my mind. Also bcz no one knows me here and their judgement will not affect me , I am taking this route. Otherwise in real world No matter what I say , I will be judged. No one will listen ki "Maine har saal mehnat kiya tha , har saal nind sacrifice kii thi, har baar evalute and re-evaluate kiya, har saal fight kiya". No one will believe. Infact my father doesnt believe in my efforts What can I say about others. All will say You did not give your best effort. You know what, the pain of failure doesn't hurt that much. What hurts most is that people do not acknowledge your sacrifices. Power of specs has increased, face has become like a squeezed tomato , male pattern baldness has set in, social circle is non-existent since 5 years. No one even recognizes it. 
And to top it, Coaching teachers have some hurtful comments. One teacher says, one who doesnt qualify is definitely not preparing and wasting his time, Second teacher says if u do not get single-double digit rank then ur efforts were useless , u shud have joined a PSU instead. Third teacher says, if u are not in till 4th attempt then quit and do something else- tumse na ho paega -its beyond your caliber.   I Hear these insults and humiliations on daily basis. But still I push myself. Manate hain dil ko , push karte hain khud ko. But no one will see it, All are going to say " 5 years since college and no jobs, Nalayak larka hai. useless kid. ". 
I cant even remember when was the last time I went on a vacation. I cant even imagine What is the feeling of being stress free, the feeling of being relaxed, feeling of security. 
I used to believe in God. But now I think if it existed then atleast once in these years it would have heard my prayers. People say God helps those who help themselves. They say as if I was swiping faces on tinder all these years. 
 Sometimes I think of quitting and reducing my carbon footprint once and for all. It will be less painful than daily dose of pain I bear. 
I dont even know why I am posting this on social media. Maybe I am looking for one teeny tiny ray of hope. Maybe some enlightened soul can help. Maybe I want to live and enjoy like others so I am writing all my ramblings. But there seems no hope. I am living example of demographic disaster. God please help me. I wish I had someone to talk to. 

Brother, i empathize with you. Mine was also 6th last attempt, i started leaving good job in 2015, i cleared pre twice, flunked CSAT in 2017, failed mains in 2016, 18 and in my last two attempts i could not cross prelims when i prepared most for this exam. Its not wrong with our efforts, nobody knows whether they clear prelims for sure especially changing trend of prelims. Its all that 2 hrs matter after you slog for years. Some may be lucky and some not.

And the pain and people making example part, currently they have material to talk about in us as failure, whether we recognize it or not, its nature of society. Even they talk good of us also, that doesnt heal our failure since we invested a lot in this exam, so its up to us to get affected by it or not. As time passes, when we are into some other things like job, the people will find other material and we also forget it.

Regarding IAS thing, look around there are only few officers who are miniscule number among 130 crores. there are many happy living people, successful people as well in many fields, we can be one of them. Success is not necessary to be happier, a common man, simple living person can also be happier. 

We tried, it didnot worked , may be we are not destined for it, may be some other reason. Thing is we are relieved from this phase. Look around, take time, i guarantee you will not be in same mood after few days. Just explore other aspects of life. There is much life, much opportunities, much dignity , respect, ahead. Just move on.

Since you have more attempts, you can also prepare if you wish. But be prepared to take what life may offer. The greatest thing ever happen to us , we are alive, healthy and kicking, thats what nature wanted us to be. Thankful to God for that, rest is what we wanted to make out of our life, either happiness/suffering.

As someone, who wrote six consecutive prelims since 2015, year when g's alone became deciding factor, I can say prelims was on expected lines atleast till 2017, year in which transition towards unexpected questions started. Then on the work you put towards might had not translate to favourable outcome unless your are bit lucky as well after all the hard if this trend were  to continue in future, its better to not put all eggs in single basket atleast till prelims stage.So guys my sincere unsolicited suggestion is not to risk more than 2 years without job in this field guys. If with 2 attempts it can't be done, then get some private or govt job and parallelly prepare..this is my last message on forum and good bye to all
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