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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Can a dismissed employee from a public sector bank apply for UPSC and get finally selected or join the services ?
What happens if he shows his past bank employment in DAF ? Do DOPT get back to the employer for candidates verification ?
Can DOPT cancel the selection if employer gives any adverse remark?
@Jayson_Bourne not dismissed yet...but i am planning to take leave without pay for UPSC ..... i came to know that if authorities do not approve your leave and if u still proceeds for it then dey can dismiss u frm sch scenario what will be d better way out ?
1.Not disclosing employment details to UPSC 
2. Disclose it,..,max PSB can do is dismissal from service which is acceptable to upsc if one clears the exam

Note : I am alrdy 30 years old and 6 years exprnce in PSB

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