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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

has anyone marked 3 only for international trade of India at the present question? most answer keys are giving 1,3 and 4 as correct. I think there was news that we have been in current account surplus recently, add to this the term present mentioned in the question. am I overthinking in this question or is it worth sending a representation to UPSC?
in AI question for option 5, those charging devices which do not require wire, you just place your phone on a pad or something, won't it be an example


@Fightclub can we callwireless charging(we use today for phones) as wireless transmission of electrical energy? I think this is the main contention. Only UPSC can say... I guess

exactly this, we are not talking about electricity but the energy. inductors ka concept hi wireless transmission of electrical energy ka hai. same goes for capacitors. i think physics ncert mein bhi ek example tha of a sphere placed inside a hollow sphere and how it can be charged by just placing charges on the smaller sphere.

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