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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021


I belong to sc category. I'm getting 79.34 from shankar Ias answer key after considering all the ambiguous answers wrong. What's my chance to give mains

I have marked it 3 only

@tss unemployment rate decreased


Cut off will be 92(+-2). Said this on day 1. Continuing the same till date. 

Every time a tough paper has happened marks have collapsed by 6 7 marks minimum. And this is not even taking covid into account.

Absurd for people to forget 2016 ->2017 transition and 2017->18 transition.

Its not gonna be 95. Last time consensus was at 101, it fell to 98, that too with ews, which means in a normal case the cutoff might have been down to 96 or 97.

So anyone above 90 has a decent chance. A lot of 100s have taken rakhmabai and desher katha as 123, a lot of 100s have preamble as A and have taken gandhi irwin marks (which logically will be dropped 99.99%)

i would rather say a 92 93 guy who hasn't included such cheap marks has a better probability to convert than a 100+ guy with such dirty marks.

And well, last time I know people who were having scores in 90s, and had given up who made it to final list. So yeah, stop seeking validity. If are 90+ just study and inshallah!

Cut off can't go more than 93. At least 5 marks dip had to be there.

Calculate marks by shankar or insights or vision. Even if u r dead sure it has given a wrong answer take it as such...if getting more than 92 High chances u will clear.

I belong to sc category scoring 79.34 after taking all controversial questions wrong. Can I clear the prelims


What can be deciphered out of this?

Answer could be only 3


What can be deciphered out of this?

Answer could be only 3

It is very difficult to analyse..Is there any other authentic data related to this?

It's official nsso data !

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