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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

I am Sorry guys, but this thing happen every year where people bring lots of sources to argue what is right and wrong. It is all subjective and it is in upsc basket to decide which interpretation will be right or wrong. You all should study or  do something else which will be productive rather than arguing on the forum to get some mental satisfaction since no one can be 100 percent sure about anything in this paper for some questions.

Just my view, please anybody do not take it personally.

@Dwara Great, since you are so sure , why are you worrying about proving it to anyone ,Rather you should study for mains?

@rafael Sorry dude , how is anyone going to know whether cutoff will be reduced or increased? It is a huge sample size. Why don't you keep studying. It's a matter of just one month right.

@Dwara hahaha it is to brag? You are still not on the list i think yet . so clearing anything does not makes a big achievement . It is always the end result that matters. Yes i agree you should chill, but do something more productive or if you find this productive you can continue.

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