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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

2 time session expired but email otp nahi aaya , gajab bezzati h yaar :disappointed:

Silent observer here , frnds do mains whatever the score , it's better to study 12 hours and than cry , getting 124 in GS 1 and in csat in range (68-84) with all keys available , anxiety hits in silence  and decreases the overall day efficiency , it's easy to say  to stay focussed in mains but when individual is on border line it's requires a great strength of character to stay focussed and not distracted by self created negative propositions and asking others to satisfy ones urge to get their answers correct . Fall 999 build 1000 . That's what civil services is meant to be .
No predujices only rational insight , don't no why I am sharing this , but I have spend last night 5 hours to study each article again from the sources and got these answers . (Ps study mains this I did after completing my daily targets ) 

1.Labour RC answer d

2.rt to privacy answer a
3. Wetland answer c

4. Asset answer A
5. Foreign investment volatility answer B’t-enough/article14626733.ece
6. River interlinking answer A

7. Economic freedom answer c

8. Urban body frst part answer A second part B

9. 85% agriculture first part c second part D

10. Spanish ship answer D
11. Children malnutrition answer B
12.pusa arhar answer C
13. Dam monsoon answer is D
Why d ? And not c 
From the editorial 

Authorities always look to store the maximum amount of water in reservoirs during the monsoon season, which is then used for irrigation and generation of electricity during the summer months.....
However, it is unfortunate that the maximum amount of water is stored in reservoirs even before the close of the monsoon, only to ensure greater electricity generation and irrigation....

The tendency to hold the maximum amount of water in our reservoirs while ignoring the high risk involved in doing so can be attributed to our over-dependence on hydel projects to produce electricity
So not only before but also during the monsoon storage capacity should not be fully used .and also verbatim over independence on hydropower projects . So D is 100% correct answer.
14. Bank credit growth answer C

15. Genome editing answer C

16. Solid waste answer C

17. Religious freedom answer B

18 biotech regulation first part answer  D second part C 
Why d and not b 

Need for Public Engagement
Over the years, many organisations in-
cluding the Royal Society of the United 
Kingdom (UK) have called for engage-
ment with the public on S&T issues so 
that the public’s perceptions and under-
standing of S&T are understood by policy-
makers. It has been pointed out that the 
idea that the public needs only educa-
tion to be convinced and that better 
communication would do this no longer 
holds good. Public engagement has to be 
differentiated from one-way communi-
cation, public relations exercises, or 
So public engagement is there 

Now about political executive 
Principles for Regulation
Regulation of biotechnology is an evolv-
ing process and there is always a need 
to compare domestic regulations with 
best practices elsewhere and enhancing 
the capacity to regulate. Similarly, the 
regulation of a technology cannot be 
determined by a single principle but 
would need the application of more than 
one principle depending on the need 
and context. For example, environmental 
regulation cannot be based solely on the 
precautionary principle, or the “polluter 
pays” principle. Rather, what is required 
is a carefully developed regulatory policy 
based on various relevant principles and 
their application in specifi c contexts.
In that sense, biotechnology regulation 
has come a long way since the late 1980s 
and early 1990s when biotechno logy reg-
ulation was taking shape. In fact, over the 
years the global regulation of biotechnol-
ogy and national regulatory policies has 
undergone a sea change on account of 
various factors but there is no harmonisa-
tion at the global level. According to a 
study on global regulation of biotech-
nology, as many as 15 institutions are rel-
evant for biotechnology regulation while 
many conventions/treaties/protocols are 
also applicable in biotechnology regu-
lation (Rhodes 2010). For example, the 
Cartagena Protocol on Bio safety has 
many provisions that are d irectly relevant 
for the regulation of b iotechnology. Of 
these, Article 26 is important as it enables 
countries to take into account socio-eco-
nomic aspects in decision-making. How-
ever, there is no consensus on putting it to 
practice and besides the usual United 
States and European Union divide, there 
is a wide variance in putting it to practice 
among developing countries.

Political executive as a verbatim is not given but regulations like Cartagena protocol needs ratification by poltical executive 

So answer is D 100% 

19. Economic liberalisation first part C or A ( only doubt in Rc I have ) 
second part D 
First part 1. Statement is verbatim 
  ......the article argues that it 
is absolutely essential to rethink and redefi ne the economic 
role of the state in the quest for development. 
2nd statement  not a verbatim but I read the whole pdf and what I concluded that govt has not effectively implemented the policies after 1991 reforms and investment in social sectors , but since verbatim is not there so upsc can go in both direction , statement may be correct or incorrect so. Answer ( A or C ) first part .

2nd part  very logical 
And also verbatim 
Jobless Growth, Persistent Poverty, Rising Inequality
The fi rst persistent crisis is the phenomenon of jobless growth. 
The biggest failure of the past 25 years is that, despite such 
rapid economic growth, employment creation has simply not 
been commensurate. In fact, the employment elasticity of output 
declined steadily from reasonably high levels during 1972–73 
to 1983 (0.60) through modest levels during 1983 to 1993–94 
(0.41), .........
The second persistent crisis is that poverty persists on a large scale even after three decades of the most rapid economic growth, faster than anywhere in the developing world, as also in history, except for China. Of course, growth has helped bring about a signifi cant reduction in absolute poverty. Yet, its 
incidence remains high. In 2011–12, at least 25%, possibly 30%, Of 1.2 billion people live in absolute poverty below the critical minimum in terms of food and clothing. These are the peren-
nial poor. If we were to use a higher poverty line that allows 
for other basic needs such as appropriate shelter, adequate healthcare and education, it is estimated that about 75% of the population lives in absolute poverty. 

So 2nd part answer  D 100%


20. gas renewables
First part C  , verbatim 

......However, he also warned against investing too heavily in renewable energy at a time when the technology is not yet ready.
“You have to bring renewables at the right time so you aren’t trying to bring them to market before they are actually ready,” 
 So C is 100% correct 

Part 2 
1st statement verbatim 
certain renewables are still going through their cost curves and learning curves to get the required amount of output and to jump into it too big too soon leads to inefficient subsidies.”
2nd statement verbatim 
...The Indian government has strongly committed to its targets of reducing emissions by 33 per cent by 2030, as set out during the COP21 summit in Paris, and towards this it has initiated a strong push towards a gas-based economy and has also invested heavily in renewable energy.
Though gas is not sole basis for renewable energy but 2nd statement doesn't use extreme word like only on th basis of gas based economy so 2nd statement is 100% correct .
So  Answer is C 100% correct .!
@Aurang_mirasudar  brother absolutley right , I used your sources to read the passages , but what is right is always right whosoever gives , and 2nd thing I don't have preducies , passing through apti and reasoning , no conflict of interest 🤣 and yeah that question political exceutive is not clearly given that what I have wrote but protocol must be signed by exceutive moreover public engagement is verbatim given there so anyways answe will be D

@K_9  in paper  I marked 1&3 only why I go and wrong my answer , public engagement p pura paragraph and regulation p bhi 10 baar padha but predujices hoga , why I will go against my answer , only bcoz my rational insight gives m d answer

@Aurang_mirasudar may be true but not mine case  , I marked b in biotechnology and d in renewable energy , and saying other answer are correct , may be u will digest now , rest . Signing off


@sunnyleony  results are out 🤣

@Chanakya  i can feel it 😅


Vo suna h kahani 

Sher aaya Sher aaya 

Ab jab Sher aayega to bhi nahi manega koi 🤣🤮

124 , not cleared ifos , locha h answer keys m
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