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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Hello Friends 

My point is that .. 

No prelims is expected till Aug 31, 2020. 

You may ask why?? 


1. By the end of this month, cases will be huge,

at least 30k -40K  even if India outperforms. Which bureaucrat would like to take the risk of exams??

2. I checked that developed nations like Germany who has got some intermediate success has banned all gatherings, classes etc till August 31. Despite the fact there is no such lockdown as it is  there in India. 

3. Corona is going to last with us at least for a year.  That too in a very optimistic scenario. 

Well lockdown may ease.. but travel restrictions etc will cripple everyone. 

So till August 31 , chances are really bleak. 

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