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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021


@sankalpr91 We must make choices within the constraints, but we shouldn't be slaves to them. With due respect, I find this comparison itself, of using exam and life in one sentence to be stretching our imagination and importance too far. There are tens of millions in this country who are out of jobs, lost near and dear ones, facing unsurmountable odds, barely meeting ends. Imagine graduates applying for NREGS work as a very small example. The plight of expats from Middle east, the uncertainty of not being able to provide for children, wife, elders back at home. For them life has taken a turn for worse. Civil Services and the accompanying uncertainty it entails, as a process is tailored for true believers and not public at large.

In comforts of our wi-fi/4G and growing intellectual prowess with more revision and exposure to content, we have started to believe that Oct 4 is some god ordained day. Its not. We are appearing for an exam that furthers our career prospects and helps us serve the nation. 

In the present circumstances, the best we can do is be more compassionate, not flow in the stream of uncertainty and hold steady to our own. Beyond that, if you have the luxury of making out time for studies, please do give it your all. Competition is and will be fierce, any given day. Be it Oct 20' or Jan 20' or Mar 20' and onwards.

Again. You know best which way you'd like Oct 4 to swing to. Hold steady to it. It is and it always comes down to choice. The work done at Oxford in recent months has made it a leading potential vaccine candidate. Interesting fact is Oxford University was established around the time when Sultans out here were busy investing in their own tombs. Its all about choices we make..

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