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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

@Neyawn  I know a lot of people place demands on your time, and I don't want to bog you down with a long comment explaining the circumstances around this attempt, and where I am wrt prep etc, but your posts are always so well timed and useful that I always find the answers to my Qs, on whether my prep is on the right track, there. 

Could really use your guidance right now wrt the Mains and Prelims prep balance. Since there's been no post from your side since the new dates came out, I am sure tons of people are waiting for something of that sort. So this is just a gentle nudge to create a common public good! :p

Thank you!
@cot_ainok Agreed.

Also, taking the opportunity here to note down some of my anxieties wrt the new prep timeline here which many of you may share. If any of you can add to this list or have anything to say about addressing these, please do reply.

I am jotting it down here because I literally am not able to sleep with all this latent anxiety. Communicating this to my current support network of past and current aspirants has not yielded any definite answers (this is ofcourse an unprecedented situation and uncertainty will dominate)

All the new variables and moving parts that this 4 month extension has introduced--
  1. Extension meansmore revisionrequired esp for Prelim specific bits done in Jan/Feb
  2. Atleast fourmore months of Current Affairs
  3. Now that we have marginallyfewer days for Mains(95 days, as opposed to 110 days before) how much more time can you spend studying for it? (i have been getting some 100s but mostly averaging 75 in prelims mocks)
  4. Do I takeanother test series?
  5. Definitelymore pressureto crack it this time around since we've been awarded a vardaan from the COVID underlord 
  6. Seriouslyslagging motivationto clock anywhere close to 2 digit hours, as you were hoping for a big break come May 31st but here we are all (lucky to be) locked up at home with no respite from cohabitants and books
Just putting it out to the universe for inspired answers 🙊 

@TabsAndChords general category seems like a curse now.
No offence to anyone! But it's a sad state of reality.
Discrimination in the name of affirmative action! 

Bro I am scoring 90+ and having sleepless nights while one of my friend who studied half as me is sleeping like a baby because he is getting 80 which is sufficient for him.

Abuse me now. 

Saala TISS ka exam diya last year usme bhi same hua. I got 68 while cut off was 70 for general. Meanwhile a known person got 51 and went to give interview. All hail socialism and caste politics :)

In other news... hathras

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