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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

But if you consider rc passage only and apply negate principles while assumption based question.. Then 4 or 5 questions wrong.. If you are considering source articles.. Then take assumptions assumption based on whole article then all things will be right... It depends on upsc which side upsc will go.. Upsc is too smart to guess.. Just look explain part of vision how they manipulate answer to justify their answer baed on passage only

@Haryana suppose a person who does not read any of the source articles.. Just give them.. Will they reach same conclusions based on rc only... Now completely depends on upsc.. Just leave it.. And prepare for main



What is visionias csat track record....knowing than shankar, and other are not good with passages 

Any answer key.. 3 to 4 answer key different from upsc key.. Look previous year.. No one can 100 percent authentic 

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