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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Hello all. I checked my answers of csat from various keys. By vajiram, I am scoring 66.675 and by other institutes, I am scoring somewhere in 77 point something. I am scoring 95.34 in paper 1. What do you all have to say about me?

Right now I am fearful to the core. I don't want to get flunked in paper 2. 

@kpss886823 hey man! By Vajiram key, it looks like I’m failing in CSAT! But aurang key is giving me decent marks! 

I’m in the same boat as you. I can understand the anxiety and fear. I would suggest you take a look at aurang key and see how much you get! 

I have slightly more faith in aurang key because it’s directly from the articles themselves. The coaching guys who make those keys are people like you and I! They’re not infallible. Different coaching people have given different answers to RCs. 

So we’ll have to wait till the final result! 

Bhai can you please provide me with the link for the answer key you prescribe. Thanks in advance.

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