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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

My Personal Experience here. I started my UPSC journey in June 2014. Gave Prelims in 2015, post results i picked up some skills in 3 months and landed up in Job in 2016.

In 2016 I cleared prelims, gave mains and missed interview by 6 marks.

Within a years time, I got another job in Indonesia with a very good salary and designation.

2017 did not give UPSC

2018 Passed prelims and failed Mains with 23 marks gap (Was still working in Indonesia)

2019 failed prelims (Was working) gave CAT, joined IIM B 

In 2019 switched to another company with 2x salary

Now I am doing MBA and still working with my company remotely (2 years PGP fee is less than my 1 years take home)

Next year I will be giving without any fear, as it is unpredictable

My suggestion to all would be try to spend 2 years of your life for UPSC, post that you try to gain some skills whic will feed your tummy not mugging history / geography with which you neither get job nor a degree


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