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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

My near by illiterate grocessary shop wala told me that cases ll increase and increase untill vaccine comes ..  Are bureaucrats that naive to think situation ll be normal by oct .. many state psc have their mains in aug sept even which ll go on for several days..   Its nt just abt 5lakhs of aspirants.. There are autowalas, teashop , cab, resturant owner , hotels , family members of those aspirants and family members of those side kicks all of them at risk ... many aspirants have developed life style deseases aftr studying for hours in libraries..  many of our parents have life style desases..  how many lives we r talking abt...         




So yesterday, we had a new single day high again (36K nearly)
Now let's try and see if we can work our way backwards from October 4th and predict the future course of events :

October 4th is the D day

by September 15th they need to start dispatching question papers to various centers and get on with their administrative work.

by September 15th they need to start mailing our admit cards too.

so between August 30th and 7th September, they must sit down and finalize their decision to hold the exams after all. 

And by the looks of it, by August 30th  we are looking at 50-60 K cases (a modest guess) or even 70-80K (worst case scenario) cases per day if the situation keeps deteriorating.
or even if a miracle were to happen today itself and the graph starts to flatten and then go down, even that would require a good 2-3 months till cases become negligible.

so where does that leave them and their decision ?  Are they seriously willing to risk safety of Lakhs of aspirants , not to mention the family members of these aspirants and the endless chain of contacts that can emanate from these family members ?

More importantly, where does that leave us and our constant struggle to keep ourselves motivated ? we went all guns blazing from Feb to April (despite having to travel to our hometowns and not having our books and resources) ; then mellowed down when we got clarity in May ; joined essays and mains programs to possibly make up for our errors in syllabus completion. And its already July 15th and we are supposed to start with Prelims again. But for all we know, exam might get postponed again.

Speculate all you can fellow aspirants.
Bas himmat mat haarna.

By the looks of it, our battle is pretty much on course to get extended further and we will need every shred of willpower to keep pushing and stay consistent.

since you have elaborated on most of it so let me add a pinch in it:-

India is currently banking on a vaccine of corona. testing has started on 7th of july at 12 centers across India including AIIMS patna & Delhi. 

Everything depends upon the success of this vaccine. GOI, ICMR is very close, I must say and plan is to launch it on 15th of AUG by NAMO. It has to survive on all parameters till Aug, 14. Till then and if not. Nobody has a power to conduct paper pencil test in India and till what time??? Till any other vaccine/medicine i.e. =1/0.

Prefer not to give any closing line because we are 135crore.

Vaccine on Aug 15th is a gimmick to say the least. Human trials take a lot of time and it's availability in 2021 also has slim chances. It takes 3 to 4 months to manufacture just millions of doses. India is a country with a billion and so, let's not have false hopes on these matters.  

Problem no 1: we don't trust our govt. how are you sure about "gimmick"? I have seen the official circular then mentioned it here.

Problem no 2: mfg estimate. Boss India is a world leader in the vaccine. If this trail becomes successful 3/4 months are more than enough for us to manufacture and deliver it to the whole world. 

Time delivery: Yes it takes at least 6/8 months for tests. very true. But there is some story. they are using some existing research that was going on for long at the National Institute of Virology.  since I am not aware of this so won't claim it.

but, I trust my govt and its units so very much hopeful.
P.S: no arguments please and pardon.

Govt told parliamentary pannel that no vaccine before 2021 . Vaccine development takes years if not decades . Though this is emergency time having some doubt is not bad..  people genetics differ..  in some people not properly tested vaccine can evoke cytokine storm . So before we inject these vaccines to babies we have to be sure . 


Should have read and shared this as well!!

If such thing can happen in Kerala, imagine what would happen if such thing is replicated at pan India level.

There were SPECIAL arrangements for students with symptoms!! Can you imagine what it means.

Clearly, there would be serious repercussions from this episode.

Looks like govt does nt care.. There might be a consensus on preparing nation for herd immunity . Students and unemployed/ aspirational youth ll lead the march .



@rafael Kerala has relatively better health infra how can 1 xpect the same all over India esp eastern 1??Its no wher even in case talks compared 2 Tamil Nadu,Maharashtra ,Gujarat,Karnataka Or Delhi.States r going 4 lockdown while its conducting xams see Bihar or parts of even Karnataka.Though i desperately wnt xam 2 b held in oct i can give written assurance 70% chances it cant b!!

As per article exam was held in delhi ncr and mumbai as well ...  


Karnataka going ahead with KCET exam on july 30-31


Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

Ha ha.. exam rewards risk takers unless they r dibetic  overweight , asthmatic or suffering frm sometype of life style desease like hypertension etc..  They shd skip this yr exam . And those whose parents have all these deseases shd send them somewhere else aftr exam fr some days .


This week, I got into a confrontation with a science denialist. Whats worse was this guy is at a managerial position in like the 2nd most leading government hospital facility in the city. 

So he comes in and proposes that basically this whole pandemic has been exaggerated by the govt. He says the people dying are due to diabetes and heart problems and not due to Coronavirus. Coronavirus is just a flu. My arguments explaining co-morbidities and how compromised immune system ultimately creates perfect storm for the virus to be fatal were a waste, obviously! Then routine rant of how I’ve only relied on news and media (it’s weird how so many of our arguments are dismissed just due to lack of experience) to gather my information and how he, has been seeing this stuff from four months now.

I then asked him what he’d say about the asymptomatic patients then. This is where it gets interesting (read crazy) because he says the reports are fudged. He says the corona positive patients which are asymptomatic are actually just a small fraction, very rare. We all know how much of BS this was - 80% of the total are asymptomatic at this point.

This was followed by a few other ridiculous assertions about masks affecting oxygen levels (debunked). My efforts to counter him were in vain, plus this happened in a jam packed social setting in the four corners of the drawing room so I was also risking being labelled a rebellious youngster by fam, so I called it quits.

Its dangerous how people with such kind of scientific outlook exist, let alone work in a medical institution. And this guy is a post graduate. How can a person with a such a scientific temper be trusted to work in a medical setting. It seriously felt like debating someone belonging to those Trump supporters anti-mask, antivaxxers brigade (I need a punching bag that day).

@Karona18  Exam is happening on 4th October 2020. Admit Cards will Come Next Month.  CSE 2019 Interviews begin tomorrow.  Nothing stops UPSC, Not even Corona.  All the very best to all.

cc :@pizzza 

For interview letters have been sent to chief sec of all states which has been forwarded to respective dist collectors to help candidates reach delhi.. also some travel compensation .. as per dristi video in u tube

@MaverickAPS  I am crying now... Anyway all the best to all the interview aspirants... But i will try my best to stop the interviews and other upcoming exams ... 😥

Then file a case in supreme court ..  Its violation of fundamental rights ..  specially art 21 . Also art 14 for nt providing equal oppertunity .

@sulawesi i think you are not prepared.
1. there will be no vaccine for next 8 to 10 months if it is india wont get it first. america and britain will save their citizen first.
2. corona does not infect only in exams halls. its right there in your vegetables fruits and nearby markets. it can come from anywhere then why only exams to be postponed? dont be hypocrite.
3. come on man live with it exams requires travel upsc gave you option to change your center. if you dont come out of your home even in your city then you should not come out of your home till next year july August when india gets fully vacinated. but i know you are hypocrite you will come out.
4. what about those guys who are reaching 28+ or nearing 30+ ? dont be selfish. october is better than jan 2021 you will see in future when jan 2021 will have 1 crore infections in india at this pace.

so stop all your speculation about exam postponement and behave like a matured competitor.

corona is really dangerous but when war breaks we wont hide in our house and wait for enemy to disappear. enemy has reached at your door steps and these official datas about infections and deaths are only 30 or 40% of real infections

all the best. dont expect a reply

Heard abt serum institute and bharat bio tech ? India supplies 60_70 percent of vaccine to world.. covaxin human trial has started . Serum ll be producing oxford vaccine with in months.. 

How many centers are there ? People from hinterlands ll visit those cities most of which are hotspot.. Then ll take back those virus to their villages and towns.. I shifted my center frm delhi to raipur nd now its a containment zone.. by oct raipur seems to be one of the worst hit city

And plz..  its not a war . Get over this millitary mindset . It suits only in border .

@rafael There won't be any Vaccine for next 12 Months. We all are already living with this Virus. And even when the  Vaccine arrives it will take 4 or 5 years to get all 140 Crore Indians vaccinated. 

Peace Out. 

India produces 3billion doses of  vaccine per year and serum produces 1.2 bl doses on its own...   we dnt need to vaccinate all 140crore ..  40/50 percent ll do the job .  

Dont use toilet in the centre . That is going to be corona hotspot . 

Thus data alarming.



btw interviews have started today. since no postponing info........... i guess yess!!

They wrote to every state govt..  subsidised air fare both two and fro.. Gave face mask , shield, gloves, bottle of sanitizer upon arrival.. made arrangement for lodging . Made arrengement for shield between interviewer and interviewee.. regular santization of rooms and halls .. 

They did a good job .



Well the UPSC has now even decided to hold Economic Service Examinations which were cancelled earlier and that too in the month of October. Do not really know how UPSC gonna handle all this in a single month.

SSC also revised many exam dates to oct /nov ..   Its a mass murder 😂  .. nyway .

Poonawala of serum institute claimed 30crore vaccine doses of astrazenca ll be prepared by dec.. out of which 15 crore for india. 

regular trains are not running now till aug 12 and cases are 40k plus everyday . So u all can guess numbers around oct..   exams generally not supposed to happen in such scenario .  It does nt cost nythng for govt if cse pre does nt happen in time . But if they do govt ll have to stand up to a lot of challenges be it political or logistical ..  If they do conduct exam nyway i ll be glad if it happens in stadiums like they did in S. korea ( weather can be a issue though ) ...  make rule like mask and face shield mandatory ..  double the number of centers . adding some more cities in option ( i dont think it ll happen ) ..

Ias ka seat to defenitely kam hoga in 2021.........2020 tak 180 lene ka plan tha inka...

There is lots of hate of IAS among think tanks closer to govt . So in gradual manner things r going to change . Less recruitment ll be there . We r nt in immidiate danger if we make out with in next 2 yrs .



Hi , I am into a dilemma regarding changing the centre for pre exam. My situation is if exam is going to happen on 4th October then I want to change it if not then don't  . What is the probability of exam happening on 4th Oct. Quick help as only 2 hours is left to change the centre 

😂😂😂😂 .... 



@Tangent And ths business s needed more r8 so tht people get jobs and better standard of living with wealth creation,then mass junta must hav been fooled into preparing 4 career of civils lik herd of sheep mentality??2 b frank i hav met many who dnt hav ny long term view why 1 shud prepare civils and why it s a better career option!!Substantiates why India s still at lower rungs of develop even after 73 years!!

its abt social recognition and relatives ..  its as simple as that . Also for a middle class salary , perks of IAS is too much..  u clear a exam and u get all of that for ur life . 



@rafael @cat(Billi)

She s Forbes 2020 under 30 just 4 making a s/w but enough in limelight 2 hav Photoshoot with NITI CEO and at various multilateral fora.1 cant get such recognition here so fast plus we r fooling ourselves reminding of our lack of far sightedness,may b we wud xpect our kids 2 do better😀

if u r a middle class ask ur uncle if he knows her ...  i dont think he might ..  but he ll knw the name of kid from his town/ distance relative who cracked state service and became sdm.. That is the social sphere we middle class live in and thats where we want recognition ...  

We create our own realities ..   Our thoughts . being billionary or being IAS wht ever satisfies us ..   whn time comes we ll be perished like millions who have . nothing ll matter .. nothing has mattered . We were born empty ..  There was just awareness which observed ..  Then somehow the images , events , sounds, information we observed became us .. There is still that awareness somewhr there . The pure awareness . unblemished away frm illusionary identity made of years of propaganda we have gone through ..
Cinema halls ll be opened in aug . It is more riskier than conducting exam as per my assesment .. same hall every day . Corona ll thribe in a AC confined space for months . If govt is prepared for that then why wld they stop upsc . So prelim is on oct 4 . 

Multiple day exam like uppsc mains / odisha mains etc shd be avoided at this moment . U cnt be alert for 6/10 days in a city where u r nt local ..  and many might nt remain healthy to the completion of exam process..  that ll be unjust..

some thoughts on people comparing JEE with UPSC-CSE :-

1) JEE exams are feeder exams. If JEE doesn't take place, engg. institutions lose the student input and the infrastructure lay waste . CSE is recruitment exam, the govt. can simply extend the existing tenures of retiring personnel to meet the resource crunch. so, literally govt doesnt lose anything by postponing exams. (on a lighter note, it saves one year salary) whereas, by postponing JEE exams, it loses one year admission fees.

2) the number of students to be trained at mussorie may not be more than 200. whereas, the number of engg. passouts will be more than 40,000. so, the pressure on infrastructure is different. (if JEE is postponed, the next year colleges should bear 80,000 (40k of this year, and 40k of the next year) student pressure. and that's unavoidable. whereas, UPSC can temporarily change the training norms and absorb the 400 officers training  (200 + 200)

3) Number of exam centres for Jee ( in terms of count of cities) , is geographically higher than that of CSE.  (a personal example: Journey to my nearest JEE centre needs a single bus journey of 50minutes, I can even start on a two wheeler on the date of exam. whereas journey to my nearest UPSC centre is of around 8 hours with 3 buses, and every bus be on schedule, and it demands a night stay before the exam date)

Though UPSC gave centre change option, i thought that they would increase the number of exam centres. but thats not the case.

4) if a healthy student falls sick after writing JEE exam, that will not affect his future schedule. He will wait for a fortnight and then carryon with his counselling process . That's not the case with CSE aspirant. if he falls sick due to his exposure because of prelims exam, he loses a fortnight and thereby his mains. as a corollary, he also loses the count of one attempt.

Jee is not upsc but it does set a trend ..  If govt is risking jee there is no reason for not risking upsc . It does convey the stand of govt .  If high court decision comes in favour of govt then it ll be seen as a green light for all exam . And upsc is always keen to show how efficient it is .

Though entrance exams for colleges are in a separate category from upsc , for what its worth Karnataka hc just refused to postpone kcet after giving favourable comments all through the hearing. One strange reason is that the students came too late. 

The judge was changed after 1st seating ..  cnt say if its regular . 

Libraries band rahengi fir! kyaaaa yaaaaaar!

u really thinking of going to library ? u r really a brave person . 


So interviews will be over today, n results will be out soon..  I was out of cse 2019 race in prelims itslf, n m now preparing for prelims 2020.

Just taking a moment to enjoy the peace before the storm of topper talks begins. Of first attempt toppers. Of genuine sons n daughters from humble backgrounds who will clear the exam without any coaching. Of some exceptional people who honestly share their experiences. Of ppl who give lame gyaan after clearing in heightened  self esteem. And of course  Of new advertisements of coachings, with trees with new toppers as the leaves.. 

Moments of peace. 


worst thing ll be we r at home ....  watching news with our parents while having dinner ..  

If multiple day exam can happen like uppsc main . 1 day exam of upsc pre can also happen


Even though upsc and SC both are hellbent on taking the exams if daily cases are above 70k or more by September forget any exam this year. These announcements are simply to keep everyone motivated and in the loop. Reality on the outside however can be dire come october.

Situation is already bad.If they had the intention it wld have been reflected. its 50k now.. it ll be 70/80k then . These r just number fr govt now . 

उधर, अभ्यर्थियों का कहना कि लॉकडाउन के कारण 25 अगस्त को प्रस्तावित पीसीएस मेंस-2019 और 19 सितंबर को प्रस्तावित एसीएफ/आरएफओ मेंस-2019 को आयोग ने स्थगित कर दिया है,ख्जबकि इन अलग-अलग परीक्षाओं में कुल मिलाकर मात्र 6320 अभ्यर्थियों को शामिल होना है। 25 अगस्त को शनिवार या रविवार भी नहीं है। उस दिन मंगलवार है, फिर भी पीसीएस की मुख्य परीक्षा स्थगित की गई।जबकि 16 अगस्त को रविवार है और बीईओ की प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में साढ़े पांच लाख अभ्यर्थियों को शामिल होना है। ऐसे में सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल पत्र समझ से परे है।

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Ordered today face mask , face shield and gloves . Never thought ll appear exam like this some day 😁


@rafael shield ka cost and brand bata do bhai even we all hav 2 order!

Available on amazon ..  dnt knw which is good brand..  since i have to use  only 1 day ordered cheap one at rs 108.

@rafael PPE kit bacha tha 😁

That is also available below rs500  in amazon ..   I have not made up my mind to go to that extend .. 

@rafael kidding brother/sister

not kidding..  face shield is a must . along with mask .we can only decrease the probability . covid has long term impact . Even if u clear u might nt perform to ur best in 3.5 months . People aftr months of recovery are complaining abt fatigue , joint pain , chest pain , brain fog .

@redemptionWe are heading towards middle income trap already and unless we redistribute resources, the growth will really stagnate. People really have a hard time understanding something so simple.

IMO, we should nationalize health and education. That will give people disposable income to spend on the products of company.

Or a significant pay hike in next pay commission unlike the 7th  😍


For anyone interested in Bose death mystery

He was alive till 1985 .. never came to public as he had developed ptsd after spending many years in gulag prision of soviet russia . Anuj dhar book "conundrum " explains it in great details ..     There are several videos of Anuj dhar in utube .. new series of evidance conforms

Conducting upsc prelim on oct 4 and not counting this attempt for everyone best sollution ...  Those who ll appear exam with less preparation due to corona situation ll nt have to loose a chance . 
@Villanelle 1600 seats !!!! Wow....

Never going to happen ...  Already lots of vacancy but govt nt filling them as it ll be a quality issue.. And it ll be a chance for govt save some money given the drastic situation we r in..  They r already publishing less vacancy since few yrs . This govt only wants strartup india standup india.. less babus .

@sjl_mndl1369 It's not about preparation time, Mate. 
It's about travel hassles. 
There is still cases rising in Maharashtra. And I don't think by end of August it will go down. There still is District Lockdown (update me).  
Bus service is not yet resumed. 
Also, I doubt Boarding  & Lodging will start (Rather I'm afraid to stay) 

And my Centre is 150Km away. 

It's OK to say it, if you are living in same city as your Centre. But there must be many people me as well. 
But you are right, extra time won't improve your preparation for Civil Services. 

Hope everything works out. 

My center 130km..  will be travelling by bike starting at 5am . My friend ll drive half of the journey time . You shd do something like that . Or get a car start journey around  4.30-5 am.


My centre is around 1023Kms away from my present location.

Bhai dint u change center ? How can this be possible after changing center?



in UPSC Bhawan


2019cutoff :-98 (prelims) 751 (mains) 961 (final)

And Pradip Joshi ji appointed as chairman of UPSC. Earlier he worked as chairman of Chattisgarh and MP PSC boards

I think this is highest difference betwn ifos and cse ..   18 marks



What is reservation based on ?

Is it affirmative action to uplift the poor ? : No , its then schemes and other assistance  would be enough.

Then why is reservation implemented ? Aren't lower caste people poor?

Answer: To understand reservation , we should understand caste system . Caste system is a socio - economic political system . This multi dimensional system has lead to multi dimensional deprivation in social , economic and political status of the people who are considered to be in lower hierarchy of the system. This has led to these communities to be ostracized socially , economically and politically.

The repercussions of this system has both psychological results such as caste discrimination ...etc , and physical results such as certain caste members live in bad parts of villages , most Indian village's residential setup is segregated on caste basis.

So thats y reservation was devised , to give bump to the people who were deprived of the social , economical and political aspects.

People generally compare economic status to social status or even political status to social status.

I have know an ias officer who was discriminated by his subordinates when he was posted as sdm due to he belonging to SC.

here if you see even though he has reached a good position his social status according to to the society is lower. 

Ews : Everyone vulnerable should be given a hand . but the thing is there are different levels of vulnerability and there are different causes of this vulnerability . Reservation according to indian constitution is for people who are socially , economically , educationally and politically disadvantaged due to the practice of caste system that lasted 1500-2000 years. 

All poor people should be given a helping hand so ews should be given other government aids so that they are uplifted.

 All that being said Reservation is not the best system , but the root cause is the attitudeal sickness of caste system that is in our society . Since our society is not ideal , to have justice we have a not so ideal system  called reservation which is the best we can do as of now .

peace ✌️😎

 is it fare to put son of a ST/SC IAS officer and son of a st/sc mgnrega worker to same level of competition ?? Only selected groups are getting the benefit with in the community itself...

   Now if u r open to think beyond those books which are expired is it fare to say that son of st/sc IAS officer or son of a st/sc family with 3 generation of group A officer is socially more discriminated than that of a son of a poor upper cast who is ether a small land holder or a mgnrega worker...   Will puffed rice (muri) breakfast , govt school teaching of a son of poor upper cast stand a chance against oatmeal + apple breakfast + Saint merry teaching  of son of a rich/ IAS lower cast.....

Its time to think why so many "meena " are on the selected list while u hardly find any "majhi" , :sabar"


I finished 100 tests today ...   biggest concern is now revising them all   :grin:

@rafael I believe the most shameless guy on planet are those SC/ST/OBC people whose parents are top bureaucrats nd rich influential people of the society yet seek reservation..It's gross injustice to the deserving ones among those communities...tina-mina-diga of such people should not be given any respect at all..Bhai aap apne hi community ke logo ke sath nainsafi kaise kr skte ho??

If you think Caste goes away because you hold an influential position, you should also know that our President was denied entry at a temple only recently. I don't understand why people think untouchability goes away with wealth. 

fake news ...


Aajao Aaj Reservation ka Class Lagate hai. 

I was silently just going through the thread to see if there was any information on prelims. The crass arguments against the reservation system forced me to login. 

You know what's sad? Those who don't even understand what kind of discrimination SC/ST community members face, have given interviews in civil services exam this year. It's not just sad, but appalling, abhorring and abominable. You inhuman beings are rotten pudine ke jhaad with zero utility. 

Before I make any arguments,

All those who think that Rich/Well Read/Govt Officers who belong to SC/ST community do not face discrimination. I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU. 






The discrimination faced by SC/ST has least to do with poverty/economic inequality. It's the social inequality that has plagued them from thousands of years. If you don't at least understand this, please quit your upsc preparation. You'll do more harm than good as a civil servant.

For those who are unaware of what kind of discrimination SC/ST face:

1. Doesn't matter what the guy/girl does, doesn't matter how educated or rich he/she is. Doesn't matter how good of a human being they are, THEY WILL SIMPLY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR MARRIAGE. You know what? Guys have been killed just because they belonged to SC/ST and they married so called upper caste girls. UNDERSTAND THE GRAVITY NOW? LIVES WERE TAKEN OFF FOR NO REASON. Kabhi news bhi pad liya karo dimag khol ke. 

2. Houses are not rented out. Doesn't matter even if you eat vegetarian food. You will be simply shown the door. 

3. When it comes to postings in government jobs or facilities in job location. Doesn't matter even if you are an IAS, you will face discrimination. 

4. Even if you have the same set of skills, you will be discriminated against the applicants from so called upper castes. 

This is just the tip of the ice-berg. The subtle yet ferocious psychological trauma that one faces is beyond any physical pain. One feels like, am i even human like everyone else? why am i being treated differently at every step. If only were you in their shoes, would you understand the nerve wrenching experience associated with the existence.

Now I'm not claiming every SC/ST person to be a saint, I agree that just like in any community, there are some bad humans in this too, but they are in minority. There are a majority of SC/ST humans who are peaceful, neutral, just minding their own lives and yet being made to feel like why are we even born. No one deserves such undignified existence. Everyone needs to be treated like humans and IT'S YOU, ME AND EVERYONE else who need to RECOGNISE THIS FACT and STAND UP FOR THEM and MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE THEY ARE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. 

What's ironical is that so many of us tweeted for BlackLivesMatter, but how many of us know that caste-ism and racism are very similar and yet, no one bats an eye for this. There have been international sanctions on countries for practicing racism and in our country, this oppression happens just like it's everyday business.  

I can share so much more on this, but I hope that some of you understand what the discrimination is about and what you can do to make our society better. The change, my dear friends, starts from educating your near and dear ones. Ghar badlo toh desh badlega. 

I know some of you will be like media is reporting one side, toh bhaisaab let me tell you, i've seen all of this happening right infront of my eyes. Ab mai tumhara topper toh hu nahi jiski baat aap blindly maan jaoge. Isliye news articles daalne pade.

Bye for now.

Agree with many points .. but as far as marriage is concerned a brahmin boy cant marry a sc girl even..  girl family ll be ostrasized by their own cast panchayat ... My own brother married a girl frm obc community and we had to face many challanges...  their family was threatened . The father did nt even do the kanyadan .. long story..  marriage thing is more complicated . 

There is also a positive side to the cast discrimination story in india today ....  u ll nt find ny political party having a biased attitute towards lower cast or preach castism..  And this things are gradually improving.. Atleast in our generation.. My own roommets in college times were dalits ..  who cld have thought that 50yrs back.. The hate spreaded by few militant organisation and left are showing only one sided story with many layers to it..  It is causing more social fragmentation ...

All those who use to study at Library u guys coping at home( specially for those who are done with 2-3 attempts ) ....

For last two days my performance has been better ...   In home i have made 3 place to study..  traditional chair table..  whn i get tired take a break and seat on ground with a low height table..   then sometimes i go to balcony or roof top for study..  As i live in a village i go for walk every evening..   In home things can be monotonous whn u dnt have frnds of lib to keep the env or lack luxury of 10min tea stall talk..   So to break the monotony all these stuffs ...  u can do ur own...

@Rudra12 mere family wale to chill hai but relatives and neighbours who hav not seen me for couple if years due to delhi stay are like.. abhi bhi upsc kar raha hai ? Hua nhi kya ? Age hogaya ab?..well my optimistic parents are also now slowly turning against upsc prep and exam givin..unable to sit and study at home seriously ..😀

Yeah same situation...  wht i do is i have made different time of lunch and dinner..  no family get together . Make my own coffie . And less talk frm my side unless its urgent .. u never knw whn a small talks get diverted to career etc 😁


China has done real damage to our demographic divident ..  These days i am getting real intolorant to leftist narrative or opinion..  They start with all these end of oppression .. rich vs poor stuff .. And then whn get power they become china, soviet union and north korea..  Then haapens the falungong massacre, tianamin sq, uigur concentration camp, corona..  while the left centric world media keep praising rise of china's gdp .

@rafael you forgot cambodian genocide(pol pot) ..freedom of speech and expression dont survive in communist ecosystem. let's look at the empirical data and then judge whether they let dissenting voices thrive or not. 
but i believe they are needed to some extent to ensure that the overton window doesn't shift towards extreme right ideology.

I have a different perspective ...   In 1980s there was a  consensus among many muslim leaders to give back ram janma bhumi to hindus ..  some professors and historians opposed it and kept writing articles aftr articles . They convinced muslims that they stand a chance in court case...   Its nt a myth that thousands of temples were destroyed whn the invasion came .. quwat ul islam mosque in delhi stand as a witness to it. Was giving back babri mosque which does nt have ny significance in islamic tradition  to hindus such a big deal ..   shd nt we solve our old issues whn we have decided to stay together as equal citizens of this country..  But thanx to left it kept going ...   This was the stimulus that gave rise to a right wing party...   There wld nt have been a national party called bjp if ram janma bhumi issue was solved in 80s .  People say extreme left ll counter extreme right ..   But wht i see in india both act as fuel for each other...    In the game of these ideologies the individual dies along with it the individuality . All ideologies have done for human is to create a conditioned mind which see a distorted image of reality in accordance with the conditioning ..

Good luck people . Many ll be writting 6/10 days exam before upsc prelim happens which is one day exam . So no way its going to stop . Up bed exam whr lakhs appeared and nda admit card is clue .
@Handshake according to me situation will worsen( I dun want to) logically number of deaths might increase....beacuse increase in death toll takes sometime as cases have risen since 6-7 days 

As i said before there is no worse after worse ..   its just worse . So no postpone

how r people in india bhai telegram group doing ? left that group long ago .wahan bakchodi chal rahi haai  ki nehi forum jesa .

Do u have group link i also left it oong back

No i dnt have...  even if i had i ll nt do such harm to ny one by shairing their link in such uncertain times . 

I can just imagine the scene in front of restrooms just before the pre starts. would they call mobile washrooms to ensure social distancing as well?

I ll do it on the road side.. as i ll be wearing mask and face shield no one ll remember my face..  bhad main jae swach bharat . 

@rafaelsome centers in Delhi are located in posh areas. They dont even let you enter localities after paper 1. Relieving oneself openly is an impossibility in such centers

Carry a 1 lit bottle with u ... keep it in bag aftr u r done and throw it later..  we have to be like man vs wild..  😂

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all are busy on twitter #postponeupscoct4, #IAmAgainst_ExamsInCovid

Nope...  everyone started prelim preparation  on full speed  😅


upsc NDA guidelines for exam 

This is why i insist on wearing face shield. They ll ask u to remove mask at some point of time fr varification . 


Pizza's Telegram Quiz for covering Bookwise mcqs to revise complete history

(all ncerts, rs Sharma, Satish Chandra, spectrum, and Nitin Singhania) 

questions seem to be of good quality and easy to solve on telegram

Cost: Rs. 74 for 1400 mcq (for first 50 subs)

Check his telegram channel for sample questions, @iasmocks_history 

There ll be detailed solution ?

I don't think it will get postponed....if rain drops are falling into the room we will try to stop, if whole rain is falling then what we will do other than abandoning it (What govt is doing).....also Postponing also will send a wrong signal...So be max they will remove CSAT (Intimated along with admit cards) and go ahead with examination.....merging 2020 and 2021 is not possible because govt has no capacity to train such number of new entrants in one year 

thats a good idea...   remove csat this year . 2 hrs gap and then 2hrs of another paper ll increase risk..   CSAT has no value . it hardly effect cutoff . 33% pass paper nothing but a joke which has been played upon us for few yrs ny way ..



Are color blind ppl eligible for forest service? one of my friends recently got rejected from a PSU just because of this and wanted to prepare.......... anyone ??? 

color blind not eligible . many dont know they r color blind. i wld suggest them to take test in utube before opting for ifs

guys/girls plz update here if any institute conducting all india online free mock test .  cnt pay 750 for  abhyas test of vision for only 3 test that too online..
@Joeyisthebest might backfire too ...if govt does not adds new vacancies and decides 2020 as null year 
And if vacancies are added ( seem rarest case) ... Imagine govt dont have capacity to train 180+180 ias officers and 150+150 ips officers 

govt ll never take 300 ips and 400 ias at a time..   nyone asking fr merger is being naive . Yes there is no enough capacity to train them at a time and if they do it ll create a situation whn someone gets selected ll have to wait for another year to get training .

Wht i expect is if SC gets involved or things get too much politicized  this yr recruitment ll be cancelled ...   And vacancies of this year ll be filled in a course of 4 yrs in a gradual manner ... not at all a good scenario for 4th 5th attempt people

if there are old aspirants in those whatev telegram convey in that  group that if this yr goes vacant they ll fill it in upcoming 4/5 yrs in a gradual manner ..  There wont be double recruitment next yr atleast for all india services . Not good for us . Govt ll love to do that as income is already down .  
This time competition ll be high .. Average people like me have completed 3 test series ..i do usually 40/50 test that too till the last hours . most of them without revision..  There ll be thousands who might have revised 3 test series with reference books with given extra time and space . Dont take corona to be a big hurdle ..   



This time competition ll be high .. Average people like me have completed 3 test series ..i do usually 40/50 test that too till the last hours . most of them without revision..  There ll be thousands who might have revised 3 test series with reference books with given extra time and space . Dont take corona to be a big hurdle ..   

Lolz thats nt how things 2018 i barely did 20 tests with nt much revision n got 118

In 2019,i dedicated 4 months completely fr pre...around 90 tests(consistently scored 110-130),revised atleast 3-4 times bt only managed to clear on border line and failed ifos pre. 

Our revision resources r limited and test series r mostly filled with absurd questions. So prelims prep can nvr be foolproof

2 things that matters most are 

1. Encountering good no of ques frm topics which we have studied thoroughly

2. 50-50 elimination working in our favour.

at individual level there ll always be exception . but whn it comes to large number of people more prepared they r more they ll be able to slide cutoff towards higher side  . May be 3/4 marks at best  .  If 2016 type qus ll be there .. almost everythng frm conventional sources it can be even higher . 


Dear Fellas.

I am a doctor preparing for UPSC ,posted in safdarjung.  I know we all are anxious about exam. But remember, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity." - John Flavel.

A doctor preparing for upsc ...  bro why..  says a lot abt our society . I have seen drdo scientists , IISc pass out people also preparing for this exam . It shd be left to lesser mortals like BA/bsc/ private college engineers . 


OK. Someone on Twitter is raising issue of discrimination during interview with Reserved category candidates. 

According to them, all UPSC Memebers  are from Upper Caste. Not a single Category Member. So, they think it's not equitable representation, affecting selection process. 

They are demanding release of last 10 years of marks of Mains and interview of all candidates whether reserved or not on public platform. It is to scrutinize their accusation about discrimination of reserved category candidates in interview. 

So (assumption), maybe UPSC is waiting to let die this uproar of Information Demanding on social media. Once everything is calm then maybe, they will release the result.

RSS in past had suggested to remove interview and introduce psychological evaluation like they do in army . When ever there is interview there ll be bias of left and right .. religion .. cast ..    everyone has their bias does nt matter how big officer he is . In these age of twitter its quiet evident how biased many top level people can be . 

anyone registered for gsscore open test ? when is it going to be activated ? have they shared ny link
How was gsscore test today . I found it on the difficult side . 



How was gsscore test today . I found it on the difficult side . 

Abhi open hai kya???

Yes . Sign in if u have a acn there

from two attempt where i cleared prelim i knw a particular mindset required for clearing prelim . Doesnt  matter how much u have studied throughout the year . Last few weeks are most imp to achieve that with lots of studies and refraining frm negative talks . When mind is focused alert and positive it starts connecting things like crazy nd reach right conclusion most of the time . I suggest people to refrain from ny hope of postpone . 
do you think if jee, neet are deferred(chances of which are very less) , it will have a bearing on upsc prelims?

Many millionaries , mla, mp, ministers , high level beaurocrats, influentional NRIs and overseas indians have invested in medical and engineering colleges . It is very difficult and almost impossible unless pmo i.e modi himself come to interfear . No judge , ministers , officer can make such a powerful lobby his enemy .  


Mafia and dalals run this country ..  They r the deep state which ever govt is in power does nt matter . Public mood also does nt matter ..  In todays social media age good campaign with intelligent memes , news propaganda ( whole country worried abt one death now while thousands dieing everyday) can change public mind with in days ..  And ultimately if nothing works there is brahmastra of religion , cast etc ..  Thats how democracy works . And thats how middle class is managed .. poor need freebies and middle class need ideology..  rich dnt care...

So think for urself work hard and get out of this middle class curse ..  


Greta Thurnberg has now called for postponemnt of jee neet  😂😂


Hello All

Is scoring between 85 to 100 in vision test series good enough?

Also, I think UPSC must increase number of centers. My heart goes out to all co-aspirants from rural areas and smaller cities who would have to arrange for transport, accommodation near the  centre, not to mention the early morning madness when only a limited number of vehicles would be available to ferry aspirants to their centres....

If its early tests not good enough . After 9th i think its good score for cse prelim .


Navin among the group of CM against conduct of exam . His efforts r praiseworthy

@balwintejas ye FLTs kaun si nayi bimaari aayi market me??

Full length test unlike sectional- jo subject ya specific area focused hote hai

Thanx i got nervous ..  thought cld be some exotic material 😂

Again clash in indo china border .  The way things are going something ll happen before winter ...  i really want prelim to be over by then .


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3500 only..... Insignificant

Attempt is not counted right if u dnt sign in prelim ? Or this time its changed




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3500 only..... Insignificant

Attempt is not counted right if u dnt sign in prelim ? Or this time its changed

Hope people with good career options and good job dnt take unnecessary risks and stay absent in the exam ..  And provide better oppertunity to desperate souls like mine. 

Did nt appear the test but if it was free then expect lots of people to use google on another tab to get fake satisfaction..  I have  a frnd who does this kind of stuff.. He calls it some law of attraction .. U knw those conspiracy theories videos on u tube.
@rafael it's not just for free tests. Even paid online tests have scores that are very high. 
For ex - In insights test series, there are people scoring 200/200. Some 5-10 students 190+ 

And how do u feel now ...  if u had used google u wld nt have felt bad ..  and remain more focused for exam 😁 atleast a fighting chance . Even in paid there ll b many like that..Thats the thing with these online exams . There is no way u can access ur true rank . 

One good thing abt bad marks is that ur time was efficiently used . U got to knw more stuff than the one who scored 150 .And u have closed some gaps between the one who scored 150 and you.. The day ll decide everything . In one set of qus people who ll cleared might also get replaced by another set of qus .

Hey guys...just needed a suggestion...

This would be my 4th attempt.wrote mains in 1st attempt and couldn't clear prelims in 2018,2019.  This yr I am constantly getting around 75 marks in mocks...I don't know wats happening...the more I study, more drop in marks...should I skip dis attempt ?

if u r a general candidate and marks are around 70/75 in mocks . And it is constant for all mocks then u might be making mistakes in basic questions . Nobody can say whether u r prepared . Because u ll loose a chance if someone gives u false hope. There r still 30 days . Keep revising . Judge how u feel abt ur basics day before exam . For a veteran 30 days is a lot of time .


What i do is before few days of exam i dnt sleep for a night and directly sleep at 9pm next day . And then continue it.

Caution- does nt work for everyone specially people with high cortisol and anxity  . Exp - my friend to whom once i suggested . Baht gali dia thaa bc...  😂


Next ias anubhab open test . Everyone register . 12th 19th and 26th . Its free .

@rafael do they publish results of students who only give GS test and not CSAT?
Do not want to spend too much time on institute CSAT papers. They are so unnecessarily vague and difficult

I ll nt be appearing csat as well . Its a online exam why wld they take this extra effort . That ll be stupid .


I dnt agree the term upper cast has any significant role in gender bias ..  There are drunkard males in every cast who beat their women and missbehave with other women .  And even women are also deeply involved in gender bias . Women themselves preach bias against women . So lets not give color of gender and cast to this problem . And generalize people..

People of particular ideologies 1st make laws and then collect suitable facts to prove it . And that is why you ll find less number of them in science ... only social studies suits their agenda because science is all about fact . U cnt insert ur prejudice in science

Forumias open mock on 19
HI all.   A bit off topic here. I did download and solve vision ias paper "ADDITIONAL FULL LENGTH TEST – 3330". Is it abhyaas 2 - the additional test that was provided?  Some of the questions are Eurasian economic union, chittagong armoury raid, project monitoring group and so on.  Also, i scored 91.33. Is it good enough??

Guys which test is this ? Is it the extra test vision provided ?



HI all.   A bit off topic here. I did download and solve vision ias paper "ADDITIONAL FULL LENGTH TEST – 3330". Is it abhyaas 2 - the additional test that was provided?  Some of the questions are Eurasian economic union, chittagong armoury raid, project monitoring group and so on.  Also, i scored 91.33. Is it good enough??

Guys which test is this ? Is it the extra test vision provided ?

Yeah. The same one. 

Ohh..  thats why people got good marks . It was good for guessing . 

Anubhab test was as bad as gsscore open test . Wasted time .Its better to stick to vision and forum .
When you prepare current affair may to aug varaciously and upsc asks qus from down to earth 2017 😂 that ll be bad ..
@kochikaame Ye dekho bhai! :P

Oh man, judging by the font, I think I know the institute!

I hate these guys. :P No.1in hyping up the exam. 

Do they have a free Manicure initiative with a synopsis no one reads?

Are we talking about insight on india ?

What is approx rank of 107 guy in vision abhyas 2  ? 
@TONYSTARK90011 lol they've even made a twitter profile of Postpone CSE. 

Whoever these twitter activists are, they'll only waste their time doing all this.

Is she doing hunger strike inside her house? Seems like an attention seeker!!  :P

She might have seen the putcut qus in vision abhyass yesterday ..  

Got 109 in Abhyaas 3. Found it easier than Abhyaas 2. Top 1000 average score is 112.

What is ur rank ? And how many 120plus ?



Got 109 in Abhyaas 3. Found it easier than Abhyaas 2. Top 1000 average score is 112.

What is ur rank ? And how many 120plus ?

544. 200 candidates scored more than 120.

Wow ..  thats quiet high than last test . Someone here said in last test 107 was  near 320 rank .  

That anki thing has almost started looking like paid advertisement for apps ..   hold ur horses guys . Only 15 days remains..  not time to suggest new things or methods . 
Will UPSC allow covid +ve students to appear for exam ?

Its their fundamental right .


Scored 112 . Feel like cld have scored more with more focused mind . Lack of sleep cld be a reason as a feral dog woke me up . And too much humidity at my place . Feel like vomiting .  I hope everything works out on exam day .

As far as test is concerned it was standard but not at all lengthy like upsc is going these days . Can be done in 1.20 hrs easily . So many 4 option qus .While in a 2019 type exam u ll need fast reading .


art 161 governor cant commute death penalty..

simulator x q no 15 is wrong .

governer cnt pardon but can commute ...   but how did u get the qus ? u remember even the qus number ?

Once i tried red bull in a aptitude paper ..  my brain strangely got slowed and i wasted time in solving problems normally i wld have avoided . How does it works on gs paper . Anyone tried ?
I want to warn future beaurocrats . What ev u write online . Even if in private mediums like wattsapp and telegram is ur digital history . India's capacity to process information has reached sky high . Dont think we r backward in that regard . With help of allies like isreal and usa we have made credible infra in recent yrs and it ll only be strengthened in future . I have my frnds in such areas and i knw it . So keep ur political opinion 2 urself be it pro or anti bjp . Political systems keep changing. Keep that in mind . GOI has the capacity to process ur past in 2030 based on wht u thought in 2020 . It wont matter if u r a road side shop owner . But it ll if u r secretary in GOI . So dnt take it lightly  . We dnt knw which party ll be in power in 2030

Good luck people . Rock prelim and

Go corona go !!! 

Having tiredness , sneezing and mild fever from yesterday . No breathing issues . I have nt tested it and not planning to test it till prelim ends ...  Stay safe everyone . 

@Sherkhan1428  had written a list of weird sounding agreement we signed with various countries . Like the one that was asked abt india russia last yr . Forgot whr i had noted it down. Plz share if nyone has it




@Sherkhan1428  had written a list of weird sounding agreement we signed with various countries . Like the one that was asked abt india russia last yr . Forgot whr i had noted it down. Plz share if nyone has it

This one?

Yeah thanx alot

@Patootie How will anyone come to know about diagnosed case.....thermal screening is done outside every centre.

Thats ridiculous . There r more flu cases or other cases in this country whr temp gets high .  Its look like fake news spreaded by someone .

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Only if you're a diagnosed case will this order prevent you from writing the exam. Having symptoms is not a bar. 

How will people in center knw whether someone is diagnosed case ? I think we r just thinking too much . Judges dnt have ny idea on ground realities . Just reading the twisting complicated lines of law not enough .Every bench must have a experienced administrater..  

If i have mild fever on the day, will i be allowed to take the exam

i dont think they ll be provided with a thermal scanner ..   I have nt heard use of thermal scanner in any recruitment exam as of now.   it was only used during jee neet . But there  is very slight possibility after SC ruling they might have diverted some of those scanner to upsc centers ..And those people in centers are crazy as we all knw..  I wont be taking medicine though ..  it makes u lethargic . 

Ohh my god....   😂😂
Knowledge does nt matter in this paper . 
@rashiv no questions from art and culture.

I think u have read and revised nitin singhania 😂

@whatonly no way. Keys will be ready in 2 hours. As if they care about the accuracy. It's a race towards more page hits and engagement :)

There ll be several mistakes in this type of paper. I suggest people to hold fr some days . 

Will nyone pay for coaching test series aftr telegram stop giving free materials ...  i wont
What is the answer of Siachen glacier?


Can ifos cutoff go as low as 114 ? Any comment .

please confirm the answer of RAKHMABAI CASE's & Desher katha's answer....? ANYONE

In Rakhmabai... I think it is not related to education... i read whole case... there was nothing related to v women's education '?? 

And regarding desher katha? 

AND REGARDING AADHAR QUESTION... Irdai on 1st of September has made it mandatory for imsuramce POLICIES...

This guy also wrote in hindi and marathi .. I dnt see a reason why he wld refer "desh" as only bengal . There is hindi translation of this book as well . Someone had shared a link of article plz check .


Lol it was in that range last year only@rafael . For sure it's gonna go less than 110 this time.

It was 116 last time.. For cse its going down fr sure .There ll be csat effect as well..  For forest csat effect ll be minimal . Fckng all engineers .

Any source for cyber insurance qus ? 

According to me the controversial questions are:

1. Artificial intelligence

2. Cyber Insurance

3. Desher Katha

4. Minimum number of days requirement for parliament session

5. Judicial review and basic structure

6. Age of consent

For other doubtful questions: evolved LISA is the most appropriate among the four options, although not perfect. Similarly genetic modifications wala q, D seems to be most appropriate, again not perfect. 

That AI question is indeed can AI transmit wireless electricity ?

Just google . Many articles . All phd stuff .

@rafael It can be argued that Parliament has to meet two times in a year because of the maximum gap of 6 months between 2 sessions. So 2 days are the minimum number of days, though not directly mentioned in the constitution but it is implied. That's why the question is dubious. It will be interesting to see what will be the official answer. Probably due to questions like these the answer key is released after the whole process, haha.

We tend to think too much as we r all desperate fr marks ...  upsc just go for verbatism . They take up qus from previous 3 yr indian express hindu nd down to earth

@rafael I think the point of exam is to check for application of knowledge. In the examination hall, any reasonable person with basic knowledge of polity would have thought that Parliament is required to meet for minimum 2 days in year. So, the third statement is wrong. The exam is not about remembering the exact wording of articles of the Hindu or Indian Express. 
The thing is not about marks but what the UPSC is trying to assess through the questions. If some verbatim recalling of a random article is being assessed then nothing can be more demoralising and demotivating.

Thats what it is . They take many qus frm random articles . Its there for last 2/3 yrs.U r imposing ur version of wht shd be on upsc ....   I suggest you to take ur grievance regarding this qus to upsc if u r that much determined . There is a window of 7 days . Dont knw the detailed procedure . Who knws they might consider . But i can gurrenty u in official key its no minimum days .

@kartikeybhatt171778 I'm not able to come to any view on cse cutoff. Most people i know of are scoring good, but my circle of people is 3-4th attempt people who never had prelims issues. 125+ must gaurantee ifos, lesser than that i can't say much

For ifos it shd be 116+ . Dnt see ifos cutoff ll breach last yr ifos cutoff  . I think last yr paper was more solvable by logics tricks than this yr . 

Guys, I am an SC candidate. Getting around 83-85 according to various Keys. I fucked up. Genuinely worried. Any chances? Please help.

Yes there is hope for u . 



please confirm the answer of RAKHMABAI CASE's & Desher katha's answer....? ANYONE

In Rakhmabai... I think it is not related to education... i read whole case... there was nothing related to v women's education '?? 

And regarding desher katha? 

AND REGARDING AADHAR QUESTION... Irdai on 1st of September has made it mandatory for imsuramce POLICIES...

This guy also wrote in hindi and marathi .. I dnt see a reason why he wld refer "desh" as only bengal . There is hindi translation of this book as well . Someone had shared a link of article plz check .

I think this 1,2 is correct as the third statement is true about Anandmath and they had replaced the name of the book here. The statement has to be picked from somewhere.

This guy was from maharastra ...  He must have refered desh as whole india ..  Though bengal exploitation might have dominated the book ..   Some further reading in below link . The context might be some article or paper on how bengali nationalism gave rise to indian nationalism etc.. The Ashram/Inspiring Connections/Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar.htm


I sometimes have this problem of not being able to sleep the night before exam. Not just for few hours but whole night. Even this time even though I slept at 9.30pm, I was wide awake whole night. Can anyone suggest me something to overcome this. I asked a doctor to suggest me Sleeping pills but he didnt prescribe, saying they will affect my performance. I donno wat else to do.

when did you stop studying ? Never study after 7pm . mind knows exam tomorrow so starts producing cortesol in huge amount .  And never sleep after lunch . drinking hot milk with honey also works . Also drink banana pill tea i.e boil bana pill in water and drink the brownish water . potassium calms nerve .  Stay away frm sugar after 4pm . And stay relax ....   after this yr u must knw there is no point of loading information ftr information .. 


Make a request to UPSC to reduce cutoff citing covid related exigencies.. 

For paper 1 the competition itself decude cutoff and thus any issue due to covid is equally for everyone.. 

But paper 2 has fixed cutoff..which can become difficult for people who are on the birderline.. So a logical representation can be made to UPSC.....

Just a suggestion to help out.. 

Any changes in what was in original notification will bring case against UPSC . Thats not how works in govt . Something like that happen in private hiring company . 


For the Rakmabai question, 
I have this interesting anecdote to share. There is a show called BBC hindi. Comes on weekdays at 10 p.m. on NDTV India. My father is a daily watcher. About a month ago, Rakmabai had a special episode on her there. My dad called me and asked me to watch, maybe could help me in my preliminary exams. I rejected it saying it is too offbeat and UPSC would not go there. Did not watch.
Come October 4th. When I saw the question, I smiled, even though I could not answer it. 
I am getting 97-100 based on various keys. I was just thinking, what if I lose out by one question? 
Thinking of the butterfly effect here, if I do get stopped at prelims and have to wait another year, it would be just because I did not watch a 10 min clip, which my father especially called me to watch. 
Life is.................interesting! :)

Wow universe ..  works in strange ways. The probability of this incident is so low if go in to details . Its so intriguing .. I think nothing is predecided   past just make a pattern and makes a probability field for different incident . Every moment is just another slide . We give too importance to our identity based on memory and images of past which are just neural connection to camauflague the fact that there is no fckng self ... And the loop the thoughts that keep running based on the memory of past .Because of propaganda that there is a self which is watching observing ...  we r slave of time nd thought....And it such a relief whn u r out of that myth ...


Wireless Transmission electricity answer was wrong as always said. .. and I supported earlier theories of tesla and all that it is only in research phase and  in labs of power sector companies this time. 

The question asked -At present level of

So at present level .. Wireless transmission is in very nascent stage. Recently , In August 2020 (may be upsc preparing question paper at that time) 

New Zealand startup announced a demonstration to show that they have achieved it in lab and want to demo the concept. 

I searched and it is all over the Internet. The below link I am posting from IEEE publishing window itself which published this development on 20 aug 2020. 

Emrod’s laboratory prototype currently operates indoors at a distance of just 2 meters. Work is under way to build a 40-meter demonstration system, but it, too, will be indoors where conditions can be easily managed. Sometime next year though Emrod plans a field test at a still-to-be-determined grid-connected facility operated by Powerco, New Zealand’s second largest utility with around 1.1 million customers.

So - There should not be iota of doubt -At present level of tech , Wireless electricity transmission is not feasible... It is actually still in demonstration stage by various companies. 

Also - Wireless charging is different concept - It uses near field magnetic induction as a transfer mechanism to supply very tiny induced emf. It is not what wireless transmission is. 

Transmission -This term specifically used in power sector to supply bulk of electricity power (high potential) to reasonably long or medium distances. 

So , I do not know .. why people making it right. Its basics of physics yaar that we have all studied in class 12. 

 because it was an SNT question and so every option must be correct. Coaching also seems to have gone by the same logic. If u apply knowledge we all know wireless electricity transmission by AI is not feasible at this stage. 

Also going by the wording of question short stories and wireless transmission is not possible. They asked at the present state Nd also effectively. These are key words. While marking B I knew all coaching key will give D. 

Wireless transmission is real and its not recent.Power has been transmitted via microwave and laser in past.. But yes its not ready to be deployed or commercialized . But technology is real and AI can make it more efficient . Always think abt effort that qus maker ll make...

@rafael How AI can make it more efficient .. Can you explain ... 

Indeed wireless transmission is real. There is just one organization which made it to demo stage. And AI is particularly unrelated to it. Secondly, AI just do automation by applying human intelligence. The basic principle of AI ..that what AI provides is in contradiction with this. 

Also - It has been written Big Data ... Then .. Yes .. Big data can make it happen.. Because it will helo in scooping large amount of research data and finding patterns. etc.... 
Let us discuss science here..

Bongiyaan chodna band karo. 

Give me 2 reasons that how can make it efficient 

and what efficient means here. How can you make a thing efficient for which you have no proper tech. 

Aise to mai bolunga ... Tokamak ban gaya hai .. Nuclear fusion is possible to be commercialzed. AI can make nuclear fusion more efficient .. we will make nuclear fusion plant soon. Had hai yaar. 

You win... add 2.67 

Is forumias key reliable? I am getting 110 from forum and 90 from CivilsDaily. A variation of 20 marks !!

Fort Williams answer is wrong here. While the college ultimately ended up as a center for oriental studies, the original purpose for which Wellesley established it was to train administrators

I marked "to train administrators" only. If other answers are reliable, then I should be through.


The questions on legal services authority seems to be wrong. I just read the National legal services authority Act. The income limit prescribed for free legal aid was 9000 which was subsequently increased to 100000 for courts other than SC and 5 lakh for SC. Further, the state legal services authority are free to increase this limit subject to minimum 1 lakh. Consequently, Delhi has increased the income limit for transgenders (after they were declared as third gender by SC)  and senior citizen to 2 lakhs. In other states, there is no special criteria for transgenders or senior citizen. Though some states have 2 lakh or 3 lakh limit for all persons.

The bottom line is that in the given question only statement 1 was correct from a national perspective. There was no such option as only 1.

Those who want, may give representation against this question. I am giving it too.

i have sent my representation regarding that qus .only delhi has income criteria for transgender which is mentioned in nalsa website . also sent pdf version of the specific website page . If u r sending send pdf version of sources u have as well ..  

» show previous quotes

I have also looked up on Google about AI wireless transmission of electric energy. There seems to float an idea of charging phones wirelessly supported by AI. 

I was stumped after checking keys saying wireless transmission of electric energy is possible (regardless of AI or not) . In exam a thought came to mind nikola tesla had died trying to produce wireless transmission of power. But was not possible. Here I find it is possible with AI. 

This seems, again a question where upsc will do as per its whims and fancy. Seems like niti aayog formulated this question since it's so futuristic. "India at 75" 

More information on that for knowledge shake nt to prove nythng


More than 5k people are already above 100 in a small sample of 19k people . Therr ll be more . That defy all logic as only  around 4k gen ll be selected if u minus EWS...

Qus leak ho gaya tha kya doston ? How can this be possible 😁  ....  
@rafael saare tukkubaaz insights me hi to nahi baithe hue hain?

It was shared in a large number of other telegram group ...  Either people in general are dishonest or something wrong with our assesment .


A story written by AI . Quiet funny it is 

Prediction frm my side cse- 96 , ifos- 114

Somebody tell me: yeh answer and solution mein kya link hain? Housing loans by households are not 'issued' by households. And the amounts on credit cards are issued by businesses which are definitely in the financial sector. So by the solution, how are they arriving at D??

Not issued but held by


Repeating again:

those who are in borderline in paper 1 or paper 2 or both..just study..instead of looking endless times through solutions.

time is less this time

for CSE  any one above 90 has good chance

for  IFOS any one with 105-106 has good chance

and specific for paper two - Those who are in 64-65-66 range..just start studying.. RC most Coaching’s get it wrong..every year many who are in this situation end up clearing paper 2

the exam was tough ..both paper 1 and paper 2 was tricky very much...

also with covid lockdowns and additional mental strains, dnt be harsh on urself for not being able to perform well

All the best guys and girls..

It wont go to that level . But we shd consider it given many debatable qus..  I myself deducted 2.67 on artificial intellegence question . And the NALSA qus ll most probably get rejected .  After modiji introduced ews middle and upper middle class general have bite the bullet . 

@Harmony yeh article hi samajh nahi aara hain. At one place, they have mentioned Financial companies include commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, finance companies, mortgage lenders and investment firms.
But they have also included credit card balances as non-financial debt. Can you help me understand?

You cld be right ...   there are terms like housing finance sector ...  housing finance companies ..   Below is a article on how IBC code define financial debt...which i believe support ur view i.e financial debt is something where u have to pay interest .And non financial are operational debt which is based on face value



@Percival Shankar has given answer as T bills only
which should be correct 'if it is issued by'
Vision also quoted same source. Not able to find any other good source.

IBC code 2016 has defined financial debt . Plz check the article i have posted above ..  Thats our official stance .



@rafael Will IBC code definition will apply to household loan also or to only corporate loans.

IBC code applicable to individual loan as well




@rafael Will IBC code definition will apply to household loan also or to only corporate loans.

IBC code applicable to individual loan as well

i think ibc code applies to financial corporations/entities only. hence debt owed by them is financial debt. households, individuals and certain companies- do not belong to finance sector. the debt they owe is hence non financial debt.

there is no doubt that only 3 is wrong. all 3 are non financial debt. even i marked 3 only. its wrong. for sure.

This is frm origional act


Please have the mplads question removed by sending appropriate evidence to upsc ....


Statement refers

Link to send representation

Supporting evidence: excerpt from India year book

Have u sent representation ? Or i ll send.. i dont have the year book


Use the image I attached with reference of IYB...govt publication

You send too...let's have maximum representations....2.67 marks could cost a year or an attempt

Yearbook is available in pdf format ..  tried to give representation but they allow only one representation per person...  i have already given my representation on nalsa question



Repeating again:

those who are in borderline in paper 1 or paper 2 or both..just study..instead of looking endless times through solutions.

time is less this time

for CSE  any one above 90 has good chance

for  IFOS any one with 105-106 has good chance

and specific for paper two - Those who are in 64-65-66 range..just start studying.. RC most Coaching’s get it wrong..every year many who are in this situation end up clearing paper 2

the exam was tough ..both paper 1 and paper 2 was tricky very much...

also with covid lockdowns and additional mental strains, dnt be harsh on urself for not being able to perform well

All the best guys and girls..

It wont go to that level . But we shd consider it given many debatable qus..  I myself deducted 2.67 on artificial intellegence question . And the NALSA qus ll most probably get rejected .  After modiji introduced ews middle and upper middle class general have bite the bullet . 

What u marked in AI question?

I had marked all . Came to a conclusion that its wrong .


anyone who has mistake in mplad question send ur representation . download yearbook pdf from here

send it to upsc . page number 110 . point number -  h

send representation here

@rafael 10% audit by district authority is mentioned in Mplads implementation guideline book

Statement 1 is wrong . Not that statement . Yearbook says mp can give 20lakhs for various articles of handicap people like tricycle , artificial limb etc


@rafael I will send the representation of MPLADs using screenshot of IYB.

Convert screenshot to pdf online . They seem to accept pdf only .

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

Constitution does nt say anything ...  anyone can become minister why only people eligible for voting ...    

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

I believe and found it logical to be true. 

An 18 year old can be minister for 6 months only. To sum up. 

However, If you like to dig up ... If you somewhere find any specific criteria/qualification for being a minister .. then it will become untrue. I do not know any such. 

Acha .. Also .. as far as 6 months wala article is concerned... It has not specified any criteria for being a  minister at first hand ... It just provides .. He cant continue to be minister after 6 months without being member of house. 

If anyone can be minister.. That still makes A true. 

If u read it as eligible voter being a elegibility for minister provided in constitution its wrong...  but if u read it as a general statement its right..   

Guys getting 114.55 after considering AI as wrong ..  My NALSA and mplad is nyway wrong ..If they reject them that ll be bleshing.  Can forest cutoff come down this yr ? Unfortunately i applied fr forest as my focus was in state service and dint want 2 loose a chance.. I struggle clearing prelim always and this time i am getting such high marks whn i dint applied fr cse ..  universe playing with me . 😂

I doubt the answers provided by almost all the institutes of the question about minimum number of days the Parliament is required to meet. 

The constitution does mention that there should'nt be more than 6 months gap between each session, and that does imply that minimum number should be 2. Idk why anybody is not discussing about this. 

Let upsc know abt the ambiguity of this qus and how you think there can be two answer for this in their representation portal . If u u listen to me upsc never go that far

6 months vala A part sahi hai... Aur mera 2.66 gaya... I analysed and found that essence of statement was different, but I don't understand why other coaching institutes are going so complex over it

Constitution does nt tell any eligibility for apointnent of a minister . In that sense i can say a foreign national can be minister according to constitution or a toddler can be minster according to constitution ....     constitution is just silent in this regard and up to judicial interpretation..The idea was to provide a able person time to get elected in to assembly or council . It simply says person who is not member can become minister ... 

 Its 2.67 not 2.66


Need clarification about CSAT marking?

Does upsc provide some marks to second best option as well? Since many RCs had quite close options and their answer depends on personal interpretation.

Thanks in advance.

No they dnt ..  they used to do it whn decision making qus was asked whn csat marks were calculated ..



  • Aadhar is 3 only(check Aadhar act)
  • Udhr is all(April Yojana)
  • Fertigation should be 2,3,4(IITk website)
  • Cyberinsurance is all(DSCI doc)

AI is the only one very unclear. And maybe nf debt.

Share documents for cyber insurance and fertigation

@Cold_War Aisa bhi nahi hai, many are scoring 120-130 easily. Just they are not active here, many in library are easily score above 130

Yeah the marks are more than last year, in general. If you asked a random guy about his score last year, more often than not you'd hear a score around 100. I've already heard more than 10-15 people scoring 120+ this year.

All the tricks worked in the exam. The people scoring less are those who didn't take the risk of trying those tricks, because the tricks failed last year.

I'm expecting a shocking cut off prediction from Shankar baba today. Any idea when it'll be out?

yeah env sc qus were difficult but trick of all correct worked in most of them ...  and in others trick of eliminate numbers also worked .. It was like think more and loose more .


In Aadhaar question Statement 4 is wrong. Aadhaar Act does not mention that aadhaar is mandatory to get benefits from CFI. It simply says that that the gov. may register. 

Chapter 3 Point 7

The Central Government or, as the case may be, the State Government may, for the purpose of establishing identity of an individual as a condition for receipt of a subsidy, benefit or service for which the expenditure is incurred from, or the receipt therefrom forms part of, the Consolidated Fund of India, require that such individual undergo authentication, or furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or in the case of an individual to whom no Aadhaar number has been assigned, such individual makes an application for enrolment: Provided that if an Aadhaar number is not assigned to an individual, the individual shall be offered alternate and viable means of identification for delivery of the subsidy, benefit or service.

I am finding conflicting reports on whether aadhaar is mandatory for insurance or not. Maybe some individual working in the insurance sector may enlighten. But if this option is also wrong than I am afraid the entire question is wrong. One should than send representation.

I was analyzing nd i found same thing .. aftr SC verdict fr insurance nothing left . So whole qus seems wrong .Insurance sells people dnt search fr SC instruction.. on ground level they might be asking fr adhar fr new policy.. I wld have sent representation but exhusted my option in nalsa qus . U send it or ask a frnd to do it who u know .

@debabrata_palit882472 It does seem wrong. 
Same is the case with blockchain and AI question. 

Why do u think its wrong ? Can any life science guy expain how it happens ? 

@stoic97 so iska answer kya banta hai bro? He may be referring to Maharashtra also right? His place of origin..

He talks abt situation in malabar..  kanpur..  general economic decline . Book is nt specifically for bengal  . Thorough word desh he might be refering to specific geographical regions in india and nt just bengal ...  

@Equalizer Ok. Thanks.
Do they provide bonus marks to every one If question is dropped 


How does it works ?



What's the deal with the minister question?

I'm not going back to see where's the doubt. D hoga uska answer. What's the doubt

Dear I have also marked D. But as per English version A appears more convincing. A person does not mean all the person. Like u r eligible to vote in ur state, u can be made a minister in ur state, nothing prevents the governor unless u r barred by other provision like conviction etc.

Read this two statement 

1 constitution does nt prohibit eligible voter frm becoming minister for 6month 

2 according to constitution a eligible voter can become minister .

@Biradar in that case everyone will get marks who has attempted or no one will get marks ?

It does not matter in the competition in either cases ..  One who has marked correct and added to his marks ll loose big as no more advantage .



Tagore was critique of notion of nation as composite Bharatvarsha. He was not critique of Desher Katha

He himself gived importance to his region is his writings.

what i understood from this passage is there was no word for nation in bengali .. deuskar used the word desh for nation 



@rafael Absolutely yes. But nation refers to place of origin(in geographic social linguistic cultural sense) in Deusker's book. Re read previous 3 lines.
Ishita Banerjee Chapter is how concept of nation developed from regional to Bharatvarsha from early struggle to later periods

Only discussing each other's interpretation.

u have problem in comprehension read that paragraph slowly ..  in  "swa deshi " desh was 1st used to mean nation . which was originally meant geographical cultural etc ...  The later version was used by urban bengali also marathi...   But deuskar used desh for nation ..  

Desher katha- Did anything get settled regarding this? 

yeah its a settled case in previous pages of forum .....   ans is 1 nd 2 ..   there shd nt be nymore discussion .  desh is not bengal .


@rafael Bhai I am unable to send representation. Every time I click final submit button it says 'insert representation before final submit'. 

did u insert the pdf file ?  1st click on save button and then try final submission



I have doubts in 3-4 questions

1) factors affecting rice price --In my opinion Government trading should not b there as There is no such thing(FCI do not have any profit loss account, MSP is not trading, APEDA is  involved in basmati but  not direct trade but promotion of export etc)

2)non financial debt waala question I have marked Treasury bills only(it purely depends on what UPSC wants to ask so pure luck factor here ,lets see)

3) Growth rate in rural employment has decreased (in my opinion this isn't correct as post liberalization growth in employment has been seen across india(india is still 70-80% rural and without rural job growth overall job growth isn't possible,jobs shifted from agri to non agri)

4) Minister waala question I have marked 1 only though it seems it is wrong 

5)There is no minimum no of days parliament is required to meet in a year(All coaching rely on IE article and no other sources) ---Atleast twice in a year itself mean MPs will have to come 2 days???

Completely agreeing with you on rural economy, almost completely on minimum parliament and partially on rice and non financial debt. 

In rice u r correct. Govt trading is due to price fluctuation not other way around. Government trade to stabilize the price. But coaching key due to cognitive bias towards all of these.

govt also sell when storage capacity is exhusted

Has it ever happened that upsc has cancelled a qus in its history of 10yrs ? My bet is on the NALSA qus ..  lets see
Btw I have applied for internship in nalsa and due to which I was aware of answer ,, it's 1,4 only and yes all senior citizens are covered under nalsa

Not all .. income criteria is fixed bt states. For delhi it 2lakh . 


Vision has given explaination for this . Dnt knw why it took 3 to be right ..  in upsc key there is a  possibility its 1only..   but again statement says " it can be " . If it means "possibility " than its 1 nd 3

This time there will not be any variation in answer key of coaching and upsc, as all questions are settled and we have seen facts even written in books for desher katha and for rukma. Only question that remains is 6 months and Gandhi. Which upsc will decide. And coachings have given lower cut off just by seeing previous yr trend and theyy say even that cutoffs are subject to upsc keys because above 2 questions I mentioned might go to any side and if Gandhi question deleted which is most probably then cut off comes 96 from. Previous yr. I can firmly say that cut off will be 95 , not less then that in any case. So whatever u r getting marks first delete 2 marks of Gandhi, because upsc won't give marks for Gandhi to all rather it will delete it just

It may also provide marks fr both 124 and 1 only . 

Or as UPSC option may state, the difficulty level has consistently increased in CSE prelims

How abt csat ? Was it difficult or same level with respect to 2019 ? Whats opinion of arts people ..

  1. According to Constitution of India, A person who eligible to vote can be made a minister in a state for six months even if he/she is not a member of the legislature of that state
  2. According to the representation of people act, 1951, a person convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years is permanently disqualified from contesting an election even after his release from prison.

Which of the above given statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: A

(If one overthinks the answer could be ‘D’ – overthinking that Voter eligibility is not mentioned in the Constitution and Age 25 is not mentioned. As you know UPSC doesn’t reward overthinking. Here the question is related to checking the concept rather than fact)

S1: Not quite technically true, since one who is eligible to vote isn’t necessarily eligible to be a Minister (for e.g. on grounds of age). But, since UPSC has used the term a voter “can” and not “every voter”, S1 is correct since many voters who meet the eligibility to be a Member of Parliament can be made a Minister.

For e.g. here are few correct and incorrect statements:

CORRECT: A voter CAN become a minister for six months.

CORRECT: A voter eligible to become a Member of Parliament CAN become a minister for six months.

CORRECT: Every voter that is eligible to become a Member of Parliament CAN become a minister for six months.

First statement is only part of a larger correct statement, still true.

INOCRRECT: EVERY voter can become a minister for six months.

""According to constitution ""



What is the right Answer for treasury bill question!?

That ll be all . In general economists consider these 3 to be non financial debt . I read a newyork times article where all 3 given as non financial debt . 


From January onwards, it is current account surplus and merchandise trade export is more than import

UPSC has specifically written "AT PRESENT", so it might go with c) 3 only. 

dont know how coaching wala is taking 1, 3,4 whereas byju has taken it as 3only

What abt mechandise export ? Option 1 . Is it wtong ?

@Aurang_mirasudar yaha already non financial sector likha hua hai bhai. according to your article all correct hota but upsc k question me sirf non financial debt likha hai which can be both debt held by non financial sector OR debt taken from non financial sector. 
It depends on upsc interpretation, though i feel upsc 3only manega. 

IBC code 2016 defination of financial debt agrees with u in this..  but ll upsc go that far..  


AI answer is simply not all. Just check out the songs made by AI on youtube and see people's comment ,you will definitely find it has no meaning.

Gene question I marked 2 and 3 thinking, how can changes be introduced in ovary or testes in a human body. Though changes can be introduced in eggs and sperm. I am still not able to get proper answer of this. 

Blockchain question - permissioned blockchain is there, and even if lets say a bank want to utlize blockchain technology, wont it take permission from anyone? so ans can be 1 only. 

Is government trading and oms same? i marked government trading wrong. 

again tbill, marked only 3)

Gene qus is all . Its called germ cell editing ..  its banned . Once edited it ll pass generation after generation . My frnds went fr all thinking generic sc is so advanced nythng is possible and got 2 marks.. 😁 he knws nothing on the subject

Rural employment increased or decreased after 1991 reforms ? 

i have myself checked niti ayog document..  rural employment growth rate decreased . 

@Udit_pathak Why minister?

Its asked as "Can", done deal. A person can be made minister but not "shall" be. Wo bekaar mein phas gaya question. 

it says "according to constitution" ...   constitution in art 164(4) is silent abt this . u r just deducing it on ur own .  Also read the hindi translation of qus


It says by oct end result ll be declared . Lets hope its true


Irwin qus does nt impact so much but if nalsa qus gets cancelled which i think is valid it ll have a impact ...  comparative distance of 2.67 ll be breached ..    There are are many states in india whr income limit is less than 2lakhs under section 12h of nalsa act . 

I have sent pdf version of this webpage in my representation

@rafael I think lets not project this question in the representation in this manner because if below 2 lakh is allowed then for sure below 1 lakh is allowed and similarly for transgender case if it is for free then it doesn't matter whether the limit is 2 lakh because they are just the subset of a larget set. I will just say for those who answered it as 1, 4..please put a representation on the lines I just mentioned above.I have actually already given representation for another question otherwise I would have done for this question for sure which till yesterday I thought is wrong only.

How can a transgender with income of 1lakh 50k get benifit in a state whr income limit is 1lakh ??  I dnt understand ur less than 2lakh logic . 1lakh 50k is also less than 2lakh but the person ll nt get benifit in majority of states

@rafael Bro actually in some states all transgender persons are given free legal aid,they won't be treated as general rather as special category, in that case it won't matter whether they earn a lakh or 2. In that scenario the broader statement of them getting free legal services with annual income less than 2 lakh stands correct.
The income limit of 2 lakh or 3 lakh what u r talking about in different states ofcourse means that even a person having 1.5 lakh is eligible in some states which is contradictory to statement 1 but that doesn't make a person earning less than 1 lakh ineligible in any case

There are 18 states in india whose income limit is 1lakh or 1lakh 50k or 15k .... above this limit is not allowed for free legal aid even if it is less than 2lakh..    how 2lakh limit apply on them ?  U r nt getting it r u ? 

Representation timing is over . No point of discussion now . So two qus i.e nalsa and irwin ll be deleted if upsc sensible enough which we knw its not . Saanp chala gaya abb kuladhi marne se kuch nehi hoga .

I have been silently noticing the over analysing mania going on in this forum from last 7 days..

Bhai.. NALSA will be A and B.. Senior citizen will not be considered by UPSC. I marked senior citizen but i know how u0ac is... They dont overanalyse... And thats why they ask us to mark the MOST APPROPRIATE choice and NOT the COORRECT option. 

This discussion also reminds me of where many candidates go wrong wrt prelims... 

And why many are not selected year after year.. Sorry for being blunt, but thats true

No need to be sorry . I accept wht u say . But tell me how A nd B is most appropriate . Is nt transgender option as wrong as the senior citizen option ? Are we supposed to be objective or subjective like the arts people in a mcq exam ? I just put my views and forwarded it to upsc on qus being wrong . Rest depends on them . No need to be emotional on this .


Mera to scene hi alag hai. Have solved 47 questions only, with all comprehension questions attempted.

I can afford maximum 6 incorrect in comprehension. Already 9 incorrect in quant and reasoning.  I need total 32 correct minimum.

How 9 incorrect in quant is possible ? U calculate then u get the ans and then see the ans in option and then u mark it ... 9 incorrect is too much . 

I blame sunya pt365 nd all other compilationa etc fr all these mess..  people are overburdened with trival infos out of which nothing comes in exam and also loose night sleep in doing so ..


I can't understand how people score in various decimal values in GS Paper-I. I have seen scores like x.03, x.54, x.92, x.76, etc

There are only two possibilities - x.33 and x.67 , is it really that unintuitive?

68×2 - 32× .67 = 114.56  ....     

67×2 - 33× .67 = 111.89

70 × 2 - 30 × .67 = 119.90

69 × 2 - 31 × .67 = 117.23

Aur padho sunya ... 



Meri alag hi samasya ho gayi hai. Answersheet me count koya tha to 79 bubbles the, aur question paper me 83 dikh rahe. Samajh me nahi aa raha ki sahi wale miss huwe hain ya galat wale? Aur naye calculation se marks me ab aur variation ta gayi. Ab 91-102 ghoom raha marks. Khararnak anxiety hai, considering it’s my last attempt.

I am already 31. Was in a well paying job. Quit kiya in 2018, to dedicate more time to preparation, after successive close failures in prelims. Score 114 in prelims last year. Couldn’t clear mains.

And this year again, I am stuck at God knows where.

Have rejected good job offers from

abroad last year for preparation. 

And when I quit my job, and took this course, people close to me abandoned me, including my fiance.

I have paid a huge price for this journey, and cannot recall when I slept for 6 hours last time. 

And after all this, UPSC throws this lottery selection system paper.

I question all rhe wisdoms now like “Hardwork pays off”, “Sacrifices pay off”, and “Upsc sets paper for selecting civil servants”.

I lost 4 years, a job, family life, fiance, self confidence, socially vibrant life, and trust in the system.

I will do something good for sure, but the dream of be the part of policy making, and implementation is at God’s mercy now.

Sorry, I made it a sad story. But there is a reason for it.

Those who are reading it, must know that this exam is not just about hardwork, but about strong luck factor too. When all things are in place, then only you will get through. It’s our duty to work hard, but that alone won’t get you through. There are things beyond that too. Much like Nepolean. He was not just brilliant, but extremely lucky too, and he always made sure he chose his commanders who were invariably lucky people. 

Anyways fingers crossed.

I wish luck to everyone. Everyone has worked hard here.

Take a vow whn u get selected u ll nt glamorise ur success or advertise how u successed etc in tiktok , fb, instagram, quora or utube.. u ll just live ur life happily contained So that another innocent soul does nt loose his/her precious time in all these . People go in to so much show off these days .. over glamorisation nd considering it something equal 2 nirvana (i have seen such meme) , larger than life.. higher than himalaya etc is a big hurdle .


Is that a telegram group ?



@Equalizer bro I can empathise with you! Even I’m on the border with CSAT. It’s damn disheartening but what can we do 

Bro I am not on border in csat. In gs1 I am on border 94 after dropping Gandhi irwin.

Gandhi Irwin drop nhi hoga...

Why ? Was it mentioned in notification that only eng translation ll be considered ? Dint find it . It was not just a gramatical error .It changed the nature of qus .


frm a vry reliable nd wait

I've actually heard the same thing from a well connected person. He told me wait for about 20 days and he's never wrong. Although it seems highly unlikely. 

We can predict from NDA exam result . Number of paper , candidates , time taken fr result previous yrs ...  I dnt have ny idea on this matter ...    If something dramatic is there then upsc might be using some new tech or extra man power .

release of marks today prove there are no insiders ..They were saying it ll be next month ..  someone said next yr .  This is a simple info compared to result or cutoff info .Result seems like will take as usual 40/45 days . dont look like 26/27 oct...  I doubt it was intended to increase online activities . Regarding NDA exam result there was no shift in pattern as per one of my cousin .
any guess about cut off for IFoS ??

very difficult to find a pattern for 450 - 480  random general people . Many logic dnt work for such a small number of sample . We saw aftr ews reservation it was CSE +18 in 2019 . also less recruitment . Every yr number of people applying forest increasing . This yr same level of recruitment and unconventional paper...   so expect   +18 / +16  



Seeing my last year prelims marks, it's 14 marks more than Shankar keys.

This year, I am hinging between 92-102. Hopes high now!

PS: Mains ke marks na puchhna. Hindi, Essay aur Ethics ke alawa kahi 100 v cross nahi hua

u might have calculated frm their earlier key . It had several mistakes . Later they had revised many answers except digital signature , ramsar etc ..  This yr its going to be AI for sure . 




Artificial intelligence

Non financial debt


Desher Katha 


These questions can swing 15+ marks here and there ,,prelims was never this much dicy






A only

How many of these can be correct?

Preamble is not ko doubtful banaya kisne?? It's D..minister A and AI ma wireless and song nhi I didn't attempt and have not researched...

Have u seen the hindi translation of minister wala qus  ?

What is driving Insights to predict 92-93 so confidently though I am not familiar with their previous records!

They dnt have previous record of predicting cutoff . They dnt do that . And this exam date thing along with that . Looks like now background stuffs are run by some young excited engineers/mba guys. I doubted it whn i saw their grammatical explaination of minister wala qus   nyway they run a residential coaching in bangeluru . Ask someone frm there .

@a_rakesh10399 Matlab I was reading a few articles it is coherent in general but in between it repeats itself and sounds a little weird in between.....

Upsc lift qus from somewhr   There can not be a article which ll say AI is effective for meaningful story and wireless transmission .  It is obvious ans is B . I saw explaination of gs score for all   they have shared a link . When u read that article it says how AI is writting story etc ...  but surprise !! Below it written "april fool " !!  Whn u have 2 search so much to prove something right and that too u find false alert .. its obvious ur ans is wrong .


insight baliyan in its utube video saying hot asphalt has less carbon foot print and steel slag cant be used in agriculture ..  now i see how people inflating their marks .


Hi all

Currently I am pursuing my Ph.D from IIT D in nano science and allied field, have done my M.Tech from DTU (DCE former) in Nano Science Technology (2018-20), just want to tell you that Carbon Nano Tube answer is "D" for sure. And the answer for AI is not D for sure, as I had done my major project in the field of wire less electricity transfer only.harsh- certificate.pdf

Such high qualification...  and u r preparing fr cse ? 😂

@Harsh_capf_ac you yourself told Desher Katha can't be D. So answer should be A. So my answer is correct. 
Anyway, I don't know how useful your degrees are if you can't comprehend basic sources from which questions are picked. 
I don't think you studied Constitutional Law good enough in LLB. So I wouldn't trust someone like you to quote on Preamble too.

Ur source makes ans for minister wala qus D ....   thanx


In Deuskar Question, I fear if UPSC will go with D.Because they are not talking about the book per se;They are referring to Word DESH used by Deuskar and DESH word was used in regional context only at that time.But Dont know about Deuskar!!

Someone shed some light!

Someone had shared a paragraph from ishita banergy book . Read it very slow twice as it can be missleading . Ans is 1nd2 as per that book. 

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I have read Brother.That Whole page and particularly last paragraph.If UPSC takes D, Many will get it wrong and Cut off will come down too.Let us see.

Then u dint get what was written there ...   u wld nt hav asked this qus if u had understood that paragraph...   desh used as nation 1st time during swadeshi revolt . Tagore dint like it..It used to be used in context of region by bengali intellectual . Deuskar used desh for nation. 


Another piece of article on AI

Prelims me coaching valon ki har baar band baj jati baar bhi bajegi lagta hai.

Upsc saying rajendra nagar nd mukharji nagar main gandh mat machao . Go get a job or do a master degree and prepare fr exam simultaniously . For this exam emotional intelligence more required than general intelligence . I dnt knw upsc saying this or nt but that shd be norm .

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I think now it's even more difficult to prepare with jobs. Look at prelims questions, it now requires at least 3 month of dedicated preparation so that we don't hover around cut off and prepare for mains with peace.

Same with mains, questions last year were technical, to the point, either u know or u don't.

Those who clear the exam with job do so inspite of the job not because of the job.

I am a victim of job so I can relate it. People do job while preparing not because it gives them satisfaction but because they can't afford to prepare without job.

This yr prelim qus were such preparation does nt matter much . I knw people who ll clear ifos cutoff with out preparation . One of them is in state service gave exam with nill preparation .  No amount of preparation can prepare u for these kind of qus .. 

For mains u need 3 months of full time study . I agree on that. 

Are bhai vision ki csat key se just clear ho raha hai mera, toh finally ho jayega na clear, sala csat ne raato ki neend uda di hai meri, ekdum border wala khel ho gaya hai

Bro..  u did ur b tech in IIT and then mtech in IISc ...    r u kidding me .. 



Some one tell me the answers of following 2 CSAT questions 

1. Circle and square intersection question intersection maximum and minimum points 

2. Relations questions ( R is S's wife )

Coaching institutes are equally divided on these questions 

For 1 ( KSG, CL, RAUS, NEXT Ias gave C, others gave B)

For 2. (Vajiram, NEXT ias and KSG has  given D, others gave B )

Some one who is pretty sure about them please clarify. 

Regarding square circle qus option 2 is right . Draw a circle crossing each sides of a square and then calculate number of points . 

Regarding option 1 circle can touch a square at one point minimum . But qus says intersection . In set theory if there is no area common between two sets then intersection is nill . If two sets are intersecting then there got to be a area common. If there is a area common then there has to be minimum 2 points where they cross each other .



@Harsh_capf_ac bhai MIT Harvard se degree kiye ho kya ? 

Kyun bhai, insult karke maje le rahe ho...waise phd from IIT is not that bad, may be your ans is correct, but show him some respect...

Phd in IIT is a big deal   Many of them get selected in top universities or  research institutions of the world with crazy amount of salary ...   Individual quality of research play some role .

Bhai sources se pata chala hai cutoff will be 96, for sure

What abt forest service ? If thats cutoff aftr deleting 1/2 qus then its high .

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Based on my interaction with the 1st,2nd attempter, my juniors it appears that this year was not good for them.

They usually are risk averse. If they encounter something they have never heard of they usually leave it unlike senior players. Tukkebazi, gues work, cheat, hack whatever we may call... seniors are better at it...may be at subconscious level they knew the answer.

For most new players paper was nightmare.

Yeah..  If u see insight webpage comments.. iasbaba comment page and utube comments its unlike last yr ..  And i have never seen such anxity for csat before . 


About that minister waala question, statement 1 takes too simplistic a view of constitutional provisions. The qualifications for being a minister have to be taken within the framework of parliamentary democracy. 

A person not qualified to be a MP/MLA cannot be appointed as minister, under any circumstances. However I still see a fallacy against this line of argument- *if a person less than 6months away from his 25th birthday is appointed a minister* but this seems to be a rather extreme exception.a finer analysis of constitutional provisions and it's philosophy is required to discern a trend.

A similar controversy was over whether a person can be made minister for 6 months without being a legislator, and then again be appointed for another 6 months. A simplistic analysis of provisions will find this not explicitly against constitutional provision, however the supreme court has ruled such appointments to be unconstitutional and thus void. Rulings on ordinances also reveal a similar philosophy.

Hence it is prudent to see these provisions from a broader perspective, and try to see the consequences of respective cases. Appointing an 18-24 year old citizen as minister for 6 months ridicules the fundamentals of parliamentary democracy, which requires ministers to be elected from parliament, and be responsible to it. A person who's not qualified to be elected as a member cannot possibly be expected to be responsible/bound by parliamentary principles, and so on the whole, statement 1 appears to be fallacious.

P.S. please review this from mains gs 2 perspective.

Your argument seems to be logical. But ,the ultimate fact is UPSC itself is not so logical. If we can put this debate of right and wrong answers aside ,then we all can agree on one fact that UPSC at times frames incomplete ,illogical and ambiguous questions  and this question (and several other questions like AI type ) is an example of this careless approach of UPSC in framing questions.100 fool proof questions can be framed , but in the end nobody cares for poor aspirants.

Yeah upsc get 1 year to make 100qus and in that too they make mistakes in translation.. subjective ambiguous qus . Vision do a better job and they make 4000 qus a year . We were ranting on vision for putkut etc qus ...  Those qus were better . 😁

@Proper_patola  wahi to bhai. Alag alag states me alag alag guidelines hai. Probably question banane wale ne Delhi ki guidelines pe question banaya par question me nationally who all are eligible pooch liya. Trap question tha 😂

May be qus maker may be wanted to make a difficult qus ended up making wrong qus..  But as far as rules of upsc goes u just have to eliminate "all" "datas" "mandatory" etc.. . Whether qus is right or wrong does nt matter . Upsc ll reward u for that .

For general catagory csat shd be increased to 40% ..  Everyone taking it too lightly . Solving some maths ll increase general aptitudue which is more required in gs1 these days than red eye studies ..  

Nagarjun sreesailam was divided and new tiger reserve Amarabad was created after telengana separation which is 2nd largest . Wonder if datas in internet are old or new . 

Potential qus for pre2022 here

@rafael area batao ab Kitna ho Gaya. I too checked it but didn't got correct data from any website. That is as usual case for all the govt website ; not updated over decades.

During my interview's to prepare for my home state m.p. it's website still shows chattisgarh as part of m.p.😅

Total area used to be 5k sqkm(approx) .. now reduced to 3700 sqkm aftr amarabad took away some area.. dont knw how much of it is critical tiger reserve ..  what ever u infer from here.. its up to u


Nagarjuna Srisailam TR alone has a core area of around This is the actual notified area. An extended core exists in the Gundla Brahmeshwar am WLS which when added would bring the core area around However Gundla Brahmeshwaram is not yet notified as a Tiger reserve despite having a good tiger population and there are various requests to make it a TR since 2018. Therefore taking only Nagarjuna Srisailam into account , core area is lesser than Sunderbans. NTCA has not updated all this yet. NSTR's official website however mentions about actual and extended core. While talking of only NSTR it however says only as core. PS: I had read about this even before exam because I wanted to know which TR is larger after Amrabad was carved out, but ended up marking NSTR in the exam because I thought UPSC would take a broad view (ie . In actual sense that's however wrong.

Lets see whts source of upsc . It can go either way based on mood of qus setter. If he wanted to trick people it ll be sundarvan. If he just saw old data or 2500sqkm frm some document its srisailam

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No more discussion on this please 🙏

nagarjunsrisailam is right answer but for information that is old data...  now area has been reduced due to division .amaravad tiger reserve has been carved out of it . but still it is largest . 


Bhailog koi 'Banian' waale question pe v dhyaando...... ; is link se padhne pe to 'Indian agent of EIC' galat lag raha hai.....sav coaching waale is option ko v sahi bataaye hain.....What you people think about this question?... mujhe to Banian specifically EIC ka agent nahi lag raha hai.....they were private agent of EIC officials and other Europian traders 

gomasthas not banian were the Indian agents of eic confirmed by ncert 8th n12th std and shekhar bandopadhyay's Plassey to partition... Shubhra ranjan's history teacher is the lone  supporter of this argument that's 3 only... UPSC will hv the last laugh

They did both kind of job..   below banian were gomastas. below them were dalals .   Read page number 14 of this document .

@rafael yes bro this source supports your argument but it does supports mine also though in silos... this is literally endless....

gomastas and banian both were agents ...  


One genuine query, Iska sure shot answer batao

3.25 + 3.25 = 6.5 

7.5 - 6.5 = 1 

Thus u can mark the length which measures 1 foot in the 7.5 feet stick . 

How did u get .25 foot please explain  


@rafael measure 7 times with 3.25 m scale you get 22.75 m
Measure 3 times with 7.5m scale, you get 22.5 m
The difference is 0.25 m

Ohh...   u r right . Thanx


bahat hasmukh aadmi hai yee .

@rafael seeing this I am bit worried about csat though with aurang key 70 and vision 67 due to economic liberalisation which I have marked c... But upsc answers do not match... 

CSAT failure thing looks real . Never in my life i have seen people discussing csat qus in forum.. and so many comments in other medias regarding csat failure  .  This screenshot was shared in a telegram group named " csp20 updates "  . 




bhai koi achi key btao?? which according to u is a good key 

cut off , checking status bol diya..ab key bhi yahi bataye..

roll number deke result hi check karwa dete hai in advance 🙄😂🙂

someone had done that in his final result in a telegram group . he said his own rank nd name before result . 

Result  10 November ke baad aayega.   Telegrams pe sb man ki baat kr rahe hne.  Jb rat me chadhta he to yehi information aata he. 

this info came from wattsapp or instagram ?? 


From this book desher katha , ulgan , rukmabai qus was lifted. A gamble of 100  qus with many subjective interpretation aftr a yr of hard work it is 😅


Some people had called upsc   The receiver allegedly said result mon-friday next week .

- telegram

NALSA (LEGAL SERVICES TO SENIOR CITIZENS) SCHEME, 2016.pd @maddy there is also a NALSA scheme for Senior Citizen launched in 2016....also 2lk income criteria for transgender is there only in Delhi, .... attaching the scheme document go to page 9 botom'll find answer

Foot notes its written other services not legal services . And do u think that upsc ll ask from footnotes ? The qus was made to make 1 nd 2 correct ..  The qus is wrong . 





These screen shots are from telegram channel named  csp20 updates .Just shared them. Dnt msg me . I knw nothing




Raat tk chairman ka pet kharab ho jaega aur vo rslt pr sign nahi karega aur fir monday, Tuesday ka speculation strt ho jaega...har saal ka yehi scene hai

Now the admin saying 6.30 result 100% . Lets see

Why no one talks about how to handle the failure, everyone is talking about clearing it.

I have been following stoicism . Jo hoga dekhenge. Something else ll come up if not this. in the end it is just cultural preassure . And u ll die one day . 

someone did something to harm him/her self india bhai saying ..   fake result pdf ! Even if it was real refrain from it .
114.xx  considering AI D as wrong . Out of forest mains . Many people commenting 105/104 out of cse prelim is surprising ...   because my 2 general friends getting 93, 95 are in . Scanning instrument can be faulty . Its not 100% accurate many times . They were in real hurry to give result in 20 days this time .  Anyway it does nt matter . what ever is the case we cant do anything . We can only focus on things in our domain and control .

Coaching keys ke minimum 4 to 5 answers are wrong. Kisi ki bhi calculation kharaab karne ko itna hi kafi hoga. 

i guess  AI , rukmabai ( cld be all ) , minister . And may be block chain (only 1)  what else ?


2013-- without preparing 1st attempt scored 35 in GS1 

2016-- 2nd attempt scored 113 in GS1

2017-- 3rd attempt scored 122 in GS1 (714 in fir mains)

2019-- 4th attempt 86in GS1

2020-- didn't clear prelims(was getting 87-95) from different keys.. 

Cracked CSAT everytime..

UPSC is now luck based exam, knowledge is the only one component of the paper. This uncertainty killing the future of so many candidate..

Purpose of sharing this post is only one

" jo Maine is journey mein jhela vo unknowingly koi or na jhele"

Now some of the mahatmas will pin that I was not enjoying the journey this is the reason why I have not cleared, this is the only one side of candidate, life has multifarious dimensions, and there are so many ups and downs on personal front  which are'nt required to be shared on public platform. My motive to tell the aspirants pls secure yourself first and then jump to the wilderness of UPSC. It's lottery precisely 2018onwards. 


The same journey since 2014, 3 mains and an interview. And then came 2018- kind of unsettling ! I was like, take a break! Recollect things. Dug out everything , read paper ritually every day, even when driving to work my car had rstv discussions playing instead of tracks (now I laugh at myself), had cervical problems but gave in everything - every detail, but at the end of the day, it was about sheer bloody luck! Candidates have been silent about this pathetic scheme of prelims which was an interim measure since the change was introduced, there are gyaanis clearing prelims of late and blabbering ways to clear it and asking people to blame themselves instead of this fallacious , outdated exam process to select decision makers who can't comprehend, can't do basic numbers, but are good with *intelligent* guesswork!

imagine kind of effort we give..  if csat was included we wld have mastered aptitude and any other exam wld have been so easy to clear . 


I met a new aspirant 2 days back .. He said his goal in life is to become prime minister  .  First he ll become IAS . Then he will propagate his administrative skills and aptitude in social medias , utube . Then he ll resign and join bjp( no scope in congress as rahul gandhi still young) . Then he ll become MP . 1st term he ll concentrate on raising his popularity . When he ll come back in second term he ll become PM !  The thing is he was serious when he was speaking all these stuff....  hmmm ....

BC yahan logon ka prelim clear nehi horaha........

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