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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

There are really interesting perspectives here in this discussion. I would like to add mine. 

I currently live in one of the remotest part of the nation. We used to joke about the virus reaching this far

But yesterday it did,  and today there were 2 deaths within my living radius of 2km. The cause of death,  though administratively isn't yet corona, but all here in the community know it definitely is. The age profile of the deceased was 32, fit as ever and healthy. 

The question that needs answering isn't about whether Pre would or would not happen on the 4th of Oct,  but whether as an individual / human being,  you are willing to take the mammoth risk of attempting the exam amidst 500 odd people on a crowded centre in a different city. Whether you would be in a free mind to think as required in Prelims in those 2 hours,  or you would keep your mind occupied with the person sitting behind you sneezing and reportedly has fever/ shivering.  It would not be a fair game at all. 

Corona is for real guys. Its knocking at our doors. The greatest achievement of our lives yet would be to survive this shit China has put us into. 

I think it's time to actually implement the hallowed statement put across by many topers ' Don't make this exam bigger than life'  

I wish for the good health of all here.  :) 

I know this may sound irrelevant to a lot of you,  but can anyone please shed some light on possible impact on 2021 cycle,  assuming this 2020 cycle happens roughly between Oct -  July? 
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