The good people of this FORUM, can you explain to me why supermemo 18 is better than anki?
I haven't used either but from the outside, both look pretty similar to me. Please feed the noob in me. :)
I haven't used supermemo but I've been using anki for quite sometime.
Pros : Free (not for mac) opensource ; multiple addons for almost everything;
Cons : mobile version isnt that good.
imo, one of the major thing here is you have to dedicate sometime everyday for anki. If you miss a few days, backlog can be horrible. You can however adjust settings acc to your own speed. Its very good for rattafying static topics or obscure things but for other CA, I found anki to be stressing me a lot. I stopped using it for CA. I have shifted to Onenote. Also its best if you want to learn a new language or something. You can find pre made decks by others or make your own.
Also anki is beautiful.
@rocknrolla beautiful indeed. Even on days where nothing gets done, maintaining a streak gives some sort of accomplishment :)
Yes :) Your consistency is commendable.