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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

There will be no postponement if anything happens that will be cancellation of this years exam.What the point of that? yes there should be a choice for people who want to opt out and be given an extra chance.but postponing further or rather cancellation is not a solution..It is true that many people may b in their last attempt..It is also true that many people cant afford cancellation of this years exam because they might have other commitments or may b many have taken just one year off for exam or may b many dont have any job waiting for this exam and cant wait for the delay further of another year. Further Anybody thinking that extra few months will allow u to prepare better is in delusion..U will never be satisfied with ur preparation in this wat..Everything is unexpected at this point..No one knows when it will end...So there should be a choice along with extra attempt for those who opt out this year..Further postponement or cancellation is not a solution. 
@Thanos_ no one knows when this problem will get solved..WHO says vaccine by mid says early 2021...even after decreasing there have been second wave in developed countries in S Korea, Australia even in Kerala..So UPSC will never give another date in case of request for further postponement..UPSC has to do a lot of arrangement for this one day..They wont b doing that again and again give another date with no idea when it will be normal..My suggestion was pragmatic keeping in view the problem of all candidates..No exam is not important than anyones life but let me choose whether I want to risk my life or exam...When Delhi had 4000cases we were even going to office in ola uber..My office is in lutyens zone and till date is having 51 cases one housing society where I live is having till date 45+cases one death...Covid is infectious its dangerous but cant stop life altogether.take precautions.after xam if reqd quarantine urself..There is always a solution if we want..Sri lanka can have elections we can have ram mandir we can have id at jama masjid why not exam?However proper measures shouod be taken ensuring social distancing et all

@iskool what cultural difference precisely you have with a sc/st family? please enlighten..its not cultural difference its acceptance of social hierarchy with respect to caste which we call in other words caste discrimination

@iskool when u follow regressive mindset of caste discrimination its better not to ask morality from other side

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Cos  it might be the last attempt of some students owing to age/other criteria and do not have the luxury/chance to give up this attempt and appear next year where they won't be eligible to appear on 27 June 2021. For some students it will be a do and die attempt. 

@MaxBlack some didnt already have the luxury of staying in room for all these 5 months..they had to go out daily for work.they need money for running in challenging condition..travelling in public transport..not everyone have a car..or a separate room...we are talking about a job exam which is for one day..some are going out for work everyday all these months..and if its just abt last attempt for some why not ask for extra attempt? why penalise others for ur own fear?This is not a degree exam this is a job exam.If one doesnt feel comfortable no one forcing them. Neet is dffrnt its abt losing one it is not that..u cnt have both here..xam.bhi dena hain aur ghar se bhi nehi nikalna hai pure sal..And yes everyone thinks the other doesnt understand their problm..I sympathise with the frontline warriors or those having medical cndn but for them extra attempt is the soln and not postponement which will result in cancellation this yr.This situation will continue till mid 2021.and for rest who are fearful skip this yr..its just an xam..and if CS is not important than life..why risk life for it

What kind of insensitive argument is that nobody is forcing you?
There are no compulsions in many things in life yet we all do them as our life depends on it. Preaching is easy from above.
To the gentleman saying it is just an exam, sir, as you said, your money dried up so fast in the lockdown that you had to go out and work in these terrible times just to sustain yourself. With such wretched financial situation, you are still preparing for such a highly uncertain exam. Just like you have aspirations, others have theirs.
The compulsion here is time. This exam cycle. My time, my opportunities. The attempt age ratio I have in mind slipping through, several economic compulsions I do not wish to state here( no poverty porn on display) Will argue from just point of view. All I demand is equality of opportunity. Living in a democracy my demand is very well versed with the fundamental rights and directive principles. 
Why should I be okay with a system where I am to suffer due to no fault of mine while the privileged ones are able to salvage their year? Is my time of no worth?
Where did I ask for a merger next year? Today we have a piece of news from serum institute that vaccines to be available after 73 days. We can have after that and push the next year prelims till August(like it used to be).
It is a privilege to say those who are not able to, do it next year.  I thought we were trying to make society as equal as possible.  My bad. 
Anyway, NCERT 11th Political Theory has Justice as chapter 4. It contains John Rawls Theory of Justice. Quoting it verbatim as I find it useful here-
 //So how do we reach a decision that would be both fair and just? John Rawls has tried to answer this question. He argues that the only way we can arrive at a fair and just rule is if we imagine ourselves to be in a situation in which we have to make decisions about how society should be organised although we do not know which position we would ourselves occupy in that society. That is, we do not know what kind of family we would be born in, whether we would be born into an ‘upper’ caste or ‘lower’ caste family, rich or poor, privileged or disadvantaged. Rawls argues that if we do not know, in this sense, who we will be and what options would be available to us in the future society, we will be likely to support a decision about the rules and organisation of that future society which would be fair for all the members. Rawls describes this as thinking under a ‘veil of ignorance’. He expects that in such a situation of complete ignorance about our possible position and status in society, each person would decide in the way they generally do, that is, in terms of their own interests. But since no one knows who he would be, and what is going to benefit him, each will envisage the future society from the point of view of the worst-off. It will be clear to a person who can reason and think for himself, that those who are born privileged will enjoy certain special opportunities. But, what if they have the misfortune of being born in a disadvantaged section of society where few opportunities would be available to them? Hence, it would make sense for each person, acting in his or her own interest, to try to think of rules of the organisation that will ensure reasonable opportunities to the weaker sections. The attempt will be to see that important resources, like education, health, shelter, etc., are available to all persons, even if they are not part of the upper class.//
Surely, nothing is bigger than life. But is not about just survival, isn't it? Let us not treat the less fortunate like farm animals where survival is the most important. I want to live my life with dignity, which is stripped away layer by layer if someone gets ahead of me due to their privilege and I am left behind with no fault of mine. I will raise my voice against it. 
All the best to everyone. May a decision come which is acceptable to the majority. 

whatever u said would have been true only if truth was based on  wishes..73 days for vaccine right even if I consider it true which has no surety? how many days will it take to vaccinate 140 cr people? any guesses? Lets not talk about covaxin..which might come by dec end..WHO says it will take 2yrs to normalise the when shld upsc take the exam? any realistic timeline based on certainty? no scientist in the wrld can can u...till when upsc shld postpone? no one knows when situation will be normal..This time upsc wont postlone it will cancel this yr exam..and.while u dont want to miss an year why force others to miss their year out of your fear?  And my money has not dried up I am part of essential services so I go to work daily.while going out I see many.who have to work tirelessly to sustain their family..for them coming out is not a choice its a compulsion..If you dont want to attempt this yr ask for an extra attempt but I want to sit for exam why force me to skip ? insensitivity is also abt just thinking about oneself while ignoring plight of others thinking only they are in precarious situation...This is an extraordinary situation and in such situation equal rules cant b applicable to all...need is to be fair to all and also realistic...ask for xtra attempt nt further postponement

@sjl_mndl1369 hi not related to the argument. How are you managing both. It's becoming hectic for me.

didnt strt for prelims yet..will strt from next week...will do some selective study...cnt cover everything now..waise veteran hu...hope will complete things before 4th :)

There was a case study question few years ago in CSE ethics if anyone remembers...natural calamity and as a DM whom u will save prioritize and give ranks...In an ideal situation one will save everyone at once but in an extraordinary situation we need to prioritize..In extraordinary situation.Its not about making everyone happy and treating everyone similiarly..but its about taking the right decision optimisation of resources...Choices are not given they have to be made in that sitiation..we as a nation have failed to counter the pandemic..but thats the truth..need to accept that and move cant stop.and as Kejriwalji said.we have to live with corona...
There was a case study question few years ago in CSE ethics if anyone remembers...natural calamity and as a DM whom u will save prioritize and give ranks...In an ideal situation one will save everyone at once but in an extraordinary situation we need to prioritize..In extraordinary situation.Its not about making everyone happy and treating everyone similiarly..but its about taking the right decision optimisation of resources...Choices are not given they have to be made in that sitiation..we as a nation have failed to counter the pandemic..but thats the truth..need to accept that and move cant stop.and as Kejriwalji said.we have to live with corona...

clearly in that optimised choice you are not being left behind..people rationalise such things only when they are not at the receiving end ..when they are not collateral damage..

but by using this premise of yours i can justify and hence vindicate all the ills and disparities that pervades our society..

you are thinking about your future I am thinking abt mine...neither u are wrong nor I am..neither u hold a moral high grnd nor me...Humans are utterly be it 

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