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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Great to see fellow anki users. A new tool in the basket for me is 

has anyone experienced it?

no matter what happens tomorrow on the receipt of the affidavit, I continue to put hours into the virtual library of studygang and sleep like a baby at the end of the day. 
it was a tough paper. i am getting somewhere around 90. though, i am not sure of my selection, i would certainly not waste time and ensure i spend at least 8 hours in a virtual reading room of sutdygang along with my peers. i might speculate and entertain my insecurities post meeting my daily targets.

After a lot of internal struggle, I want to share my Anki deck on research methods (sociology optional). 


There are a lot of spelling errors in the flashcards. Kindly ignore. 

A few pointers before you download the deck

1. In some flashcards, I have used minimum information policy. And, the review is not arranged in the order I made. So, you might not be able to connect the information. For instance, you might come across the 'limitation in the interview technique' before reading the flashcard on the interview technique. 

2. Some of the flashcards are bloody lengthy, which I have dealt by another memory principle called chunking. Basically, I have chunked the information in tables or Q/A format. 

3. I have used some absurd information on the left side of the table to easily remember stuff. A sample has been attached. I use this absurd information like 'dakiya dak liya'  and convert into markers (means converting words into pictures and linking them by visualization). For more reference to the Marker technique, please refer to Jonathan Levi Udemy's course. I have also made a video on the same in civilsdaily. 

4. I have used some clippings from the book of Nitin Sangwan, called 'essential sociology'. Please don't sue me for copyright infringement. 

5. I assume there is no error. Probably, I have failed to mention the headings on flashcards on deduction and induction.  If any, I am guilty. Kindly let me know of any corrections. 

6. I would be highly obliged for your feedback. And, if it helps the aspirants, I might ankify the entire book. 

SOCIOLOGY__research methods.apkg

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