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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Can anyone please tell me what the cutoff for ST will be? my score is 73.93. What are my chances? I referred forumias answer key. 
@kartikeybhatt171778  yes groundnut is a source of biofuel but India's Biofuel Policy doesn't mention it. I guess it's because govt doesnt want to divert groundnut as a food source. 

@amar_nitjmech2214 it takes courage to say this. I wish you all the best. I believe we can still achieve a higher purpose if we are dedicated in any field. 

@sadarsh are you kidding us, the lesser mortals? Go through the thread. Start mains prep


I think upsc has been setting questions to dismantle the coaching industry which has become a form of discrimination against the poorer candidates. While many are whining about the randomness of questions, we have to accept that exams like 2020 prelims becomes a leveller for all, irrespective of economic background. It seems prelims 2020 was more about the coaching centers than  candidates themselves.. 

At the same time, the coaching jaggernaut is smart. Am sure it will try to adapt to the changing ecosystem. Candidates will still make a mad rush to coaching centers because of the deep rooted belief the way to success in cse is through the tightly packed rooms in mukherjee nagar. 

Many of us are just collateral damage in this game of catch up between upsc and a money minting business. 

As for now, am sure upsc is immersed in all its sadistic pleasure. 

@Challenger_Deep  I just remembered having listened to AI composed classical music on YouTube months back, but somehow I couldn't remember it during the exams. There must be a strong correlation between stress and ability to recall from memory. 

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