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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Hello everyone

Congratulations to all those who cleared prelims.

I just wanted to share my experience with the aspirants who have failed or may be into their 4th 5th or more or exhausted their last attempt.

I finished my last attempt last year in 2019 for cse. I have not written on this platform for many years having first joined I think in 2013 when everything was different.

I won't take much time and have just few concrete points which I thought should share today .

What was my thought process when I entered this exam in 2015 full time?

When I started preparing for this exam full time , I was very confident of selection and I didn't even imagine in my wildest dreams that I won't succeed. I was high on success having left a good job at an  International Bank and an IIT brand name behind my back , I thought it was just a matter of time that I succeed. 

What were my mistakes?

1. I sat full time and prepared and did nothing productive 

 2.I did not give any other exam apart from UPSC 

3. I gave my first two attempts without proper prepration.

4.I stopped my life for this exam.I did not do anything apart from studying. 

5. Stopped looking after my body and physical fitness

In short , both my personal and professional life went for a toss.

The changing scenario of competition and few suggestions!

In 2014 seats were maximum around 1400 and more than 17k people cleared prelims. In today's scenario, seats are  hardly around 800 for which a total of  more than 5.5lakh students that appear for the exam. In coming years seats will still decrease and students appearing will increase due to unemployment. 

In these circumstances, putting your life at stake and your prime youth and energy is not a prudent step.Do not keep all your eggs in one basket.

DO NOT give more than two years under any circumstances for full time preparation.

Life is bigger than one exam. People generally stop their lives for for this preparation , Stop talking to friends or stop looking after their body , confining themselves to one room , gaining weight , loosing hair and loosing out on age as well. So please do not stop living your life. Keeping doing all things parallely whatever you like.

Take calculated risks in life as you only have one life but taking blind risks is not recommended. You should be intelligent enough to know when to move on, thats important.

It won't matter in a few years from , don't be sad or question yourself just because you didn't clear this one exam. Every one has a different destiny and a different life path.

Today, I have moved on got jobs at the best companies in the World and doing well.

And it's not just me, many people like me are also doing very well who were in a similar condition , some have opened startups some doing higher  studies, some moved to a different country .

In the end , I just want to say, everything happens for a reason and you cannot connect the dots looking forward ,It's only looking back can you connect them.

So, just believe in yourself and move on .Be intelligent enough to know when it's time to let go. It might save you your precious time , energy and  prime youth.

lAll the best.

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