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UPSC Previous Year Questions: CSP 2021

@upsc2020 103 would be C because at lower temp incomplete combustion so more CO , while Nitrogen oxides form at higher temperatures

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Answer is C.

The Constitution confers the rights and privileges under Article14 on the citizens of India and to aliens. This explains statement 1 and 3.

Indian citizens living abroad are protected by the laws of the land of the country they are in. Essentially, the NRIs. 

All citizens born in India is a gibberish statement meant to be eliminated. 

I am not convinced why " all citizens born in India " is a gibberish statement , it is not wrong per se .
Also Article 14 does apply to Indians living abroad too , why would their protection ( if it happens) by foreign laws make this statement false? 

Can anyone please explain 



@upsc2020 I think they are covered , but it may be a grey area 
  • NRIs are Indian citizens. They have the same benefits as all Indian Citizens barring a few exceptions.
  • They are given all the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution in the same manner as they are given to an ordinary citizen. They have voting rights, right to contest an election, avail all Fundamental Rights given in the Constitution, etc."

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