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REGISTRATIONS for LIVE Session on "Answer Writing for Mains 2020" | 25th October at 11 AM

REGISTRATIONS for LIVE Session on "Answer Writing for Mains 2020" | 25th October at 11 AM

Dear Friends,

ForumIAS held 3 sessions earlier this month setting thePost Prelims Agenda.

We will be holding LIVE Session on Answer Writing for Mains 2020 on 25th August 2020 at 11:00 AM 

In this session, we will discuss answer writing from the basics. So this one will be helpful for beginners as well.

But more importantly, we will discuss the changes that have taken place in the past 2 years. 

So those who have written Mains before will be able to relate to the answer writing issues. Since we will also discuss the basics, it may have the primary stuff as well, in addition to some fresh ideas for answer writing for Mains.

If you want to attend this Live session, you must register from the link provided below. Also, ask your questions which we can address in the session.

Time & Date: 11 AM, Sunday, October 25.

Registration Link: Registration Closed

LIVE Session on "Answer Writing for Mains 2020"

Note: Registration is mandatory to attend the session. No Youtube Videos will be provided. In case you have any doubts or queries, you can ask them on the registration page. They will be taken up in the session.

JD2021,alankritbhatia6382and19 otherslike this


Hope the video is uploaded on this thread like the previous session so we can watch it at 1.5-2x

Please do confirm the same

Akbar_Birbal,sonderand8 otherslike this
Hi sir u said that in previous video good presentation may fetch u marks which u r students did earlier is it really works with out content as i see the toppers answers most of them wrote general content is it ok to write the same v.....n or some rams content to clear exam 
sonder,Kapiushonand2 otherslike this
where can I see the past videos?
titanium17,2sharrj02and1 otherslike this

Hope the video is uploaded on this thread like the previous session so we can watch it at 1.5-2x

Please do confirm the same

Lol, I thought Sir already speaks very fast. And here people can watch it at 1.5-2x speed. I need 0.5x and 0.75x

ArchAngel96,Koro-Senseiand1 otherslike this
where do we get the topper's copies uploaded already?
please provide the answer copies of toppers mentioned by sir.

@Neyawn Please do also touch upon approaching GS3. Also how to conclude an answer.




listen @10:26

I tend to differ with him slightly here. 'Pros' can never mean explaining the phenomenon! For and Against something literally means one has to argue by putting logic in favor of something and against something- always. 

 IMO, what he meant to say was that there are several ways to cover both sides of an issue. 

It is preferred, when writing answers, specially in questions which demand critical analysis or are opinion based questions, to give both sides of the issue rather than talking about just one.

One way to proceed with is by giving pros and cons. The second way, as per him, is to give explanations as to why some things happen followed by their cons. For example, in  topics such as Violence against women, one cannot give pros of such a topic but can definitely give cons. To make one’s answer holistic and cover both sides of the issue, one can give reasons/explanations as to why violence against women occur followed by its harm/s. This is what I interpreted and understood by what he was saying in the session.

If you are interested in knowing the context behind what he is talking about, also if time permits, go to the GS4 discussion thread and visit pages 8 to 11. Pay emphasis on four users and read carefully what they are saying. The four users are upsc2020, Neyawn, Rashiv and TheNotorious(me). You will understand better what he meant to say in the answer writing session post going through the pages I mentioned on the GS 4 vala thread. Cheers 🍻 


Sir, please can we have a sesion on people who could not clear prelims and what strategy to adopt next?


Is it advisable to come Delhi now?

How to maintain tempo if we prepare from other areas and don't have 

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