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[RESULTS] CSE 2023 Results Declared! Congratulations to all!



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I just saw after your comment. 

It is Wonderful Sir, at least you are taking feedback from genuine concerns of students. The GAP idea is well thought.

Also, clearly mentioning on the comments section that the copy can be discussed with a mentor & even re-evaluated is appreciated 🙌🏻

No. not ( just ) that. I am talking about what was being rewarded for past 3-4 years vs what again has changed this year. Actual UPSC. Think along how humanities students have done vs engineer. also look at top ranks ( at the bottom ranks it is all mixed up. )

I am not sure Sir. I haven’t analysed this year’s results. However,Please enlighten us with your invaluable insights !

Take a look at copied with good scores now ,then during past two years, then before 2020. You should see the difference.

Aise kaise nahi chamka ?

Sir can you share some insights on this 

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