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Recurring Feeling of Incompletion and being lost on journey

Why i am feeling even after studying for like 2 and half month for mgp, a recurring feeling of an incomplete and haphazard preparation. Given till now like 9 test of mgp starting from july and not understanding like what is actually happening with me. Fearing of this feeling, i feel like i am much much much behind in my preparation as compare to other crowd who are studying day and night. I am completing test syllabus but not like properly or fully and even if i am writing test i am feeling that i am not thinking through various dimensions. Constantly dissatisfied with my performance. What should i do? Any suggestions. @Neyawn sir and others

Sunflowerr,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this


I'm pretty sure everyone is going through same feelings, a few are probably ahead of you in quality and quantity of preparation and a few behind you but the feelings/experience are more or less same. I'm doing this and I'd suggest the same for you.

1. Check topper copies of MGP-2022 (not good copies, check topper copies, I believe they are different) and see the quality of those answers in terms of how generic points they wrote, how many interesting examples etc. and compare with yours.

2. After the exam, pick one or two questions, go back to your notes and see if you have to re-write the answers with the notes open, what all would you write. If that improves the quality and takes you near the quality of topper copies. If yes, then atleast notes are in place, the exam quality will fall in place slowly (atleast let's hope).

3. Show your copies to others and get some peer feedback on what they think. 

Enjoy !

Deepak802,D503and4 otherslike this

धीमे क़दमों पर यूँ मायूस न हो ऐ दोस्त

के पहाड़ कभी दौड़कर नहीं चढ़े जाते - अबरार मुल्तानी

You can check CSE 2023 thread ,you will find many companions there ,who are on the same ship ( going through same phase or situation )

You will surely improve with time. Best wishes.
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