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[OFFICIAL] SFG 2021 | Level 2 | Details and Important Announcements

Can SFG accommodate working people as well? My office hours are from 9am to 5:30pm. I can afford schedules in the morning and evening times.

Please respond (in affirmative 🙏🐼).

@Rashmirathi thank you for the info!


From when does the month start for the purpose of payment? As the course will start from 22nd March, shall we consider the month to start from then only?@forumiasacademy 


Can someone please clarify the exact difference between SFG and RLG except the fees that need to be paid?

As per the details, what I understand is both groups are allowed to write the tests and get ranks.. right??


I am not sure if this is the right thread to raise doubts related to SFG-2 questions but in today's test (Day_2) Q11

Which of the following laws cannot be invalidated even if they violated Fundamental Rights?

1. Taking over of any property by the State.

2. Amalgamations of two or more Public Sector Companies.

3. Premature cancellation of mining leases by the State government.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

a 1 and 2 only
b 2 and 3 only
c 1 and 3 only
d 1, 2 and 3

It says ans to be D, but Laxmi says that state govt laws w.r.t 31-A are not immune from JR unless they are reserved for Prez consideration and have received his assent. 
So ans should be "A" IMO. 

Refer to Page 7.26 column 2 of 6th edition lakshmikant

Umm what I meant was this. See red box. 

Or maybe am understanding it wrong 

Yeah.. I get your point. The box talks about another level of check before giving immunity to such laws. But point a and b are also mentioned in the same para (a and c). So even a can't be the answer. We're left with D only.

Seems the question has been framed in a rather broader sense.

Correct please if I'm getting it wrong.

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