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[OFFICIAL] SFG 2021 | Level 2 | Details and Important Announcements

Wrt question no. 1 in today's sfg test, 

onsider the following statements, with reference to the election and impeachment of the President:

1. During election of the President only elected members of the Parliament take part whereas during impeachment both the elected and nominated members of Parliament take part.

2. The sum of the value of votes of all MLAs is equal to the sum of value of votes of all MPs.

3. The process of impeachment is a purely executive process done by the legislators.

Statement  1 should be correct. Because, the statement talks about elected members of parliament vis a vis nominated members of parliament. Taking it forward, it says 'only' elected members of parliament and not elected members of only parliament. The placing of word only makes the whole difference to the statement.  Had it been the latter, the statement would have been wrong.

The solution set provides that statement 1 is wrong. 

@forumiasacademy  could you please help clarify this doubt?




Q. 3 today's test. Removal of VP , shouldn't it be effective majority? But the keys say absolute majority?@Neyawn @forumiasacademy 

Same should be effective majority ( majority of the then members of the house)

@forumiasacademy  please clarify


Q.12) Consider the following statements:
1. For removal of members of SPSC (State Public service commissions), the Governor has to refer the matter to High court for an enquiry.
2. For removal of members UPSC (Union Public service commissions), the President has to refer the matter to Supreme Court for an enquiry.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans) b

Issue with the question:
President has to refer the matter to SC only in certain cases. In majority cases of removal, he doesn't have to refer the matter to SC.

"For removal of members UPSC (Union Public service commissions), the Presidenthasto refer the matter to Supreme Court for an enquiry." - statement would be false.

I second that. It is a partial statement.



Q.12) Consider the following statements:
1. For removal of members of SPSC (State Public service commissions), the Governor has to refer the matter to High court for an enquiry.
2. For removal of members UPSC (Union Public service commissions), the President has to refer the matter to Supreme Court for an enquiry.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans) b

Issue with the question:
President has to refer the matter to SC only in certain cases. In majority cases of removal, he doesn't have to refer the matter to SC.

"For removal of members UPSC (Union Public service commissions), the Presidenthasto refer the matter to Supreme Court for an enquiry." - statement would be false.

I second that. It is a partial statement.

Comparing S1 and S2 we have to decide both considering a general statement.

If we will go at very depth of the statement then we know correct requirement will suffice only by a full paragraph on removal having  5+ conditions along with SC judge  Enquiry. UPSC always have such statement which it want to answer them considering general one only.

Well, not really. Four words would suffice- 'in case of misbehaviour', not a full paragraph :p

Second, it is not a general statement. Reference to the SC is in the particular case of misbehaviour and not otherwise.

However, I get the point of taking the two statement together and answering in that context.  Now, that may or may not be held correct all the time.

This seems to be an exercise in hindsight, for you can defend the correctness as well as the incorrectness of your stance. Sadly for us, that is not a very productive exercise to undertake for prelims.

Lesson of the story: when in doubt, leave the question.

unable to open the test screen


still not working

@UK01 I second that.
The statement says 'after' the election


The correct ans should be 3 only because there had been suppression of basic liberties since the beginning of WWII but what reasons compelled Gandhiji to launch the struggle in 1942 was primarily the failure of cripps mission and the impending threat of Japanese invasion


I have a doubt not pertaining to the sfg test but frm modern history itself. If anyone can be of help, that will be great!!

As per the Mountbatten plan, independence for princely states was ruled out- they would join either India or Pakistan.

On July 5,1947 the British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act which was based on the Mountbatten Plan.

However, the Act granted freedom to the princely states either to join the Dominion of India or of Pakistan or to remain independent.

How do you reconcile the two different positions taken wrt Indian princely states??


@UK01 thanks!!

@ForumIAS-Academy With regard to the note issued on doubts related to Test paper 18. 'How the movement began(started)' and ' The movement started as'....both the statements will have the same answer or am I missing the point here??   
PS: I didn't raise the doubt wrt this question but the clarification has put me in doubt :p
Kindly help!

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