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SFG 2022 - Level 2 | Program Starts 14th March 2022

For any from Law background 

Under what jurisdiction (original or appellate etc.... ) does judicial review petition of supreme court comes under? For example The NJAC petition challenging the 99th CAA comes under what jurisdiction? (Slightly confused since nowhere the constitution mentions that SC can review legislative enactments except for their violation of FRs). Please help.. Thanks in Advance 

Thank You@Lawstice for your reply but.....
Article 13 Says
(1)All laws in force in the territory of India immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, in so far as they areinconsistent with the provisions of this Part, shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void
(2) The State shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the rights conferred bythis Partand any law made in contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of the contravention, be void.

But Article 13 specifically deals with "this part" ie is Part III. It doesnot speak of other Laws (including Amendments etc) violative of other constitutional provisions.
@Lawstice exit polls by definition are the surveys taken after the polling is completed.
@Lawstice  I'm neither a senior player nor@Neyawn . But I have an opinion for your query. I feel your anxiety is misplaced. According to me the time spent(4 hrs) for SFG is worth the bucks. Cause the "opportunity cost" of not writing SFG is:
1. No periodic evaluation and hence no accountability 
2. Lack of direction and pondering what to study and what not to.
3. No external motivation and that extra push factor 
4. Not completing the syllabus within time.

BTW this is my most efficient utilisation of the 4 hrs of the day.

And there are many other "positive externalities" which are subjective and cannot be accounted. 
Hence for me if SFG was extended by 1 more month till the last day before prelims I will be happy to enroll.
Hope it helps. Cheers.

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