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[Official] SFG 2024 Level-1 Discussion & Queries thread

I have a few doubts about students joining the SFG online:

  1. It is written that they will always remain in the RLG group. Does it mean they will NEVER be considered for upgradation to SFG when there's a shifting from RLG to SFG after every week? Eventually, it means the online guys are effectively getting enrolled for RLG only, and will be out if they reach the bottom 10% of RLG??
  2. What about the discussion classes for online students? How and at what time will we get access to them? Will it be live for us or the recorded version?
  3. Will SFG level-1 have CSAT questions in it? If not, any other thing for preparation of CSAT along with SFG?

    I also request you to put details of SFG Online vs Offline in the post itself. Thanks a lot!

The 'My courses' page is showing an error. Not able to access my test.



Hi all
My question reading speed is very slow. Like I could barely complete 1 round of today's(Thursday) economy SFG test. Forget about 2nd round!!!
I have tried a few things to fix it but don't see much improvement. Can anyone suggest some ways to work on this issue?
@Neyawn @BadmoshRaja69 or anyone else, please?


Hi all 

Can anyone please tell me about good sources for daily CSAT practice? Most of the sources I find are not aligned with UPSC CSAT PYQs. 

Any guidance in this direction would be greatly appreciated.


Is it just me, or is the 'Solutions' tab not showing up for everyone in the 'Review Results' option? @farejul 

@farejul Working for today (29th January) but not working for 27th January test.

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