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SFG Level 2 - We need your suggestions!


@Rashmirathi  Your take?

Hi sir 

Sir it’s very good decision to include FLTs (should be conducted on Sunday)in SFG program also inclusion of csat questions ( if possible limit these questions to maths and reasoning as all are English champions ) As fear of csat is real for many and it will help them solve adequate number of questions so that they are able to sail through it As said Fear is an illness , if we catch it and leave it untreated it can consume us so we have to face it .

Plz keep the timing same at any cost and quality of sfg should not be compromised.

As many like me only does SFG  as -

It’s difficult to swim against the tides.

But if we manage to do it,

Then we may find a shore that nobody has ever seen and that shore is clearing prelims with good margin 

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand 😊🙏🏻

@Rashmirathi Not everyone is english champion for sure (including me). And I would certainly want to focus on english comprehensions. Including CSAT questions in the GS tests is highly discouraging for people like me who want to give both GS and CSAT tests separately.

I don't understand the determination to cook khichdi here. When everybody is finding ways to make tests closer to UPSC pattern, we are discussing a deviation from it by mixing two different papers which require equal yet separate focus.

Anyways, I rest my case here. 

Ye bhi hai ,totally understand 😊🙏🏻

Thank you.

Then@Neyawn sir there can be a weekly csat test( as was the case earlier ) and inclusion of current affairs that too topic wise with every test like polity current affairs with polity sectional test 

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