1.FLT optional: as some may have already taken/doing FLT from other institutes etc.
2. Focus on S&T, environment is appreciated as long as it can reach on par UPSC 23 levels of std.
3. Recommend movingnonessential offline facilities to cheaper remote location.Also noteFORUM does not need to stay in Delhi where rent is highest and aspirants densest.Forum has the quality to decide where the centre is and aspirants will simply follow suit. So simply move to better ideal location with an eye to the future expansion (in a phased manner) and students will follow.
4.Increase the numberof students to earn more:reduce upfront costof pgms (2-3L) by also making many inbuiltfeatures as optional available by paying extra.Eg: limit on mentorship, specific mentors paynent. Choice on correcting faculties, additional consultation fees etc.
5. Choice tojoin specific classesdependingupon the specificneeds.