@Msss for numbers we all have to work.
@pen will it be right to copy paste
guys spread it@pen @FinalMission
@FinalMission the truth is i am not eligible for exam i am 34....i am just supporting u all and my wife...this is her last attempt and the date written after my name is her birth date coz she was not able to prepare all these years bcoz of family prblm so i want all of you who faced similar problems get a fair chance.
@pen not even half of the people of that fb grp who liked your post have signed this.I dont understand why so??
@pen i am not preparing for upsc...i never did...i have a business...and i am here to just help you all get a fair chance
@FinalMission idk him??
I have filed my grievance please you all should also do it.Just copy paste my grievance if you dont have idea of your own.
"I want to bring to your notice that studies of many UPSC and other exam aspirants has suffered due to covid 19 pandemic. Many aspirants are preparing since long time but, due to the pandemic, last moment studies which is primarily required in exams like UPSC has suffered a lot. Even some students pay fees to coaching institutes in delhi and other places for test papers which are held at 2-3 mths before the exams. Other who left their jobs for preparation of exam have to rejoin their jobs due to change in exam schedule. Many UPSC aspirants belong to medical field and so they have to join their services so as to help fight corona and so they are the most affected aspirants as they have to work more than the required hour.Other left for their hometown (or small villages) where they have lack of resources to study like internet,books,newspapers .etc.
So i urge PM and DOPT on behalf of all the students to help us by providing one time age and attempt relaxation in UPSC exams so that the students having last attempt can get fair chance to prepare and appear for the exam."
@Msss closed it.??as if??
@pen but 2019 candidates were not affected due to this.They cleared all their rounds when there was no pandemic.Only interview of 700 candidates was affected and only some of them objected in going for interviews.Its illogical to demand attempt for them.
Infact students who will appear in 2020 are facing the prblm bcoz of lockdown.
did u all join this grp for compensatory attempt??