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So where are you? How are you studying? And how much is your efficiency?

I came back to home after UPSC again decided to postpone the actual date announcement on 20th May. Studying mostly ethics and optional right now. How are you guys doing? What does your timetable look like?



I am at my home. Left my room just about the lockdown time. Cozy. At first it was full of disturbance, Family watched Ramayan and Mahabharat thanks to a certain Minister having an Anotoinette moment ( If they dont have bread, why dont they eat cake ).

I have somehow adjusted. Made peace. Studies are severly affected. When I come here, I feel the pressure to study. When I log off, I do nothing. Thats my story. What is yours?

Badly need some motivation right now!


I came to my home after UPSC again decide to postpone the announcement further. Not able to concentrate fully but still better than being stuck in a room.

April and May were disastrous for me. I almost felt that I have pushed myself out of the race. Trying hard to regain momentum now.


Wasted half of the May procrastinating about the postponement and devising a further strategy for the exam. Made a concrete plan for June today, hoping that pre is not going to take place until August. Planning to get back with full force by tomorrow.

Was preparing from my hometown only but was used to studying in the library. Libraries are closed for 3 months now. Not able to study at home. Feel like I am wasting such a golden opportunity. 
Libraries won't open anytime soon either. I talk to my buds here and they are all saying they need Library at least 30 days prior to exams. Literally nobody I have interacted with says they are happy with the lockdown as they now have more time to study.
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