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Sociology Optional : Resources, strategy etc

I've made my 40-day and 90-day plans for Socio and for Mains. There are a bunch of good sociology topper blogs from last 2-3 years, I've spent the last 2 days going through that + past-years toppers' answer booklets. Answer-writing has been my consistent biggest issue, though it's improved over successive mains. 

Literally all the advice is out there, my own personal reality over successive failures is that I didn't implement it to the fullest extent.

Vision no longer has a socio test series, na?

I'll probably stick with ForumIAS. Vajiram's faculty are brilliant but I had bad experiences with the actual answer-writing part of their tests, even if their question papers are fantastic (so will try to get my hands on those probably). No experience with Praveen Sir's system, but my problem with these places has always been that you need to really establish a connection with the profs to stick out and get enough personalised etc feedback, and I've never been good at that. 

@MaeveWiley  thanks!

Does anyone have some topic-wise compilation of past years' questions? 

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