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Sociology answer writing for 2024

A sincere and serious aspirant who is planning to write 2024 Mains, can we start writing 2 questions of Sociology PYQ daily and mutually evaluate eachother's answer. 

Mine would be first attempt in 2024, anybody with similar commitment and orientation are most welcome. 

Please DM me, if interested. We'll sail together. 



I’m writing my first mains with lots of uncertainty in my mind. Though I found a partner through this post itself, and in fact wrote and evaluated our answers. But things didn’t turn out the way I thought of. I’ve been a bit insecure of my self confidence. Anyways, leaving it here. Will give my best with all the tools and techniques at my disposal! Will keep updating this…!

As@Neyawn Sir always says, “I didn’t come this far to come only this far!” 🤞🏻✊🏼



After writing first mains, I’m fully satisfied with myself. This is not because of any ‘expectations’ or any other ‘hope’. It’s all because of simple reason that I completed all the papers which I never ever imagined even in my dreams. I was surprised myself, how did it happen, but credits to@Neyawn sir’s guidance just a week before the paper. His lines kept fuelling me and my motivation. “ IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO CLEAR PRELIMS, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO CLEAR MAINS AS WELL”, He emphasised, along with having the mindset of “ONE SWORD TWENTY ENEMIES”. These two lines worked for me in completing all the papers. I’m not talking of the content quality because thats the Examiner’s headache to judge I can only hone myself with such skill while practicing answers, 50-60% of which gets reflected while execution during actual paper, this I experienced. 

No regrets, No grudges! Just gratitude for everything which accompanied me till this stage! 🫡🙌

It was all a very wonderful experience to write my first mains, will get back to work again for sharpening my ‘SWORD’. 

……leaving it here! 



After writing first mains, I’m fully satisfied with myself. This is not because of any ‘expectations’ or any other ‘hope’. It’s all because of simple reason that I completed all the papers which I never ever imagined even in my dreams. I was surprised myself, how did it happen, but credits to@Neyawn sir’s guidance just a week before the paper. His lines kept fuelling me and my motivation. “ IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO CLEAR PRELIMS, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO CLEAR MAINS AS WELL”, He emphasised, along with having the mindset of “ONE SWORD TWENTY ENEMIES”. These two lines worked for me in completing all the papers. I’m not talking of the content quality because thats the Examiner’s headache to judge I can only hone myself with such skill while practicing answers, 50-60% of which gets reflected while execution during actual paper, this I experienced. 

No regrets, No grudges! Just gratitude for everything which accompanied me till this stage! 🫡🙌

It was all a very wonderful experience to write my first mains, will get back to work again for sharpening my ‘SWORD’. 

……leaving it here! 

Congratulations 👏.

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