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[Speculation] When is Civil Services Exam 2021 final result expected?

Guys, any idea when is the CS Exam final result coming out? Last Interview is on May 26th as far as I can recall. Any guesses?

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand11 otherslike this


I'm happy to share that i managed to clear CSE in my fifth attempt with an under 30 rank. Luck finally favoured me and i could get my desired service i.e IAS.

Its the first time I entered the final list.

Im a very old member of this forum community, right from its quest and even before. I've seen many people in this platform, cleared and finally i got my turn.

I  wish all the aspirants all the very best for upcoming prelims. I request them not to give up hope, especially during preparation phase and work sincerely.

This exam nature is that there is immense competition and few seats, so failure rate is very high. Also since the papers are descriptive , there is lot of subjectivity. My optionals scores across attempts from 2017, (263,281,215,248,297) shows it, despite giving my best in every attempt. So one needs a lot of patience and perseverance. Also , try avoiding attributing success and failure to your own capabilities. Keep faith in your self. Don't compare yourself with others and disrespect yourself.

Keep giving the exam with your best efforts, till fortune favours you

Also i believed having a strong backup or plan B after my failure in 3rd attempt (i joined job and prepared while working in 4th and 5th attempt) really helped me keep my spirits high.


Ill write a detailed strategy and share it by this weekend, so that it can help aspirants appearing for mains.

Thanks a lot for this community and wish everyone all the very best.

root,Neyawnand63 otherslike this

Didn’t clear this time. But then again, I never thought I would get this far in the journey. A part of me (a large part if I’m being honest) was hoping that this would have been a flowers and roses kind of message here. But it looks like this coconut has a little bit longer, and a few more storms to brave before it reaches its destination. Having said that, I couldn’t have done this without my absolute constants, my gang, my support system. We met by chance because@Infinitybeyondinfinity stumbled upon YPT and created a closed group. This initiative was taken forward by @florican who led to me to some of the best people I have had the privilege of meeting in this journey@HeNeArKr @Steph_Curry @Celeborn @Rashmirathi @Purplesunbird @sstarrr @ToBeDiplomat @THE_MECHANIC @kingslayer . Theh are literally the best people who have listened to my fair share of cribbing, terrible puns and random heart-to-hearts quite patiently. As for@sjerngal and@AzadHindFauz i couldn’t have been prouder for you, two people i have the privilege  of calling my friends, and preparing for the interview together as well. Academy jaake bhul mat jana, bhoot banke khoon  choosungi warna aur GS me help bhi kar dena 

to the rest of you brave souls who fought this fight and find your name in the list please accept my heartiest congratulations. I hope you will do your service and the nation proud. To those who haven’t found your name in this list, you have fought a good fight, never forget that. We may be down but not out. Aaj chahe sukhi roti mile, kal bread zaroor mileage. As always, lets get this bread!

jack_Sparrow,DMand52 otherslike this
Hi everyone. Got AIR 172. Thanks to this place for the always helpful discussions and prompt suggestions. 
Neyawn,DMand46 otherslike this

It was a long day today. 
A long day after a really really long night of hard work and toil.
I joined Forum about a year ago and it has been my constant companion since then. 
I had been preparing from home and was almost alone in this preparation , before I stumbled on this beautiful community.

I just noticed that I have 978 comments on forum and through all those comments, this community has seen me grow. I havebenefitted from this platform in so many ways - be it asking doubts, posting daily targets or sharing my issues with anxiety and mental health crisis. I have made this community my virtual diary, that has seen all the highs and lows that I have gone through as an aspirant in the past one year. 

I wish I had found this beautiful place much earlier. 

I have met so so many amazing people here and made great friends here. 

Special thanks to@Steph_Curry @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr @LetsGetThisBread @Rashmirathi @Infinitybeyondinfinity @Purplesunbird @Celeborn @sstarrr @Falcon @mechanic :heart:
I can be a big panic monster. Thanks for being so patient with me and being there for me, whenever I have doubted myself. You have been some of my loudest cheerleaders. And a mere thank you is not sufficient from my side , to express gratitude for you .. It would not have been possible without you all..

Would also take a moment to thank@Neyawn . I am not sure if you remember that video call I had with you in the initial days of December 2021.. One month before the mains, I had almost given up.. That one video call with you was like a breath of fresh air. Just what I needed at that point of time. I will forever be indebted to you. 
Thank you so so so much for being just the right kind of friend, philosopher and guide that one needs. 

As for the other awesome people of this community, I have just one thing to say.

Ek din mei sab nahi milta, lekin ek din sab milta hai"...If your hardwork and dedication is honest enough, you will make it.. Nobody can stop you.  .. The result may be delayed, but you will get it for sure. 

P.S: I am an addict of this platform, so I will lurk around here for a while. Please feel free to DM or tag for anything that you might want to ask or share.. 

jack_Sparrow,DMand37 otherslike this

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes ... 
I have not been able to thank each one of you personally... but be assured that your wishes have reached straight to my heart. 
Forever grateful to this beautiful community.. :heart:

jack_Sparrow,DMand35 otherslike this

Honestly, I was only aware of two people - Azad and Sjerngal from the forum, whom I also met offline to be from forum making it till the Interview. And preeti from CGP.

My heart sinks when people from forum don't make it. You see, I may have been a rebel ( in my times ) to believe that a forum could be such an enabler in disspiating - if nothing - then the very belief that rankholders and toppers are people among us - sometimes they are more hardworking or methodical than us, and sometimes they are luckier than us - and thats it - there are no other differences. 

I am a little elated, being a silent observer reading comments of people - who were active members of this community - and made it.

This week has had mixed feeling.

Forum got Rank 1 from MGP after CSE 2017 - and that is after 4 years. That was a good news. Some of my favourtie students ended up getting IAS, some of them, did not get IAS. Two of the people whom I thought would make it, somehow did not make it to the list - and I was pained to see them cry. ( Deep within, I know they will make it under 100 in the next attempt , and I told them so, and also added, this is for me to know, and for you - you only have to know that you have not made it, and you must put work i the next attempt - without knowing the results.)

And then the untimely demise of KK came as a painful shock to anyone who lived to hear him in the 90s. It did put me in a philosophical mood, thinking about how unpredictable life is. Listened to the song - Hum Rahein Ya na Rahein Yaad aayenge ye pal - for sometime in a loop.

Things are changing at a fast pace in how things work in IAS Coachings. I am confident that in the coming years, Forum will continue to help people get a top rank - and get better every year - though I am not sure it will be able to "afford" them.

My congratulations to every single one of you who made it from the community.

To be honest, the feeling is more that of personal gratitude, for when people actively seen around here succeed, they reinforce the philosophy behind this community.

I believe in the transformative role this community can play in an aspirants' success. Even if no one else believes in it.

For those of you who did not, remember the toppers of today are the failures of yesterday. Your time will come. And when it does, you won't know how things simply fell in place.


I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

dalpha,DMand33 otherslike this

Many congratulations to forum community members who got their desired service. Thank you all for your wishes. I made a tough decision to quit my job to prepare full-time. It took me 4 years to taste success in this examination. I'm relieved now, but the journey will continue. 

Whatever it is you're doing out there, don't lose hope, you just keep digging and things will work out. 

Neyawn,dalphaand33 otherslike this

Thanks all for your wishes. I’m sorry to not thank you all individually but let it be known I am very grateful for each and every wishes. I consider myself fortunate to be in this position. I remember that day in previous attempt when I couldn’t see myself in final list, and I saw others who made it and in that very moment I decided one day I’ll get in and post that I got selected. Here I am. And I’m very certain that you all will make it. Yes, you will. 

Just don’t lose hope. Trust me I’m very pessimistic person (Supporting Arsenal is the main reason 😅) but this exam requires you to be very hopeful and optimist. And that’s exactly what worked in this attempt. So dont lose hope in yourself. Good luck all :) 

Aurora,GaneshGaitondeand31 otherslike this
Hi all. Was not at all expecting myself to see in the final list. But here I am. Just wanted to express my gratitude to all community members for being helpful. Did learn many things from here. 
PS: May or may not get IFS. It’s borderline. So it’s likely that my aspirant journey may continue. So I would like to continue with “Arsene” for time being. Thanks. 
jack_Sparrow,Caesarand29 otherslike this
Cleared . Not the desired rank and service though. Still grateful. 
jack_Sparrow,Auroraand25 otherslike this

As a silent spectator, i have been benefitted by forum community especially in my previous attempt to remain sane and gain some insights.@AzadHindFauz and@sjerngal success makes me happier. 

@Neyawn 's advice on approach to interview helped me definetly. His mails before exam is always a delight (including most recent ones). Thanks to all! 

PS. got selected finally

Neyawn,DMand25 otherslike this

Rank 221.

Thank you ForumIAS community.

Neyawn,DMand22 otherslike this

Had a long, tiring day today, so I guess the rant above is coming from there. The day ended well today. Could not have asked for more.

Met Pragya before leaving from work, who said ( and rehearsed ) a quote from my blog post that I wrote last year - jo mehant ka saath nahi chhorte, mehnat unka saath nahi chhorti. The wonderful lady from Gurugram was very humble, down to earth and will be probably joining IFS with a rank 91 this year. The writer in me was elated, so cant complain.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Fireheart,DMand22 otherslike this

@sjerngal many many congratulations🎉🥳👏

jack_Sparrow,DMand21 otherslike this

Got rank 546 

Relieved a bit !

Lekin abhi aur mehnat karni h !!

Neyawn,DMand20 otherslike this

Congratulations   @CSLWARRIOR  @AzadHindFauz   @Arsene  @TheFinalStand @Pam123 @Bubba_gump @Apollo11    .. It feels really nice to see so many from the community getting into the list. Hoping to meet you all in the FC.. :heart:

Neyawn,DMand18 otherslike this
I could not do this time also. I improved my marks by 152 from last year but still missed the cut off by 43 marks. I got very less in PT, just 143. Now, I have started preparing for prelims again with heavy heart.
Aurora,BattingBabaand17 otherslike this

Mat Karo yaar. Prelims ka padhne do :D

It's likely on 27th May.

Last day is 26th, then it should be out by the same Saturday. In all likleihood, commission will declare the result after closing their office for Saturday.

Bests@AzadHindFauz You have no idea how much I want you and a few others to make it from the forum ( community ) with a Top Rank. No pressure though.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

DM,AzadHindFauzand14 otherslike this
Prelims marks are almost exactly equal to what I was getting according to forumias key. I haven’t matched the key yet.  But now I know what to rely on post prelims.

Don't rely on any key. Forum got 7 questions wrong. 
I wasted initial 20 days thinking I won't qualify but ended up getting a pretty safe margin over the cutoff. So pls don't rely upon any coaching answer key. But yeah, forum and vision keys are better compared to others. 

BattingBaba,discoFighterand13 otherslike this


Mat Karo yaar. Prelims ka padhne do :D

It's likely on 27th May.

Last day is 26th, then it should be out by the same Saturday. In all likleihood, commission will declare the result after closing their office for Saturday.

Bests@AzadHindFauz You have no idea how much I want you and a few others to make it from the forum ( community ) with a Top Rank. No pressure though.

* Immense Pressure *

Fingers crossed.

DM,SAand12 otherslike this
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