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[Speculation] When is Civil Services Exam 2021 final result expected?

Didn’t clear this time. But then again, I never thought I would get this far in the journey. A part of me (a large part if I’m being honest) was hoping that this would have been a flowers and roses kind of message here. But it looks like this coconut has a little bit longer, and a few more storms to brave before it reaches its destination. Having said that, I couldn’t have done this without my absolute constants, my gang, my support system. We met by chance because@Infinitybeyondinfinity stumbled upon YPT and created a closed group. This initiative was taken forward by @florican who led to me to some of the best people I have had the privilege of meeting in this journey@HeNeArKr @Steph_Curry @Celeborn @Rashmirathi @Purplesunbird @sstarrr @ToBeDiplomat @THE_MECHANIC @kingslayer . Theh are literally the best people who have listened to my fair share of cribbing, terrible puns and random heart-to-hearts quite patiently. As for@sjerngal and@AzadHindFauz i couldn’t have been prouder for you, two people i have the privilege  of calling my friends, and preparing for the interview together as well. Academy jaake bhul mat jana, bhoot banke khoon  choosungi warna aur GS me help bhi kar dena 

to the rest of you brave souls who fought this fight and find your name in the list please accept my heartiest congratulations. I hope you will do your service and the nation proud. To those who haven’t found your name in this list, you have fought a good fight, never forget that. We may be down but not out. Aaj chahe sukhi roti mile, kal bread zaroor mileage. As always, lets get this bread!



 Can any one else tell me how bad is my GS. Optional is Fucked up. But what about GS and Essay?

Are they giving less marks in philosophy in general or something else?🥺 Koi topper h philosophy se is baar?

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