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UPSC CSE 2025 Related Discussion

@UPSCCA Hi, I think this is your first attempt, because you are so very focused on choosing the right Current Affairs(CA) magazine.

So I wanted to ask you, have you done your optional? Written a test test series for the same? Have you thoroughly written any GS Test series? Or even read the basic books thoroughly?

Static has more weightage than any CA, at any given stage of the exam. You can read 3-4 CA magazine and even then you will find questions that you would have not read about in any magazine.

So its for the best that you pick up any magazine that you are comfortable with. It can be Forum, Vision, Vajiram or anything else for that matter. 

Also please stick to that, because there may be certain matters that have been not been covered in the current issue which would be covered in the next month, but if you FOMO and move to another magazine because of this you will miss out again on something else. 

Hope this solves your doubt, DM if you have further questions.

@Topper2020 SFG and if you have time pickup Vision and Vajiram.

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